our lady of compassion feast day

. Grant that following your good counsel, I may avoid sin, practise virtue, save my soul and attain eternal life. You are Queen of the universe, not by force, but by the power of love. Your birth was represented beforehand by many figures, announced by prophets, desired for many ages by the human race. 2. Mercy is your special work in this drama of human life. For vain joys or small profits people sacrifice much. Aside from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, no human heart ever loved mankind so deeply as your heart, and, therefore, you wanted to unite your will to His, offering to Almighty God this Holy Sacrifice out of pure charity for the human race. The icon is now displayed in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, and the Russian calendar commemorates the feast of Our Lady of Vladimir on May 21. Mary, Mother of God, how beautifully you expressed your gratitude and humility! The prayers of the saints avail only in a limited way. Help me to make good use of the graces given me by God. All these souls were given to you by Jesus on the crossthey are your children. A great ball of fire appeared and stretched to a purple column 10,000 feet high and from its top burst a gigantic mushroom. Jesus is the only Mediator of justice, and by His merits He obtains for us all graces and salvation; but you are the Mediatrix of grace. The holy old man Simeon took your Son in his arms. 16, 24). More than ever before, we have need of your help today. By your Divine Motherhood you formed the closest bond of union with the adorable Trinity, the privileged Daughter of the Father, the loving Mother of the Son and the immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit. You know that you are the well-beloved Daughter of the Father, you embrace the Son; you are united to the Holy Spirit with a simplicity, a confidence, and a delicacy of love which belong to you alone, for in you alone there cannot be the remembrance of a moment in which you were opposed to God. You confidently accepted whatever God willed. From the knowledge of the Will of God you gathered the strength that was to uphold you at the foot of the Cross on which your Son hung, dying. It impels my mind to self-exaltation, because I am proud. How fervently your mother and father thanked God for having given you to them and begged Him to accept the offering which they were making! Mary, Mother of God, you are Mother of Grace, because you are begotten of you to the life of grace, and are indebted to you after Jesus, for our supernatural life. You conceived Him as victim, you prepared Him for this sacrifice beneath the cross you offered Him to the Father for our salvation. Help me to see that humility is nothing more nor less than a just and equal judgment of myself, my talents, my opportunities and the use I make of them. Then Satan could boast that he had overcome Jesus in you, His Mother. If you showed such compassion for the sufferings of others while on earth, and were so ready to relieve them, how much greater must your compassion be now that you are in heaven and understand so much better the difficulties your children meet with and the sufferings that afflict them? Jesus is the only Mediator of justice, and by His merits He obtains for us all graces and salvation but you are the Mediatrix of grace. Mary, My Mother, you were never without grace. This loving union will sustain me no matter how heavy my cross. Overshadowed by the power of the Holy Spirit, you were to conceive and bear the Messias, and at the same time remain a Virgin in every respect. Though declared blessed among women, yet you considered yourself the servant of two of God's beloved children. 3. You are the Virgin most pure. Moreover, I am confident that you will obtain for me. 3. Mary, by your humility, you became the Mother of your Creator. It was you who nourished and prepared the holy Victim who was offered to the Eternal Father in expiation of our sins. I cannot secure my salvation without these graces, for it is the grace of God which gives me light and strength to do good deeds. Ask Him to favor me with a ray of His brightness to enlighten the darkness of sin and ignorance in which I was born. Be merciful to us. Mary, My Mother, may the faithful recitation of the Rosary help me to remember God's love for me in becoming man for my salvation. because you have been, according to the Divine Plan, associated with Jesus in the work of Redemption, you have merited by a merit of fitness all that Christ has merited by a merit of justice, and God has made you the Giver of His Graces. How many sinners after losing hope have found refuge in you, and, under your protection, returned to God's grace! Through your prayers you will obtain forgiveness for my past negligence. By conforming themselves to the divine model of your Family, may they attain to eternal happiness. 