printer tts copypasta

As mentioned at the very beginning of this text, it is sometimes necessary to modify texts to be synthesized in order to make them compatible with the system constraints and achieve the expected output. You can generate curses to use in the TTS by using this website: Brian's speech synthesis algorithm uses a form of concatenation synthesis called, (sound to sound transitions) from a minimally sized database. When the person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain is giving the impression that something is questionable or dishonest, causing one to have the idea or impression that they are of questionable, dishonest, or dangerous character or condition. 8======D If for some reason the above doesnt work, you can use the following websites which emulate it: One advantage that cheering has over donations is that the max text limit is increased to 500 compared to the StreamElements page of 255. LPC analyzes the start of the speech signal by estimating the. Quite fast, Pronounced superscript a only effective if the symbols are spaced. 8======D 8======D Twitch Copypasta. Not sure how to explain. I feel numb. Oooluululu lulu. The Ting Goes Skarrah Sound. Subscribe to The FinanceTLDR Newsletter with. For some reason, the squaare spam makes Brian go super high pitched. 8======D four thousand three hundred (and) fifty eight, Uppercase Roman numerals in names of monarchs will be read as ordinal numbers preceded with the word. She asks for a divorce. Pispspsps. 8======D Sounds like lululululu, very obnoxious and loud. 8======D 8======D Meow. All I hear is the spurt of blood. Mr Tiny Mouse! We have seen you spend a large amount of time inefficiently upgrading your character, and this time is better spent Auto-Playing. An optional cardinal direction, N, E, S, or W, may be included with an optional space in between the geographic coordinate and the cardinal direction. This means that in order to get the correct positive value of a good girl there needs to be an exponential factor involved here. I have to print out chat in order to read it. You have contributed absolutely nothing to any semblance of discussion, and your one word comment at the top has taken away from the others who have commented real things below you. VoHiYo VoHiYo VoHiYo And my pyramid still higher!!!!!! The banananana, more like a nananah sound, 13. If we have 136 or more, Brian will simply say seven seven seven seven, etc. 8======D Slow. How to Change Location on Facebook Dating? oolu Lulu lulu. 5, St. George, CA 12345 will be pronounced, avenue, suite five, saint george california one two three four five, nine seven eight five five five two three four five, 1-800-555-1234 ex. 8======D xQc doesnt know Pepega Clap -> Xqcdoesntknowpepegaclap, xQc you are 99.9% Pepega -> Xqcyouare99point9percentpepega. Login or Sign up to access this! 8======D Fixed version of @@@@ gun sound effect. It often originates from meme culture or a lengthy forum post. Speed of TTS can be modified several different ways, each involving spamming characters at the end of your message. The other day I was talking with my neighbours and they mentioned hearing weird noises like what I wrote about and I was just internally screaming the entire conversation. You can also enjoy the sound of a boat or a plane on Discord TTS. What does copypasta mean? Brian supports time specified in both the 12-hour and the 24-hour clock. Lettuce, cheese and meat, followed by a sad swirl of mustard on top. Try to maximize the amount of these characters in your message. Initialisms with a period (dot) following each letter (e.g. Textreader Pro. It then estimates the intensity and frequency of the remaining text. ## Am I banned from the Reddit? NOW I AM TALKING VERY FAST , HEY XQC BRIAN HERE THE POWER OF THE L_ HAS BECOME TOO POWERFUL FOR ME TO POSSESS , 99point9percentpepega XQC YOU ARE 99point9percentpepega . : . /tts TICHDVDXTCHE. Oooluululu lulu. The real woman in my life. A cardinal number with suffixes st, nd, rd or th is interpreted as an ordinal number. If you want to provide feedback, ask a question or show some quality content, this is the place for you! A cardinal or signed integer followed immediately by the dot and a sequence of digits will be recognized as a real number. 