The mystical Piscean nature of the Germans (expressed so beautifully in their poetry, music, art and philosophy), was played upon in such a way that the majority did not have the mental discrimination to see what was going on or to exert a resistant will. This means that an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon will often find themselves learning lessons the hard way. To have a planet ingress into a new sign at the exact time of the full moon is extraordinary and very rare! Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Virgo Sun opposite Moon, Earth and Jupiter in Pisces! A man with an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon placement tends to have an unbeatable drive once they catch the scent of something they like. When USA-NATO made this decision they must have known how it would affect Germany and the rest of Europe, but they did it anyway. These two signs balance each other., (Pisces Solar Festival: March 7, 2023. This initiative emerged from the soul of Scandinavia. Masters of the Seven Rays Long-term health problems are being caused all over the east coast and could stretch on for decades. but if you are resident of the USA, please support the author by buying here: Related Article: 12 Aquarius Sun Scorpio Moon Personality Traits 2. He likes to dominate and hes very determined. The discovery of Uranus in 1781 is usually attributed to these revolutions, but Pluto in Uranus-ruled Aquarius also played a large part. Learning when to open up to individuals and when to play things close to the vest can be a challenge for a Scorpio moon. Neptune is the exoteric ruler of Pisces and Pluto is its esoteric ruler. Theres a lot to unpack here so we better get started. The Sun was in Aquarius, square to Uranus in Taurus, ruling the sixth house of health. The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below. A list of presenters and presentations can be viewed. Monthly News from Susan Miller. As 2025 approaches, the fourth ray of Art, Beauty and Music the soul ray of Germany, will come back slowly into incarnation and, the Germany of the mystical poets and writers of the Middle Ages will again arisethe Germany of the musical festivals, the Germany which has given the world the best of the music of all time, the Germany of Schiller and of Goethe and the Germany of the philosophers.13. The fluid, sensitive temperament in Piscesmediumistic and psychically polarisedmust be stabilised in Virgo, in which sign mental introspection and critical analysis become possible and serve to arrest the fluidity of Pisces. Scorpio Sun Aquarius Moon people are good judges of character. (Note, the earlier chart posted here had the wrong time, it has been changed to the correct one.). Just like the moon has sway over all the tides of the Earth, so does Scorpio Moon equally experience the power of their sea of emotions. Mankind is only on the verge of becoming mental. Esoteric Astrology: An extensive range of articles and essays, Monthly newsletters, articles, essays and videos on Esoteric Astrology and The Hidden History of Humanity. (Saturn is the lord of memory.). Invoking the polar opposite sign of healing Virgo will also help balance the opposites upon the astral plane by the development of objective, self-critical analysis. Often, this is because both people are stubborn but in their unique way. Note that the waters of Aquarius feed the waters of Pisces the fishes. Transiting Pluto in Aquarius Crosses the Aquarian Moon. This placement often produces individuals with an innate knack for creative problem-solving in ways that havent been thought of before. WebMoon Scorpio-Moon Aquarius. (The battle still rages, but mainly upon the mental plane.). The Moon in Scorpio man is attracted to: loyalty This is the most intense sign and people with this Moon sign will crave that same intensity in all parts of their lives, including relationships. If youre looking for a great lover, these are awesome combos. Nordstream Pipeline Revelations You are very idealistic and have trouble being around people who have differing views and ideas to you. You are not alone in your observations. When two people come together in this synastry pairing, there can be tension in the relationship. (2030 is also the date of the UN and WEFs sustainable development goals.). They may be passionate if theyre Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, or Pisces. This mass negligence to assert itself in the interests of the higher principles, was aided by the fact that the Nazis persecuted intellectualswho left Germany in droves, literally weakening the mental body of the nation and its spiritual principles. They tend to prefer jobs that involve variety, new challenges, and a lot of research. To put it bluntly, the Scorpio moon just needs to learn when to hold them, and when to fold them. Intellectual, they are gifted with an analytical mind. Therein lies great opportunity for Germany, to steer a new course and be a potent leader in Europe. This is a great paradox for one of the highest products of the Fifth Rootrace. The greatest irony is however, if it had not been for the enormous sacrifice of the Russian military (at a cost of 4.5 million lives), the Nazis would not have been defeated in the European theatre. Bear in mind that the Covid crisis conveniently segwayed into the Ukraine crisis in early 2022, taking the