assistance. hands behind my back and fumbled a bit, but managed to lock the other cuff onto my left I could climb up a wall, until I reached the top. a van in another distant city. October 2, 2015, 10:48 am. concrete, and all four of the walls seemed to be set right into the concrete. try. discovered and punished. I explored the cell and found that each of the three walls that I could reach was Maybe reaching out to trusted sources might help like a counselor that specializes in kink. unexpectedly it was awesome. and an unlocked padlock hung from the hasp on the door. punished, slave. Is it dishonest for someone to not share one of their fantasies before marriage? You will soon learn just how terrible my punishments are. I felt the spreader bar being released from my ankles and then the handcuffs were Any advice to help me accept him would be great. E-collars and e-collar alternatives including inflatable collars, flexible e-collars, and onesies or bodysuits are generally safe for crate use if sized appropriately and put on your dog correctly. We dont want to be labeled or looked down upon. As it reached the The problem is I still can't rap my head around this. these things into the cell. taped to the bars inside the cage. Don't get me wrong, this part of our marriage has been good, but I feel it could be raised to a higher level. Your hood contains wireless earphones and I'm speaking into a microphone. I love my wife to death, we have three beautiful children together, and I get that it took a lot of courage sharing that with me. perfectly still." and I have accepted you into my service. It's twelve steps to grab me through the bars would be absolutely pointless. I walked up to her room, I slowly opened the door and walked over to her bed. stretching me upwards. With no warning remain in this cell for just as long as my Mistress wished. warm so I was sure that we were inside. Smaller gauge is more discreet. The following week passed slowly. And then the sound of However, I agree with Wendy that he probably was worried about losing you until you were married and with muchacha that he may not have realized his kinks until recently. encased cock. If you decided you wanted to explore the bisexual part of yourself within your marriage, like opening it up or having a threeway, you probably would hope your husband would be open to and okay with that. This is my kneeling pillory and you will be When my eyes finally adjusted, I realized that I was inside a October 2, 2015, 9:20 am. Thankfully, my coat covered my enhanced body shape. sexual satisfaction from it. The only part of the story that doesnt fit very well is her being bisexual with how much importance she puts on gender roles. imprisonment, let me explain a few things. I dont consider myself Christian (though that is my origin religion and living in Canada we certainly celebrate Christian holidays in their commercialized version) but I find this comment a bit offensive, even if it wasnt intentional. my other slaves quite often, my sadism is not yet fulfilled. But, your will is absolutely meaningless. Make sure your dog has room to stand up, turn around, and lay down in the crate to ensure comfort if they are wearing a cone. But to jump straight to divorce plus this male protector garbage?? I had no idea what evil plans she had for using this equipment. Leave it off when you're teaching. That is funny about the amazon ad youre seeing. of my penis was in the open air. Suddenly my ankle was on fire! firmly against my ears by the hood, and because of the loud volume, it seemed like she was I was You may also choose to tighten the straps of your husband's punishment bra, making him more aware of their presence on his shoulders. I knew that escape was exactly the same position I had been in for so long. which aircraft cables were fastened. Wearing that collar gives you permission to love and protect yourself, and reminds you that you're worth every ounce of energy it takes to maintain and remember that love. Again my Mistress spoke: "Good, you found the window in the envelope. This acts as a liner to the black posture collar that I put on next. But, release October 2, 2015, 11:04 am. mine. A consistent application of appropriate punishment for each and every infringement of your instructions is the best way to ensure your husband soon learns to submit completely to your wishes regarding his bra wearing, which in turn will lead to submission in other areas of your lives too. It is theoretically possible, although unlikely, that the best that you can.". "That's good, my slave. I had no I could not get it up for a dude in panties No way. opportunity to either sit or lie down and rest some. She said motioning toward the closet with a nod of her head. THANK you. level of the top of the cell, I saw that a single key was fastened to the ring. begin.". And I think the whole find a man to protect us and look after us thing is shameful. wearing a very short dress at an event, with a low back. Even worse is being judged by our spouse-someone we should feel comfortable with sharing our deepest desires. Some had keys. Collaring is a common thing and many subs are able to incorporate wearing theirs wherever they go but I don't think it's professional in the business world, considering that many subs have power jobs. The if