5.1 The Executive Committee shall exercise all of the powers and authority of the Trustees except that the Executive Committee shall at no time take or authorize any action which these Statutes specifically require to be taken at a regular stated or special meeting of the Trustees or any action prohibited by law. 7.2 The Penn Medicine Board and the Penn Medicine Executive Committee shall each be an "other body" within the meaning of the Pennsylvania Nonprofit Corporation Law (or any successor act or provision). 2.5 Charter trustees shall retire at the conclusion of the first stated meeting of the Trustees following the date on which they reach seventy years of age or at the conclusion of their 10 years of service, whichever comes first. The 23-page lawsuit claims the Ivy League institutions board of trustees, which operates the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Health System (Penn Medicine), has secretly deployed a piece of code known as the Facebook tracking pixel on the myPennMedicine app, PennMedicine.org, PennBehavioralHealth.org and UPHS.UPenn.edu. 6.2 The Investment Board shall consist of such number of trustees and non-trustees as shall be fixed from time to time by the Trustees. The Penn Medicine Board shall have overall responsibility delegated to it by the Trustees pursuant to this Article and the Penn Medicine Bylaws for promoting productive relationships among the Penn Medicine Constituents and between Penn Medicine and the University for the purpose of maintaining the highest level of clinical, educational and research excellence. University of Pennsylvania Prior to that, he was a senior investment officer with the World Bank. In the case of a special meeting, the meeting shall be held not more than sixty days after receipt of the request, and the notice shall state the general nature of the business to be transacted, which shall be the only business considered at such meeting. The Secretary shall give notice of a meeting of a board or committee (other than the Penn Medicine Board and Penn Medicine Executive Committee) to all members at least five days before such meeting, unless a greater period is required by law, by the Charter, or by these Statutes, provided that whenever the Chair (or in the Chair's absence a designated Vice Chair) shall determine that an emergency exists, he or she may call a special meeting and specify a shorter period of notice than that prescribed for meetings of the Trustees, but in no event less than twelve hours telegraphic, facsimile, or telephonic notice. As a finale to this seasons Culture Film series, the Penn Museum presents the short films Fugetsu-Do and Morkovcha, which focus on East and Central Asian cuisines and the communities with which they engage. The Chair or a Vice Chair shall preside at all meetings when the Governor is not present. The Committee shall have power to make investigations, reports, and recommendations on any matter relating to academic freedom and responsibility within the University. 11.4 It is the policy of the University of Pennsylvania to maintain and encourage freedom of inquiry, discourse, teaching, research, and publication and to protect any member of the academic staff against influences, from within or without the University, that would restrict him or her in the exercise of these freedoms in his or her area of scholarly interest. Gloria Twine Chisum Hyder Ahmad Laura J. Alber Bonnie Miao Bandeen Michael L. Barrett Brett H. Barth David S. Blitzer Scott L. Bok, Chair William P. Carey II James G. Dinan Connie K. [28] Vague has donated significant sums of money to both Republicans and Democrats. From time to time other committees or bodies also conduct business requiring open meetings. The trustee members, the chair, and the vice chair of all committees and other bodies formed by the Trustees, with the exception of the Executive Committee, the Investment Board, and the Penn Medicine Board and Penn Medicine Executive Committee, shall be appointed by the Chair of the Trustees for one-year renewable terms. Adelman serves as CEO of Campus Apartments, which houses many Penn students, and currently sits on the Penn Medicine Board of Trustees. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all monies due and payable to the University and deposit them in the name of the University in such banking institutions as the Trustees may approve. 10.4 There shall be a Dean and a Secretary of each Faculty. As a liaison between the Trustees and the faculty, the President shall inform each of the views and concerns of the other relating to the programs and administration of the University. As a founding member of the Board, he brought his wide-ranging knowledge and expertise to the role, helping to ensure Penn Medicines continued growth and upward trajectory. An Executive Committee is empowered to act on behalf of the trustees between meetings of the full board, which are held in the winter, spring and fall. An officer shall not be considered to be acting in good faith if he or she has knowledge concerning the matter in question that would cause his or her reliance to be unwarranted. 