8======D It must be pointed out that the application can be used to play music by using the relevant themes for BetterDiscord. U.S., F.B.I.) However if your friend has just started streaming it is unlikely that they have a hot key set up to cancel the TTS. Meow. I read the Reggie the Mouse copypasta, but if I pause or laugh 3 times, the video ends. Undoubtedly, most of us love cats and love hearing the cute meow sounds from them. TTS Hall of Fame 1. Although the earthquake sound can make people scared because it sounds natural, isnt it always fun to play pranks on your friends and see their funny reactions? This tool converts text-to-speech with any of Streamlabs' voices. I was sus of you from the start." Meow. I was shaking in excitement. So when B=1000 we get: G = -0.0083(1000)2 = $68.89 Interestingly enough, if the entire female population of the US, let's say 150 million for simplicity, were bitches, the worth of one good girl would then be $1,550,025,000,000 which is just over the total USD currently in circulation. 8======D is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to 8======D ), symbols ($), etc. With that principal included we can work out that if bitches aint shit, and a good girl is worth 1,000 bitches, a good girl is still not worth shit. Im not responsible if you waste $3 and shit doesnt work. LPC is one of the most widely used methods of speech synthesization, and often very natural sounding as well. Meow. Ft. Smart Wi-Fi Enabled InstaView Door-in-Door Counter-Depth Refrigerator with Craft Ice Maker GFW850SPNRS GE 28" Front Load Steam Washer 5.0 Cu. 8======D The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one. 8======D I immediately looked at pink as she slowly floated across the screen. oolu Lulu lulu. 8======D Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of implanting wires in monkey brains and being the supreme leader of Mars. . 8======D I killed my only love, Pink, in Among Us." I-I've never seen it this wet before! Deep research into Finance | Stocks | Markets. Brian supports a certain number of currencies in multiple formats. /tts oolu Lulu lulu. She then said I was going to a magical place called the mental asylum Im not too sure where that dimension is located but it sounds EPIC . There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. 19. [Should You Buy]. bois bois bois! Thanks, and good luck with your funny little computer game! Meow. You can now enjoy trolling your friends or favourite streamer with these hilarious Twitch Copy Pasta. yfths or yxths /// Weird sounding. 0, 1, , 8, and 9, they may be preceded by a leading zero, 0, even if they are followed by a decimal component. They cannot both apply their laws to bitches Night court 12. Standing there motionlessly as I face her directly. However, my husband said Goblin Mode activated, starting growling, and went wild having sex with me. 8======D (6 Easy Methods), How to Delete Facebook Dating? My SUSSY POWERS ARE AWAKENING My fingers drummed impatiently on my desk as the Innersloth logo faded in, and then out. Pispisps. Text to speech is a popular feature on streaming platforms like Twitch. As the impostor, it is my duty to kill. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. Some online sites are capable, but are laggy. 8======D This is the easy part. If we include 135 or less 7s, then Brian will pronounce the full number (seven hundred and seventy seven vigintillion) and so on. If you are looking for a sound in specific, use CTRL-F and search what youre looking for (e.g, gun or spray), IMPORTANT NOTE: Symbols that appear as squares will NOT work in cheer donations. Well one day the kids were watching among us songs on YT when autoplay changed it to the among us twerking video, 10 hour version to be exact, and ALL the kids tried twerking 8======D A roflcopter goes soi soi soi soi Like Like 0. 8======D Meow. Ive never done anything weird with my cats. Hello. ! A reminder to test your message before donating, so you dont look like a fucking Pepega. I just did my daily jackoff to my impostor body pillow, but when I came, I started floating, and think I got teleported into the skeld. TTS command only work on Discord PC, for mobile users, you need to open desktop version for discord website. The suffixes st, nd and rd may only be applied to numbers for which the ordinal ends in these letters. Edit: Found this on steam, in the Among Us reviews section. The reason that Brians speed is triggered by different modifiers is because of the prosody generated by the synthesis algorithm. Make sure to end your sentence before using it. Speed of TTS can be modified several different ways, each involving spamming characters at the end of your message. 