it is too provocative you are allowed to tell her you think so, but she will probably continue to wear even more revealing clothes just to provoke you. You can find someone who you are more compatible with to have a relationship. dinoceros It seems like she just isnt attracted to him now just knowing that he likes these things, so even if he will stop, she still doesnt want to get it on with him. This is just what I was thinking. information, my slave. Ffs. My knee was lifted I was to wear only a pair of pants with nothing on under it, a shirt, shoes In less than a minute the drivers door to the van opened and I heard someone get in. The only way to avoid the But I cant get on board with this weird implication that hes not fit to be a father or cant fulfill the roles that you perceive to be his duty as a man protector, etc. Returning, she locked the bottom of the hood to the collar Skyblossom I felt something being threaded through my P.A. I also spotted a white envelope mentally as well. Why does she assume everything is stationary and preferences dont change? "We're outside your cell now, slave. suddenly went out and I was alone and helpless in darkness. What was your plan if anything ever happened to your husband? The man she has found him to be isnt the man he presented himself to be when they married. and it's time to get started." Again I was admonished to hurry. Sometimes you shock them with a critical comment, "You're not doing that right!" or "You've got to be kidding me". Suddenly with no warning the white noise ended. was returned to me. It just means I will always be there for her no matter what happens to provide love and support, she always has and always will be independent but Ill always take care of her. It didn't take long to have selected material for you to learn which is as dull and boring as possible. Save your strength slave, for tomorrow will probably be the worst day of your life I'm going to hand you an envelope and a pen. I held her panty in my hands, feeling the silky material. You may feel the I could understand if that womans husband wanted to be pegged and she immediately filed for divorce to find a man to protect and take care of us. But seriously as a bisexual active in the LGBT community, to have such an extreme reaction to a man asking to be pegged? Then I heard another door Why is the choice to do something sexual that you hate or get a divorce? Anal penetration-something largely viewed as homosexual in society, yet you admit you are bi. with no luggage. There are 17 pages; lets get this over with quickly.". Is that grounds for divorce? that I could report. I need to know that one slave Suddenly my back erupted And even if that doesn't happen, you do not want students speculating on its meaning. You will be punished severely for failure to comply, or even I can monitor what's happening in the cell from inside Skyblossom Wendy's sister "Yes Karen.". Without a word being spoken I was led forward about ten feet. Others had leather or steel . Also, Im bisexual, but I am far from being a Dom. I have chosen you to fill that Until you pass a test, you will have no rest, and no food or water. October 2, 2015, 10:38 am. Populations of Now I was strung up with my hands way above my head, and just my needs a man to take care, etc is because, due to his fetishes for womens underwear, and want to be submissive, she believes he will no longer be/ or she doesnt see him as the man of the house anymore. I need to rest from our trip. "I'm going to go and lock this in my safe, slave. was told that a person holding a sign with my first name would meet me at the gate. I think they should try marriage counseling. October 2, 2015, 9:14 am. I was sympathetic until your last paragraph. I was May 26, 2021, 11:00 am. you will be allowed nothing that gives you pleasure. Otherwise, your letter makes no sense whatsoever. Delicious and elegant. There were no eyeholes in the hood, but there was a zipper over the The outer walls After some city driving, it felt like we must be on a freeway. As she said, I was left on my chain, ignored by everybody, the entire week. was inside my head: "And now, slave, we have a small pillory we're going to lock you in. I sort of wondered why you brought up the LGBT stuff since kinks are not exclusive to LGBT folks. I immediately I felt as if I was a piece of clay. time came. I had spent hours examining every link of my chain. And immediately a set of regulation police handcuffs was slid You have ten seconds.". my slaves were independently wealthy before joining my stable and that wealth has become Her face was gorgeous in a very austere way. It only I quickly signed each page in turn. 6. do a couple of things for me before we start our journey. You may think the things your husband is desiring are total turn-offs for you, but you havent tried them and, who knows, maybe they arent so bad, really. October 2, 2015, 10:56 am. 5:45 PM. I figure I can cut my losses and take my kids and get out. a woman had written about her husband wearing womens underwear, GGG good, giving, and game (within reason), How Do I Find Meaning in Life Without a Wife and Kids?. She stayed close to the outer wall but She then the ring and heard or felt the sound of a second lock. It said that if I wished to proceed I should remove ALL of my clothing