14.1 Amendments to these Statutes may be made at any regular stated or special meeting of the Trustees, provided notice of the contemplated action has been given by the Secretary to every member of the Trustees ten days in advance of the meeting at which the amendment is to be voted upon. AddressOffice of the University Secretary1 College Hall, Room 211Philadelphia, PA 19104-6303, PhonePhone (215) 898-7005Fax (215) 898-0103, Contact UsOffice of the University Secretary, Minutes of the Trustees and Executive Committee. A notice of meeting shall specify the place, day, and hour of the meeting and any other information required by the Pennsylvania Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1988 (or any successor act or provision). Richard W. Vague 9.3 There shall be a Faculty Senate composed of members of the Standing Faculty and the Standing Faculty-Clinician Educators holding the rank of professor, associate professor, or assistant professor. Meetings to be Open. LG Health Board of Trustees Our Board of Trustees includes community and business Katherine Stein Sachs WebThe Trustees. Perry World House Senior Executive Director LaShawn R. Jefferson moderates a discussion on the current state of global mobilization for womens rights. Executive sessions are attended only by trustees and selected administrators. The Secretary shall give notice of any meeting of the Trustees to all trustees at least five days before such meeting, unless a greater period is required by law, by the Charter, or by these Statutes. 2.10 A trustee shall not be personally liable for monetary damages as such for any action taken, or any failure to take any action, unless the trustee has breached or failed to perform the duties of his or her office under 15 Pa.C.S. 9.1 There shall be a University Council, composed of representatives of the faculty, the student body, the University administration, and the administrative staff. Retired Human Resources Director. Absent breach of fiduciary duty, lack of good faith or self-dealing, actions taken as an officer of the University or any failure to take any action shall be presumed to be in the best interests of the University. Penn Medicine is the umbrella governance structure created in 2002 to oversee both the Universitys School of Medicine and Health System. No officer of the University has authority to bind the University to appointment or promotion in the ranks of Associate or above without the positive action of the Trustees. Howard S. Marks Penn Medicine is the umbrella governance structure created in 2002 to oversee both the Perelman School of Medicine and Health System. 5.3 The Chair and the Vice Chairs of the Trustees shall also serve as members of and as chair and vice chairs of the Executive Committee. He or she shall be responsible for the proper keeping of accounts of every department of the University and shall have authority to direct the methods, including audit and control, by which such accounts are kept. The trustees delegate the responsibility for the day Edward J. Mathias Andrew R. Heyer, a member of the University of Pennsylvanias Board of Trustees, has been named chair of Penn Medicine, effective July 1, 2016. Lynn J. Jerath Lee Spelman Doty As a finale to this seasons Culture Film series, the Penn Museum presents the short films Fugetsu-Do and Morkovcha, which focus on East and Central Asian cuisines and the communities with which they engage. Business, & Law. PHILADELPHIA David L. Cohen, Chair of the University of Pennsylvania Board of Trustees, today announced that the University has agreed to extend the contract of President Amy Gutmann for an additional three years to June 30, 2022. 8.2 Whenever any written notice is required to be given by law, by the Charter, or by these Statutes, a waiver thereof may be made in accordance with the Pennsylvania Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1988 (or any successor act or provision). Vahan H. Gureghian Scott L. Bok, Chair It shall have sole and complete responsibility with respect to the management and custody of all real and personal property held by the University as an investment. Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts. In performing his or her duties, a trustee shall be entitled to rely in good faith on information, opinions, reports or statements, including financial statements and other financial data, in each case prepared or presented by one or more officers or employees of the University whom the trustee reasonably believes to be reliable and competent with respect to the matters presented, counsel, public accountants or other persons as to matters that the trustee reasonably believes to be within the professional or expert competence of such person, or a committee of the Trustees upon which the trustee does not serve, duly designated in accordance with law, as to matters within its designated authority, which committee the trustee reasonably believes to merit confidence. 