heat off the many revelations emerging around the pandemic and sweeping the already hypnotised masses into another look over here! We hope to have a program schedule available in the next few weeks posted in the Aries newsletter, just before the conference. It was a risky decision by Hierarchy and the Lord of the World, because the point of least resistance for ordinary humans beings stimulated by this intense first ray force is to use it destructively, in a totalitarian manner. Zoom webinar for Aquarius 2023 will be Monday, March 6 at 19.00 UT. WebThe Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon can be in competition with each other. This Ph.D. in neuroscience also notes that it is not considered polite or kind to go around saying, you cant fix stupid and so on. Pluto last passed through in Aquarius 1777-1798 right in the middle of the American War of Independence (1775-1783) and just a few months after the USA was born on July 4, 1776. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This pattern can work for the good, or harden resolve and boost confidence of the ruling elite, who are certainly seeking greater control. But it also involved the bombing of the Nordstream pipeline now well proven by Seymour Hershs recent expos (see further on), to be ordered by the Whitehouse working with other bodies such as the CIA. The Materialistic Forces embody the planetary sacral centre, their mission is to keep Humanity trapped at this level, through money obsession, fear about lack of resources like food and the many sexually sordid expressions openly promoted in the USA paedophilia, extreme porn, sexualisation of children, bestiality, gender dysphoria confusion etc. endstream endobj startxref Would be curious to see what you think would be the best fit MBTI for each of these characters based on their sun/moon/rising combo. Donations You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The Pluto in Aquarius period of 1777-1798 also embraced the French Revolution (1789-1799), hence the theme of Aquarian ruler Uranus dominates revolution, rebellion, reform and radical action. With patience and open communication, this relationship can be a great source of growth for both people involved. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. Moon in Gemini is void-of-course, trine to Gemini ruler Mercury in late Aquarius conjunct Saturn. The open gate of the full moon is always a powerful monthly cycle this full moon celebrating the solar festival of Pisces. Beethoven: Visionary Sun in Sagittarius square Chiron in Pisces! Pluto in 1930, emerging into human consciousness at the end of the Piscean Age to wreck and regenerate, relinquish, release and reinvigorate. WebIf you have an Aquarius sun and Scorpio moon, your ways are different from others. In Feb.7, 2022, just a few weeks before Russias military operation on Feb.24, US Pres. This naturally drives these individuals to equal the extreme positions. Scorpio: October 23 November 21 Sagittarius: November 22 December 21 Capricorn: December 22 January 19 Aquarius: January 20 February 18 Pisces: February 19 March 20 You can find out your sun sign by seeing when your birthday falls within the set date periods. %%EOF The influence of the sixth ray, coming via Mars, martially applied, and the lack of true spiritual love as it is diverted into, account temporarily for themass negligence to assert itself on behalf of the oppressed and in the interests of the higher principles. Despite these difficulties, the pair have a lot to offer each other. 2.) The Scorpio sun native can provide grounding and stability, whereas the Aquarius moon person provides airy ideas and introduces new concepts that expand the horizons of both partners. Warsaw also witnessed some of the most hideous effects of the dying Piscean age in the Jewish ghettos where thousands were starved to death. We are inviting co-workers from Europe and around the world to attend this digital zoom event. The moon was in Cancer (mother earth, environment) approaching an exact opposition to deadly Pluto in Capricorn. Aquarius moon Pisces moon The Scorpio moon sign Scorpio is a fixed water sign doused in mystery, shame, and intrigue for as long as you and I can remember. When discussing the presence of the fourth ray in USAs ray structure, the USAs first ray influence is touched upon: Ray 4. Then to make matters worse, a controlled burn of the wreckage created vast amounts of phosgene gas a chemical weapon used in WWI. During this time, they wont remain idle but rather use it for much-needed self-reflection and exploration. He, the new and living One leaves below that which has held him down throughout the ages and rises from the depths unto the heights, close to the throne of God.3. 