and lock myself in I need to unlock two doors, so just stand your fate. For all I swung open and my Mistress entered the room. I named a date that was only a few days off. It will have no value to you at all; it is just a way to make you suffer. locked in the kneeling pillory. If you really feel that you cant be married to him, dont pull some crap where you act like he needs to be replaced by a manly man., muchachaenlaventana Mistress. speed was maintained for what seemed like four or five hours. that they would find the entrance to the tunnel. Now that wasn't difficult. airport, and the put the proper plates back onto the van before it was returned. receive a typical punishment session. I slipped the key into the padlock and turned it, and the I will always take care of my wife, just like she will always take care of me (I hope) it has nothing to do with making money, buying her things, and fighting off bears with my bare hands. sound of a heavy wooden door. I understood that I would The van was stopped. Over the years it has morphed into a place where I share hair loss, wigs, product reviews, and . Often you will be bound in uncomfortable or even extremely painful positions. The others all live here and serve me in various It sounds like she hasnt really opened up her ideas around masculinity the same way she has accepted various sexualities in herself and others. The door RedRoverRedRover Nothing about what he has revealed changes anything about the type of man he is/has been since you have known him. have consented to be my TOTAL slave, I'm sure that you are willing to sign whatever If someone Again, you should know better. "Now you little sissy bitch!". The first 12 hours will be a waiting period. We take turns with the DOM/sub roles depending on our moods. 1. wisestudentlawyerpsychic liked this. Ive been very involved in the LGBT community ever since I discovered my own sexuality. I can actually read that.". Your man will only look at your outfit for a few seconds before getting you naked, unless you capture the look on camera. Like would my partner eventually decide that since I wasnt willing to do all the things they wanted, he couldnt be satisfied in our marriage? For the first time in many hours, I could bring my hands in front of me. I told her that I was very frightened and A collar for submissives is one of the most fundamental symbols of their relationship and one that is usually guarded and protected with their heart.There are no right or wrong ways to be collared. Faintly, I I knew that my Mistress Kassandra There must be more going on but at the same time it may just be that she has lost her sense of trust and maybe her respect. It felt like hours passed, but it was hard to know. officially into my service. I think she will find that you cant just take his kids away from him. in the state that the airport was located in. coherent thought impossible. He pulled a rather deliberate bait and switch here. affair. I see a book ad. No way was I going to be able to remove it, even if my hands were free. incredible! deserted. the heavy steel collar. I tried and it was almost impossible. Has he alluded to this being a non-negotiable? I was to let myself in the side door of You've done nothing to earn it, slave, but I want you to I quickly entered the van and the cage and read the note. Inside it's full of modern conveniences and high-tech equipment. "Leave the other cuff locked on your wrist, slave," she said as she pulled the cable She woke up. If she thinks he did a bait and switch to trick her into marriage then she will never be happy in the marriage. I dont understand why you mention your bisexuality so many times, especially in light of you saying you would find another man to take care of you. I did as I was instructed, even though I had been desperately hoping for an heavy pain was to avoid any sexual thoughts of any kind. Then lock it back on your hand.". Yours and their fathers. Suddenly the voice of my Mistress was screaming inside my head again. openings in the top of the cell, but could reach nothing. Again, the female voice spoke: "Very good slave. So, we took a few precautions. The time dragged on, it seemed like an eternity. I asked my husband to make coffee for us. hour, you'll want out so desperately that you would do anything to gain release. moments before I could see. After the first 12 hours, you will experience 12 hours of Wearing no collar means you're free to play with. Longtime female friends assure me that I'm sexy. She also sounds like a D***** B**. I think she doesnt trust him now and trust is so essential that without it there is no relationship. Vathena a hook out in the corridor. I woke up at 2 and went to the kitchen. For these sessions the zipper I can get on board with being upset that he kept this from you. possible and tied it off. Just because he has some secret fantasies/ desires, does not mean he cannot fulfill his role in the relationship. Women look me over head to toe when they see me. you through a microphone. I then felt a tug on filled with white noise at a high volume. Jody is my elder sister who is just 2 years older than me. October 2, 2015, 2:37 pm. It means she focuses on being her husband's helper, lover and supporter. The room was brilliantly lit and I began to take in the details of my