2.4 Charter, term, and elected trustees emeriti shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected at a stated meeting of the Trustees. 5713 and shall not apply to the responsibility or liability of a trustee pursuant to any criminal statute or the liability of a trustee for the payment of taxes pursuant to local, state or federal law. Julie Beren Platt Coronavirus Information: Trustees emeriti shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of other trustees with the exceptions set forth in section 2.8, section 4.5, section 5.2, and section 6.2. Formal institutional governance and fiduciary responsibility for the University of Pennsylvania rest solely with its Board of Trustees. Trustees emeriti may not serve as chair of any committee formed by the Trustees pursuant to this Article and consisting solely of Trustees, except forad hoccommittees. The fourth-year do-it-all guard on the womens basketball team is in the final stages of her sensational career at Penn. Prior to founding Mistral, Heyer served as a founding managing partner of Trimaran Capital Partners L.L.C., and was formerly a vice chairman of CIBC World Markets Corp. Prior service in any other voting class will also be applied toward this 10-year maximum. The 23-page lawsuit claims the Ivy League institutions board of trustees, which operates the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Health System (Penn The case alleges that UPenns board of trustees has violated the Pennsylvania Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Control Act, which prohibits the interception and disclosure of the contents of electronic communications. The chair of each department shall be appointed or removed by the President, upon the recommendation of the Dean with the advice of the Faculty, and with the approval of the Provost or his or her designee. The performance is co-presented with World Cafe Live. 10.10 The Associated Faculty is composed of the Research Faculty, the clinical Faculty, the Adjunct Faculty, Practice Professors, and the Visiting Faculty. Email: ofcsec@pobox.upenn.edu, AddressOffice of the University Secretary1 College Hall, Room 211Philadelphia, PA 19104-6303, PhonePhone (215) 898-7005Fax (215) 898-0103, Contact UsOffice of the University Secretary, The primary work of the trustees is carried out by eleven committees: Academic Policy, Audit and Compliance, Budget and Finance, Compensation, Development, Facilities and Campus Planning, Honorary Degrees and Awards, Local, National, & Global Engagement, Nominating, and Student Life. Heyer, who received his B.S. Special convocations may be held during the year for the conferring of degrees upon the recommendation of the President and with the approval of the Trustees. Krista M. Pinola Humanities, & SocialSciences, Education, WebSenior Administrators Meet the administrators who run the Universitys nonacademic divisions. Kelly works primarily on ClassAction.orgs newswire, reporting on cases as they happen. For purposes of this Article, trustees emeriti shall not be considered trustees. Each Faculty's Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility shall, to the extent provided in the relevant procedures, including the Procedures Governing Sanctions Taken Against Members of the Faculty adopted on June 20, 1997, and as they may be hereafter amended, represent the Faculty in proceedings that involve temporary exclusion of or imposition of a major sanction on a Faculty member, suspension or termination of the appointment of a Faculty member, some matters arising from financial exigency proceedings, or other questions concerning an individual faculty member's claim of violation of his or her academic freedom. At least ten days' notice of such proposed election shall be given to the trustees. (b) Election of the President: When it becomes necessary to elect a new President, the Chair of the Board of Trustees shall convene a Consultative Committee, composed of trustees, deans, faculty, staff and students, to advise in the selection process by identifying priorities, issues, challenges, candidate qualifications, and other factors important to the constituencies represented by the members of the Consultative Committee. Robert M. Levy Massi Khadjenouri Anas Mitchell, a singer-songwriter popularly known for creating the Broadway musical Hadestown, performs in the Zellerbach Theatre. A trustee may, in considering the best interests of the University, consider the effects of any action upon employees, upon suppliers and students and other constituents of the University and upon the community in which the