how did they get elvis plane to graceland

The unassuming building launched the careers of not only Elvis Presley, but Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and many more. I'm standing on board a Convair 880 Jet, built in 1958 and flown by Delta Air Lines on routes across the US before being retired in the '70s. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express., Still the living, breathing heart of music in Memphis, Beale St is filled with neon-lit bars, each promising live music and cheap drinks. The musician chose the fabric, including blue suede for a couch, easy chairs, and other accents, and his wife Priscilla helped with other design flourishes. There are variety of packages available for visitors to Graceland, starting with the mansion-only tour, while others include the exhibitions and planes. Presley's Convair 880 cruised at 615 mph and had a maximum takeoff weight of 193,000 pounds, a range of 2,880 miles, and a wingspan of 120 feet. We had a little birthday party when it turned one, Martin shares. The music artist finally took to the skies onboard the renewed plane, registration N880EP, on November 27, 1975. var time=new Date(); The 2nd floor is private. Elvis' trip made the sandwich so famous it now has its own Wikipedia page. Instead, Priscilla and Lisa Marie have described how the star indulged his daughter while his own behaviour began to spiral into an overwhelming dependence on prescription drugs. By submitting your email you are agreeing to Nine Publishing's It cost the King $250,000 at the time ($1.2 million today). The recreation was built on what was once a horse paddock, near a flower farm, an area that had the right . Graceland estimates that over one billion" Elvis records have been sold worldwide across every musical format from vinyl to digital. Every item on this page was hand-picked by a House Beautiful editor. The leading independent voice for aviation news and insight. "Blonde" Was Filmed in Marilyn's Real Homes, Here's Every "Hocus Pocus 2" Filming Location. Presley paid $900,000 for the Hound Dog II, more than three times the amount spent on the Lisa Marie. The king is dead, but Graceland lives on. So, the two jets of one of the biggest musicians of all time look to remain at his Tennessee home. His stage swagger, swiveling hips, and crossover appeal laid the groundwork for scores of musicians to follow. 1 hits. It's not just the gaudy, '70s decor, it's the history and the decadence the very existence of this place. The interior features blue walls and red carpeting.