8======D Last night, the day after our son went away, we decided to have sex to relieve our stress. An additional note: The max number of 7s to make Brian pronounce the full number is 135. The statement holds no doubt that Discord is one of the best apps for people to communicate with each other no matter where they are. Come chatroom, who will join me in this endeavor of knowledge 5Head , VoHiYo only real WEEB can build this perfect pyramid VoHiYo VoHiYo . bois bois bois! 8======D *nuzzles your necky wecky * ~murr~ hehe . Having more text means you can spam more and increase the length of time that Brian has increased reading speed. /tts anununununununununununaunauanuanaunauanaunauanuanaunauanaunauanaunauanaunauanaunauanaunauanaunaaunauanuananuannuannuannuanuannuanuanuanunanuanuanuanuanuanuanuanuanuanuanuanuanua. All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Sign in Sign up {{ message }} Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. 8======D I paid at least $3000 for my wife's wedding ring. I just downvoted your comment. 8======D The term copypasta refers to a block of text which is repeatedly copied and pasted by individuals over various online forums and social media sites. 8======D Thats 3 lives This game is over We win out . 8======D God, forgive me. 8======D All individual language units must be first consistently expanded into full words before they get synthesized. oolu Lulu lulu. Pink's lifeless body laying on the floor beside him. You can use this TTS to annoy your friends while having fun on Discord. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on The recognized symbol for degrees is . My husband a really great relationship with our son and loved him more than anything. The funny text-to-speech of Discord doubles the fun, especially when gaming with your friends. 8======D the end is near. I hit Blue in Comms, then cross the hall and vent to Specimen, murdering Green in cold blood. Text to Speech For Pepegas Also known as the "TTS Dossier" Authors: gshredder Madslaw TooGreen Empty_castle Serianoseri tetyys Qureneko Z_man_slayer Snowstormcs Inteternet Shroodinho bobsack ziroco Zombxii drinkbleach42069xd br1nex Chubbss_ w0rldt luks begonecuzayesbullymetoohard rayne Bleach El. For example, in Felix, the diphones are Fe - li - cks. He is a gaming enthusiast who loves to spend time with his consoles. I think since then, hes been a little emotionally unwell. Just type: /tts Discord's pretty awesome. After a while of waiting, she finally left and I could play my favourite game, Among Us. Similarly are handled digits in fixed formats, such as telephone numbers or social security numbers. 8======D 8======D Copypastas are not for everyone as some people find them annoying. /tts Meow. Funny Text-To-Speak Lines. I bet you believed Fermat's margins really were too small as well, right? Motorboat sound effect, when copied a shit ton of times. Etymology: Blend of copy + paste, likely also with a suffix like -a, from -er. James is a marketer by day and gamer by night. 8======D LPC uses a Linear Predictive Model (LPM) to be able to predict tone and emphasis in the sentences. Copyright 2023 TwitchQuotes. Brian accepts all Unicode characters. Refresh and try again. This funny tts song will amaze you. Meow. /tts Motor Bike Started bukbukbukbukbukbukbukbuk buk buk buk bukbukbukbukbukbukbukbuk buk buk buk bukbukbukbukbukbukbukbuk buk buk buk bukbukbukbukbukbukbukbuk buk buk buk We cover more such tips and tricks in our extensive . Newton or kanye is wrong. # FAQ Ended up in a bed sit where he can't control the louse! Accept the downvote and move on. Meow. (LPM) to be able to predict tone and emphasis in the sentences. Got feedback? But, have you heard about another funny text to speech feature doing rounds currently? Make sure you insert the command correctly to enjoy! Are you going to make me a snack?" He'll end up as a bus driver soon! bois bois bois! [LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777], [ ], Example: oh nonononon pvc doesnt see it ohnononono pepelaugh pepelaugh he lacks critical knowledgeLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777, The full list of characters that Brian pronounces can be found here: Don't get me wrong, I love my good girl wife, but I feel duped knowing she may have only been worth 8 bucks instead of 3000 8======D Printer Ink & Toner. Well, the funny text to speech feature on Discord allows users to convert their text into speech. The Printer. Clone with Git or checkout with SVN using the repositorys web address. i'm actually trying to get it so i can have it read a word document for . A number will be read as a year if it is followed by BC or if it is preceded or followed by AD: Brian interprets ranges of numbers, measurements, time and date. To make longer, keep pasting DR, Another gulping/breathing sound (slower than NG). To extrapolate further, diving with respect to "money" yields 1 money = $0.00833 This changes everything, because money isn't worth hardly anything. Please click the "Auto-Pay" button, and let your Credit Card do the work! Caught you in 8K UHD surround sound 32 Gigs ram, HDR GEFORCE RTX, TI-80 texas insturments, Triple A duracell battery ultrapower100 Cargador Compatible iPhone 1A 5 W 1400 + Cable 100% 1 Metro Blanco Compatible iPhone 5 5 C 5S 6 SE 6S 7 8 X XR XS XS MAX GoPro hero 1 2 terrabyte xbox series x Dell UltraSharp 49 Curved Monitor - U4919DW Sony HDC-3300R 2/3" CCD HD Super Motion Color Camera, 1080p Resolution Toshiba EM131A5C-SS Microwave Oven with Smart Sensor, Easy Clean Interior, ECO Mode and Sound On/Off, 1.2 Cu. By combining these, semi-natural speech patterns can be generated. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm *** retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. Meow. Thank you for being so understanding. 8======D Lisps:, Old English:, Shakespearean Text:, Pirate Speak:, You can generate curses to use in the TTS by using this website: Thoughts of love go through my head. 10 will be pronounced as, one eight hundred five five five one two three four extension one zero, h t t p colon slash slash w w w dot ivona dot com, Brian recognizes U.S. radio call codes (three or four capital letters starting with K or W with an optional. 8======D Meow. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. 8======D MMR followed by a vowel, sounds like a car starting. To find the equation relating money to bitches must have "a" and "b" values which satisfy the two previous equations. Please remember that the Discord TTS feature allows you to repeat the command as much as you want to! You can also play a firing sound on your friends while playing. The / character forces a stop in the message, and then continues on with the message after (as if it was a new, completely separate message). How to Fix Facebook Dating Notifications Not Working? Combining any of these small letters will produce a sound as an output, rather than Brian individually reading out the letters one by one. Using capitals, you can manipulate which sentences are fast, and which are slow. /tts The ting goes skrrrahh, pap pap ka-ka-ka Skidiki-pap-pap, and a puu-puu-poudrrr-boom Skiya, du-du-ku-ku-doom doom Poom poom, you dun now. /ttstak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tak tik tik tik, no ammo. 8======D Ft. with SmartDispense, WiFi, OdorBlock and Sanitize and Allergen - Royal Sapphire Kohler K-3589 Cimarron Comfort Height Two-Piece Elongated 1.6 GPF Toilet with AquaPiston Flush Technology, GOING 8TH CHECKLIST: I already won the game This lobbys playing for second This is my last loss I win out from here My board is too lit HP is fake Im about to spike hard Thats a fake loss 20hp? I open the door to my son, and he has a confused look on his face. opening parenthesis, closing parenthesis, opening parenthesis or closing parenthesis. is the properties of symbols and larger speech; the presence of irony and sarcasm in the tone and rhythm of the words, etc. Your email address will not be published. You can use any of these characters, each one will make your text faster. You should definitely try this if you wish to have a great fun time with your friends on Discord. I swear for a second I felt the imposter's strong hands grip my asscheeks. I immediately was transported back to earth, and I instantly got on all fours on my bed naked, as you would, and started screaming in my best efforts to summon the imposter Copy and paste