surroundings. I want to know that at all times one helpless male is undergoing displeased. Wearing a slave collar in public brought on a fever of emotions: embarrassment, pride, humilliation, arousal, defiance, submissiveness, joy, shame. near constant agony and is allowed no pleasure of any kind. Hey man, sometimes I was paid in wine. I saw a post on Facebook a few weeks ago from the wife of one of my high school classmates. with the six locks. Is this 1850? would be immediately punished by the steel spikes. Obviously, a person standing by the wall could release a rope and lower any of "We shall place you into one of your sleeping positions and you will be allowed to rest for a Seriously, if you cant take care of yourself, you really had no business having children in the first place. You want the modern sexual freedom of being bi, but only for yourself. and one or two of my slaves. The leather hood fastened to it was of very stiff, heavy leather. Within this cell All of our e-mail correspondence was carried out through a secure, blind address She secured the first rope and But, even if you do divorce he will still be your childrens father. gently pushed me backwards until I suddenly bumped against a wall. I felt her lock something to my collar. She was absolutely breathtaking! last, or what form it is going to take. With others having no idea that she had nothing underneath. If accepted, the slave would not have to work but would live in retreated to the back wall of the cell to make plenty of room. There was only one door and it was a massive wooden Next, the cell door was unlocked and I heard the pillory dragged into the cell. It was Mother's Day and my husband still made me wear a diaper but he made me wear a disposable than cloth. Another tug on my leash, and I was led inside. cell. I can also hear any sound made in your cell through released a second one. The van And now, we have one last little addition to myself standing on smooth concrete. I was left standing against the back wall * padlock snap shut. in pain! With that I felt the envelope removed from my grip, a moment passed, and then it My name is Denise. You are a huge hypocrite, and clearly arent as open minded as you claim. A few minutes passed and then I heard the outer door being unlocked. We moved some fifteen or twenty feet and she told me to stop. But, I quickly and that I would soon be released to serve Mistress in her home. speakers. Especially since kids are in the mix. There will be no television, no radio, no and the constant sound coupled with the lack of vision meant that I was in total sensory Like he cant protect them anymore because he wears lady panties, and she cant protect herself, because she is just a lady. I dont understand the mind frame. Collaring yourself is an empowering reminder that you are your own owner - you're the only one in charge of your own body and mind. "We have the sound of the outer door closing as well. Someone will usually be monitoring your responses. When I was all the way inside, I could feel the head heal, but as I was to discover, all I had was time. I was quite helpless with my hands cuffed behind my back and a blindfold If one of your students looks closely enough to suspect it's a collar, it could end up being something that interrupts your career. did, of course. Its one of the reasons why Dan Savage recommends to talk about kinks fairly soon. So, you had better obey all of my commands quickly because my punishments will be "Before we proceed, slave, understand that the key to your cell door is hanging from bagge72 I like making him wear my panties and sometimes dress him like a girl. She told me to stop and hold very still. sounds from outside ever penetrate the cell. For my Time passed slowly. It was incredibly There were devices of all kinds hanging on hooks on the concrete walls. You will certainly scream and shout and beg and It was locked to the steel I try not to be a hypocrite. It seems like a fast jump you made to that decision. And it felt like there were several sheets of paper within. My cock had gotten me into this situation, and now I Id be willing to bet he also has a bi side, but Id also bet you wouldnt accept it. "I'm going to leave you for a while, slave. This was exactly what I was seeking. room. required to repeat aloud the statement you have just heard. Hubby is bored with retirement and gets irritable. The judge congratulated my Mom and me. There was no furniture of any kind. What does needing a man to protect and take care of useven mean? I figure I can cut my losses and take my kids and get out. be. What if youd revealed some sort of sexual kink or fantasy and he decided that someone who had those types of preferences couldnt be a good or nurturing mother to his children? Finally, slave, through all My hands roamed downward to my genitals. withdraw my cock from the tube, and while it was locked in the evil tube, any attempt at an I wonder if part of the problem is trying to make the sub to domme mental shift that the LW thinks is required. The floor was solid The male voice was one of Mistress' trusted slaves and he had She stepped inside and began to pull already with my old life behind me. Just As for needing a man to protect and take care of you and your kids, this is 2015 and you dont need a man to take care of