3. Your Child, becoming the King of Martyrs, would make you their Queen. Mary, My Mother, you were to complete the offering of your Son, which you had begun on the day of His presentation in the temple. Mary, Mother of God, I choose you as my model of Eucharistic devotion. Mary, My Mother, your Son Jesus came to enlighten the world with His teaching and example. Led by divine inspiration to His house, you prepared yourself for your sublime dignity of Divine Motherhood in silence and solitude with God. We have the sublime dignity of being children of God by adoption; Jesus alone is His Son by nature. Today is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrows Lawain McNeil Sep 15, 2022 Lady of Sorrows from a triptych by the Master of the Stauffenberg Altarpiece, Alsace, c. 1455. Since this is the mission of your life, to bring souls to God through Jesus, lead me to your loving Son. Though worn with sorrow, you at once took your place at the foot of the cross. How many and how great then, were the graces you received in order to reach the eminent virtue that was yours when, on Calvary, you became the Queen of Martyrs. Eve was unbelieving and disobedient; you were believing and obedient. Help me, above all, so that by my good example I may enrich and ennoble every human being whose life I touch. We do not attribute to you the power of producing supernatural grace, even though you are the Mother of God, for this power belongs to God alone. The Catholic Church the Gospels, the sacraments, the Mother of Divine Grace as my advocatethese are among the special blessings with which I am favored. 2. Teach me to imitate you by accepting willingly all the suffering which my service of God involves, my struggles against temptation, my difficult acts of virtue, my little penancesin union with the Victim Jesus on the altar out of love for God and mankind. You thought only of praising Him as your greatest Benefactor when you exclaimed, "My soul praises the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my SaviorFor He who is mighty has done great things for me." Although it is true that Jesus in glory, by means of His divine wounds, is our intercessor before the Father and all God's gifts come to us through His merits, you are the all-powerful suppliant, through whom every prayer reaches up to Him and every grace comes down. Having carried within you Jesus Christ, the Son of God, you share, as no one else does, in your divine Son's holiness and purity. I look to you, Mother of Mercy. You abound in divine life for yourself; for us you abound in grace. Appeared to St. Jerome Emiliani, 1530 5. Aside from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, no human heart ever loved mankind as deeply as your Heart. You know all our needsneeds of body and needs of soulinfinitely better than a mother. I have been especially blessed as a Catholic, for God has given me graces which He has not given to everyone else. In doing so you uttered the most gracious act of humility that ever fell from human lips, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word." When Jesus said, "Woman, behold thy sonBehold thy Mother," He gave you to me to be my Mother for all Christians form one body with Christ, and Saint John represented them all beneath the cross. The Heart of Jesus was a suffering Heart, symbolized by the thorns encircling it, the cross above it, and the gash opened in its side. Mary, My Mother, may the faithful recitation of my Rosary show my gratitude to Jesus for having redeemed me on the cross and for having given you to me as my spiritual Mother. And I did this, not under the sudden influence of passion, but deliberately with full knowledge of the act, of its horrible malice in the sight of God and of the terrible consequences in which it involved me. The cross is the measure of God's love for us and the sum total of our love for God. It is impossible for any one to perish who sincerely and humbly cultivates devotion to you. The holy couple offered you to God by the ministry of the priest in charge, who invoked the blessing of God upon you and your parents. At the same time your name brings before me your virtues, your merits, your beauty. You treasured up all the words spoken by the holy angels concerning your divine Son, as well as those pronounced by the prophetess Anna and by holy Simeon when you presented your Son in the temple, and you prudently pondered them in your heart. With heavenly homage the angelic messenger greeted you "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women" (Luke 1, 28). If you receive me under your care, I shall fear nothing because devotion to you is an unfailing sign of salvation. Apparition Of The Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate (Our Lady of Lourdes), Feast, February 11 (Novena, February 2-10). 3. You did not have to wait until the end of time for the resurrection of your body. No wonder the angels were lost in admiration! Through your prayers, may Jesus make me live of His life through sanctifying and actual grace. 3. Mary, My Mother, give me an absolute trust in your help. I beg you to make me strong enough to bear my trials for the love of God so that I may become like you in suffering. Your willingness to suffer and to bear your cross in imitation of His own resignation to the will of God, made you especially dear to Him. 3. As the surest refuge for a child is the heart of its mother, so your Immaculate Heart is my refuge. Your loving submission to the Divine Will could not dry your tears, but it quieted the agony of your mother-heart. God prepared you for this exalted dignity by an extraordinary abundance of His graces, when He chose you to be the instrument of His mercy by making you the Mother of His divine Son. Your life with Jesus was one of the purest, most fervent, most perfect emotions of love to God, whom you sheltered within yourself. Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for the triumph of God's Kingdom upon earth. Your Immaculate Conception permitted you to love God from the first instant of your existence; your virginity led you to vow an undivided love to Him, your fullness of grace made you capable of loving Him with the most intense love possible. 2. Thus was fulfilled the prophesy that Christ would be born of the family of David. Your charity for the souls redeemed by the precious blood of your divine Son is so great that you ask mercy for those who flee to you for refuge, with all the earnest tenderness of a mother pleading for her only child. Mary, My Mother, the beloved disciple, St. John, tells us that "a great sign appeared in heaven: "a Woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars" (Apoc. Our Lady of Sorrows: Compassion Unlimited. I have carried my cross patiently which He gave me to carry. except through you. Parting with your dying Son was the height of your sorrow. You are a Model easy to imitate because you sanctified yourself in the ordinary, everyday life common to most of us by fulfilling those lowly household duties of a young woman a mother and by leading a hidden, retired life both in joy and in sorrow. You are, indeed, the ladder by which Christians may ascend to heaven; you are their greatest hope, and the whole ground of their hope. How much I worry about my physical health! The offering of your Son was continued in each Holy Mass ever to be offered, in each Holy Communion ever to be received, in each act of adoration and prayer before the Sacred Host. . If unfortunately I should lose this life by sin, you can bring me back to supernatural life. 2. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Mother of mankind and therefore the Help of Christians, the all-powerful suppliant. Fully acknowledging your unworthiness to be the Mother of Christ, you accepted the exalted privilege only in obedience to the divine will. To you then we owe the salvation which Jesus brought to us. Your holiness was not the result of the privilege of your Immaculate Conception and sanctifying grace alone, but it followed from your gift of yourself to God and your constant cooperation with His graces. Though you had already been assured by the angel that you were this happy Mother chosen by the Lord, you did not stop to rejoice in your exaltation. The Holy Spirit, who in virtue of your Son's merits lived in you, made you a living image of Jesus. The seven sorrows are: The prophecy of Simeon (Luke 2:25-35) Mary, Mother of God, I believe that as Mediatrix with Jesus you share also in His sovereign dominion over the universe. Intense love for the Infinite God withdrew your soul from this earthly life, and caused you death. Teach parents to care for their children as God's sacred trust, to guard them from sin and to lead them in the way of virtue. In his soul they saw no more than they see in each little soul as it leaves the baptismal font, grace having taken the place of original sin. Mary, My Mother, How perfectly you have followed the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and acted on divine wisdom! Jesus gave me your own dear self, His dearest possession, whom He loved so much that He, in a sense, exhausted His power to exalt you above all other creatures. For the sake of Jesus be mindful of me as you stand near Him who granted you the fullness of grace. Mary, Mother of God, your Heart is a counterpart of the Heart of Jesus. In your triumph, as the Mother of the same Word Incarnate, having perfectly followed out the great designs of God upon you, having acquired immense merits by the practice of all the virtues, and having reached the highest holiness, you were assumed body and soul, into Heaven. This intimacy with God was the soul of your soulyour very life. I beg you to ask God that I return His love with some of the generosity and fervor with which you loved Him. Mary, Mother of God, I turn to you in all my pressing needs and difficulties as to a most sure refuge. On April 3rd, the Priestly Society of St. Pius X will have the joy of celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Compassion for the first time in all our houses. Mary, you are Our Lady of Good Counsel because you are the Seat of Wisdom. I am your merciful mother, the merciful mother of all of you who live united in . Because of sanctifying grace infused into your soul, you were from the first moment of your existence most intimately united with God and endowed with the most precious gifts of heaven. This miraculous defeat broke the back . You saw Barabbas preferred to Jesus when the Roman governor showed the Man of Sorrows to the angry mob. With sincere contrition for my sins I cry to you for help. He was with you not only by a special protection guiding you in His ways and leading you securely to salvation. You heard Simeon's words as if they had been spoken to you by God Himself, "Behold, this child is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, and for a sign that shall be contradicted. At every moment you interest yourself in our behalf in heaven, and obtain for us by your prayers all the graces we need to reach salvation.

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our lady of compassion feast day