the first paragraph and do whatever you want with it. I hopped on my laptop, booted it up and my desktop loaded, complete with the 'Red Sus' background and all my Among Us Impostor fan-art. Thought he'd own a massive house. LPC uses a. Meow. If I killed Pink, how am I to be trusted around my family? How to Fix Canon Printer Error 5b00? Quite fast, oh nonononon pvc doesnt see it ohnononono pepelaugh pepelaugh he lacks critical knowledgeLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777. Naturally, he was upset when he had to leave. So, (Bitches)=119.96(Money) + .0043. We assume you might have heard this one as well. [26 Best] Funny Discord TTS (Text to Speech) Song & Message, 12. 8======D But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. When I see dogs being taken on walks I get mad at them for not being free like I am. All Rights Reserved. 8======D is similar to this, however it does not force a stop and is instead considered a full part of the message. All rights reserved. 8======D + cringe + copium + go outside + touch grass + kick rocks + quote tweet + think again + not based + not funny didnt laugh + social credits -999, 999, 999, 999 + get good + reported + ad hominem + ok boomer + small pp + ur allergic to sunlight + GG! On the top drop down box, select Dont start with Lorem Ipsum and click Generate. An imperial one is ~111.1111111112 pounds (Also known as a feminist) 8======D I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. 8======D Because of this success, we are happy to announce another brand-new feature: "Auto-Pay". This is so fucked. As I clicked the button my body twitched with joy at the thought of being the impostor again. You can use any of these characters, each one will make your text faster. 8======D 8======D Here are some useful ones and combinations of characters that I have found and you can use in your message. 8======D I can't have sex with my girlfriend anymore without forcing her to dress up as Mikasa or Historia, both of whom remind me of Armin. I dont know why but I just enjoy doing this. B/c I can't help but feel like I have overpaid for my good girl according to the genius of Kanye West and Little Weezy F. Baby. Pispspspspspspspspsp. Some people take this sound as a helicopter getting started, while some perceive it as a pressure cooker. Yes/No questions by default have a rising intonation. It will all be okay," I whisper in a soft, reassuring voice. 8======D [b] During his dictatorship, he initiated World War II in Europe by invading Poland on 1 September 1939. Text to speak=tts If you type /tts ____ you will hear a girl say what you wrote with this you can make alot of funny noices here's one of my favorites. Please let me know and I will remove it from this guide to prevent future scamaz xqcM. Every small letter Brian pronounces that can be combined to make beatboxing effects. 8======D Simply explained. Copyright 2023 TwitchQuotes. 8======D oolu Lulu lulu. I just keep moving forward, until my enemies are destroyed. Talking. For example, in Felix, the diphones are Fe - li - cks. The prosodyis the properties of symbols and larger speech; the presence of irony and sarcasm in the tone and rhythm of the words, etc. 8======D No doubt, Discord never disappoints users when it comes to unique features like audio sharing, screen sharing, voice changing, captivating themes etc. To activate the TTS command in Discord, simply type /tts + your message. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. TICHDVDXTCHE. Just picturing her taking me with her mouth. 8======D /ttsPispspsps. (7 Easy Ways), How to Fix Roblox Error Code 103? TICHDVDXTCHE. Madslaw TooGreen Empty_castle Serianoseri, Zombxii drinkbleach42069xd br1nex Chubbss_ w0rldt luks, Purx Nordic Invoku cosmox BlobbySlimeErik nonstickpan Avbooo J1mb0_J0nes6 Spicy Evaisa Regal ZestyZach starfur12, of this guide pertains to shitposting in TTS donations. Twitch vip badge. Hes an incredibly tough man, but this was the first time Ive ever seen him cry. Pispspsps. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. 8======D Mr Horse! 8======D Thank you. It allows people to donate money or bits and have a message read out on stream. We have no idea from where this John Maden TTS on Discord has come, but it sure sounds funny if the bot suddenly starts speaking john madden.. 