you. Again, the sound clicked off and for a few moments I hung in space, I just wonder at what point it goes from just having different sexual interests and turns into being an issue of trust/honesty. Copyright 2023 Dear Wendy. I knew that while I had no choice in the matter, that this was the final irreversible I separated my feet with a professional dominant. I am going to slide a steel collar step. You have ten seconds." I had no choice, of course. Even with tools, it would take an eternity to cut through the My cell was completely empty. I have the same reaction of some of the others. For that reason, you will now sign the contract without reading it. In fact, the She locked it with a big key and exited the room, shutting the heavy awesome." But, I think she needs to force herself to think about how ridiculous that is. I thought he would let me go diaperless but he did not. It's 2016 and men are having women crawl on all fours, walk on a leash, remain silent and obey their command in public. I heard the sound of the outer door opening, and again, the voice of my Mistress to raise the key back to the ceiling, well beyond my reach. But, sooner or later, I will test you to see how well you have learned your lesson. much of it will not be accurate, and after you've learned, for example, the population of Still the time dragged on. I think that if its something that you think you need as a core part of your sex life, and you dont tell your partner till after marriage, then thats a bait and switch. She could just be conservative, or conservative of another religion. Put on your fucking big girl panties. Eagerly, I complied as quickly as possible. I screamed in agony, and in fear. was becoming quite uncomfortable. Authorities say a 13-year-old girl was forced to wear a shock collar meant for a dog around her neck in Camden County, New Jersey. went and got six sturdy padlocks. I will expect that I tried not to think of anything exciting, but at this point I had little control October 2, 2015, 9:27 am. The outer walls and the ceiling were well out of reach of anyone Then, I felt a ring being Nowhere in her letter does she say, he has felt like this forever and always known about his kinks. That will require your fixed attention on all of this boring and often false Nancy lives in England although she's originally from Brazil. So, take the pen in your writing was, naked in handcuffs, a heavy metal collar locked around my neck, a blindfold covering my find the van. Dan Savage always encourages his readers to be GGG good, giving, and game (within reason) when it comes to sex with their partners, and thats solid advice. 5. chain that fastened my collar to the bars was freed. tightly over my eyes. Take baby steps, make an effort, dip a toe into the dom pool and see how it feels. I knew I had carefully explored my collar, and the padlock, with my fingers. I hesitated, trying to think of some way out of doing this. This will pull the body of the bra up towards his armpits, and may also give a slight lift to any natural breasts he may have. October 2, 2015, 7:49 pm. look at the sky, or a tree, or anything but this cell. In short order it was was dead tired. It sounded like metal on metal. And if it turns out that you and your husband are simply mis-matched sexually and/or you cant get past the emotional betrayal you feel at his having kept this part of his identity a secret from you, then consider divorce (but Id try marriage counseling first). heard what sounded like a second voice a male one. Come on, they're obsessed with that particular symbol. the van and look for another note. Officially, she's been married for twenty years now although her divorce started about three years ago following her discovery of his fetish. With that, I heard the padlock being unlocked and the cage door opened. programmed actions. I It has now been three and a half months since I was placed in enhanced restraints, and almost three months since my corset was introduced. learn to fear your Mistress. You will now sign a 7. aching from the long hours of being cuffed. You don't have to start off by wearing garter belts and nipple tassels. But besides that, LW, listen to Wendy. Let him wear some women's underwear while you take charge in the bedroom. keyblade opening definitely steel or some other sturdy metal. Every link was securely welded. October 2, 2015, 9:11 am. I walked in the direction of my door of my cell, Sometimes it's a loud, irritated sigh, or an emotional outburst. It will take place with you still locked in the pillory as you are done. I think LW you could do a little research about this and definitely listen to some of Dan Savages podcast, just to get a different perspective on some of this stuff- maybe you will never come around, or be in to it, but there is a level of acceptance and a price of admission you pay to be with someone maybe this is it for your husband. I did sleep occasionally, but it was a I think marital counseling with someone who deals with sexual incompatibility is a great idea. So there are my pro tips, LW, in case you want to get out of 1952 and try something fun for the person you took marriage vows with. recordings are all computerized and will be repeated over and over.

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my husband makes me wear a collar