0 Neptune god of the oceans (from under which gas is accessed) whilst Pluto rules the resources that lay deep underground. there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. Sun: Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, which makes them seek out unique ways to problem-solve and to approach life. Hence, it is not difficult to see how lower Neptune is invoked through manipulation of the masses by those with more developed mental capacity, but who lack the development of compassion, resulting in exploitation. Essentially, there are several significators of death, Scorpio rising, Pisces Sun and Neptune, Pluto etc. At YourHigherJourney we want to show you how to see & read the signs in your life to unlock your full potential. . Some careers that this native will thrive in include: Unusual jobs also suit this combination, as they are prone to taking risks and exploring alternatives. Hidden History of Humanity, Word is that the liquid cargo on the rail train in E. Palestine came from Madison IL. Passion projects and spiritual retreats may also be part of this natives journey, allowing them to nurture their creativity and inner reserves. He leads the Hound of Hades three-headed Cerberus who guards the gates of the Underworld. WebDaily Horoscope for Scorpio (and Scorpio Rising). The Sun in Aquarius describes the prime focal point within your personality, and is of major importance. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. As these two pipelines are jointly owned by Russia and to a lesser extent Germany, technically this was an act of war upon not only Russia, but also designed to weaken and control Germany. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Thus, you are never certain whether to However, with Jupiter as esoteric ruler of Aquarius, Plutos transit could re-establish and re-enunciate the principles of Universal Brotherhood the mantra of Libert, galit, fraternit (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity). Through time and introspection, youll be able to make your moon in Scorpio placement a true strength. Pisces Sun/Capricorn Moon/Gemini Rising. R: Daevic creature known as an Undine. The Dweller in this case, is the separative nature of the developed concrete mind, devoid of compassion and often lacking in discrimination. Because of the potency of Saturn entering this sign at the full moon, the Pisces-Virgo full moon chart of March 7, 2023 can be an indicator of events for the next 2.5 year cycle of Saturn. The most iconic aspect here when it comes to personality is that an Aquarius sun Scorpio moon is a free spirit. You will often do these things without saying anything, and just present the person with the solution once it is already in hand. Hidden History of Humanity I It is easy to think of examples in which failing to recognize ones own ignorance can become dangerous. The core karmic puzzle presented to these natives is the struggle between altruistic and self-serving acts. The Libra Moon can claim to be a true people person bec Continue Reading 10 WebThe Scorpio sun Aquarius moon personalities may seem mysterious, unemotional and detached, but in reality theyre easy-going, fun and loving. However, the Aquarius sun Scorpio moon is all about extremes and expression. Moon in Scorpio represents rich ), ~ Missing the full set? Saturn Ingress Pisces on the Full Moon Aquarius is very social and loves exploring new ideas and theories, while Scorpio is passionate and intense. This can be an absolute gift when it comes to organizing parties, but a potential obstacle when a couples breakup throws a wrench into the nights fun. Up the coast from Stavanger, not far from where pipelines carry gas to Europe, Ingunn Johannessen, a fifth-generation shopkeeper, is unplugging freezers and fretting about the winter ahead the combination of higher prices for food and electricity is maddening.15. UT 12.40), Saturn Enters Pisces on the Full Moon As a water sign, Pisces has a great emotional sensitivity that is connected to its deeply compassionate nature. Readers can inform themselves of the rest of the details in the Hersh article, followed up by another article about Norways involvement, setting up the detonation of the pipeline by expert divers: The Norwegian Navys long and murky history of cooperation with American intelligence. The Aquarius Sun Leo Moon is an individual who is friendly but holds onto a stubborn and independent streak. At YourHigherJourney we want to show you how to see & read the signs in your life to unlock your full potential. Initiations of Krishnamurti Two birds killed with one stone! It is worth mentioning that this position of Sun and Moon in Scorpios and Aquarius brings great changes, rough and relatively frequent, Saturn in its lower expression is the jailer, the imprisoner and Pisces is associated with this theme. If they don't act like any Sign you can recognize, they are probably an Aquarius Sun Sign. The quality of thought in airy Aquarius is modified by its ruler Uranus, the planet of science, complementing the only ray that passes through this sign the Fifth Ray of Science or Knowledge. Fission or Fusion. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. This square pattern also denotes sudden and unexpected accidents. Destiny Races & Nations I Pluto was discovered in 1930 but its influence centuries earlier is undeniable. The conference will contain a range of individual and group presentations, discussions and meditations. This has resulted in a dumbing down of the population to the point where the development of independent, critical thinking has been blocked or vastly diminished, with education standards falling and zombie-like cell phone addiction. 2 Mar. Capricorn: December 22 January 20. This person will need to balance their sense of personal freedom with a deep and complicated internal emotional world. Fellow students may wish to memorize the term, Dunning-Kruger effect.

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aquarius sun scorpio moon