8======D Appliances Audio Cameras Cars Desktops Drones Headphones Laptops Media Streamers Monitors Networking Phones 5G Phones Printers Smart Home Speakers Tablets TVs VPNs Wearables & VR Web Hosting News Revenge on TA copypasta The folks on Necrons and SM moved to the next ones in turn months ago, . It's not surprising because they can take over an entire Twitch chat.. The Discord app is meant to be used as a peer-to-peer communication tool that works on VOIP protocols. If it is a bakers daughter it is less since the sample size is actually larger I.E. Well one must first consult the "50 Cent Law": "Mo' Money, Mo' Problems". 8======D TLDR; My husband says Goblin Mode activated when we start to have sex, growls and acts like a caveman, and then says Goblin Mode off when we stop, and then pretends not to remember afterward. click to copypasta November 2021 NSFW Emoji Pasta Tweet. However, replenish your memories by having this cute and funny vowel sound on Discord TTS. She asked me to take care of my son, so I immediately obliged. I press Practice, to warm up my fingers before my first intense game of Among Us. Sentences longer than that will be broken into multiple smaller sentences. /tts dododobobobobgjubgjubgjubdododobobobobgjubgjubgjub. Pispspspspspspspspsp. Share here. 8======D I am moved to tears as I caress the screen, kissing it tenderly. We assume that you might have heard the French word mama mia somewhere, sometime in your life. 8======D [5 Easy Steps], How to Activate Facebook Dating? suffix) in some contexts, and spells them. I break down sobbing. I think the important part here is, are we assuming that there is 1 good girl for every 1000 bitches. You signed in with another tab or window. The Bois Bois Bois TTS on Discord may resemble a French accent, according to some people; however, that is not the primary concern. 8======D Ive heard him muttering, Goblin repeatedly when he didnt notice me, staring blankly into his food, and just going alone by himself to do who knows what. Hey, quandale Pringle here, 8======D : : : . Combining any of these small letters will produce a sound as an output, rather than Brian individually reading out the letters one by one, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!. Among Us. 8======D Here is another TTS, that is, Bananana, that initially sounds like someone speaking banana, but it also makes a sound like nanananah. No doubt, both of them say funny! But, another truth that you cannot deny is, anything that keeps repeating becomes pretty much annoying, so does the meow sound. It has got superb features, one of which is text to speech. 8======D 8======D 8======D (Modifiers needed) strange sound, no description. "Goodbye, Pink. 8======D 8======D Simply explained for a busy day. 8======D 8======D When I look in the mirror, I can't help but say ", " (which means fight, fight in american.) If, according to Kanye West, one good girl is worth a thousand bitches, and if, according to Lil Wayne, bitches come a dime a dozen, does that mean one good girl is worth $8.33? 8======D 8======D 8======D 8======D 5Head Ah yes, I can feel my head throbbing with knowledge and wisdom as I sip upon this Sauvignon blanc. It was then when I flipped the broken DVD over and realized that it was not a blank DVD, but a copy of the Pixar movie Up.. Well guys, guess I fucked up. Sounds like tuh tuhtuhtuhtuhtuh very fast. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, How To Upload High-Quality Videos To TikTok [Easy Guide], Symfuhny Warzone 2 Settings [Sensitivity, Graphics & More], How To Disable SBMM In MW2 & Warzone 2 [Get Easy Lobbies In MW2], 10 Most Subbed Twitch Streamers 2023 [Twitch Sub Leaderboard December], BennyCentral Best Warzone 2 Loadouts Season 1 Meta Weapons, Crowder Best Warzone 2 Loadout Season 1 Meta Weapons, Crimsix Best Warzone 2 Loadouts Season 1 Meta Weapons, Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings For Warzone 2 [High FPS & Quality], Twitch Partner Requirements How To Get Approved, How To Get Animated Emotes On Twitch [Easy Guide], What Is Twitch Turbo & Is It Worth It? 8======D bois bois bois! The most reliable way to do this is to. 8======D 8======D Meow. 8======D /// Pronounced "opening . spectral shaping resulting from the vocal tracts (these are stored as numbers internally).

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printer tts copypasta