University is located, and all other pertinent factors. Boards of Advisors afford Penn ready panels of alumni, professionals and other experts who provide volunteer leadership and financial support to the areas they serve. Perry Golkin The African American MBA Association at the Wharton School celebrates its 50th anniversary. The Markup also found that the tracking tool is able to identify Penn Medicine app and website users by collecting their IP addresses and Facebook IDs (FID), unique identifiers that Facebook assigns to each user. A class action alleges the University of Pennsylvania and its board of trustees have violated the medical privacy rights of Penn Medicine patients by disclosing their data to Facebook without consent. Special meetings of the Trustees may be called at the request of the Chair, a Vice Chair, the President, or by written request of five trustees. He or she shall approve all vouchers before they are submitted to the Treasurer for payment; such approval shall be evidence that the charge has been recorded against an approved budget on file, and that it is within the appropriation of the budget against which it is charged. Julie Seaman Boards of Advisors serve as a vital channel of WebHilary Eadon Markman, PA-C | Plastic Surgery | Penn Medicine. They also include the ranks of Assistant Instructor, Teaching Fellow, Research Fellow, and Research Assistant, which are limited to persons registered in graduate or professional programs at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1972, the trustees and the president decided to build on this earlier precedent by establishing Boards of Advisors. 5713 and the breach or failure to perform constitutes self-dealing, willful misconduct or recklessness. 10.1 There shall be such Faculties and such Schools as authorized by the Trustees. A person attending an open meeting shall have the right to use recording devices to record all the proceedings. Stacey G. Snider Price The screening is followed by a talk with Rob Buscher, a lecturer in the Asian American Studies Program, and filmmakers Lidiya Kan and Kaia Rose. Ann Reese, Vice Chair, Hyder Ahmad He is a member of the Wharton Board of Overseers and served as the chair of the Advisory Board of the Wharton Entrepreneurial Center. The three regularly stated meetings of the Trustees are normally in the fall, winter, and spring of each year. Michael F. Gerber 3.1 The officers of the University shall be the President, the Provost, the Vice Presidents, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Comptroller, and the General Counsel. For this reason, one of the most important responsibilities of the trustees is the selection, retention, and replacement of the president. Ch.77C. No member of the public attending an open meeting shall in any fashion interrupt, interfere with, obstruct, disturb, or disrupt the conduct of such meeting. He or she shall keep a complete set of accounts showing in detail the financial transactions of the Treasurer's office, and these shall be open at any time to the inspection of any trustee. The Penn Medicine Board shall have overall responsibility delegated to it by the Trustees pursuant to this Article and the Penn Medicine Bylaws for promoting A December 2022 bulletin issued by the Office of Civil Rights stated that such impermissible disclosures of patients health information could lead to identity theft, financial loss, discrimination, stigma, mental anguish, or other serious negative consequences to the reputation, health, or physical safety of the individual or others identified in the individuals [protected health information], the case says. This is unethical money that Penn is giving to Adelman, whether directly or indirectly. Joel M. Greenblatt The trustees provide leadership in the identification and development of financial resources. In consultation with the president, the trustees determine the long-range allocation of resources, making decisions in the context of the needs and expectations of the University's constituencies and of society. Connie K. Duckworth Russell E. Palmer They shall not be entitled to vote at a meeting of any such board or committee to which they have been appointed and shall not be considered in constituting a quorum or for any other purpose for which a certain number or proportion of trustees is required. 4.2. Kelly Gleason, an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, discusses the role of patient portal messages in supporting care partners of people with dementia. The Executive Board typically meets at times when regularly stated meetings of the Trustees are not held and often conducts business requiring an open meeting. 3.6 The Comptroller shall maintain a complete set of accounts, except those maintained by the Treasurer, showing in detail the business and financial transactions of the University. With the concurrence of the Trustees, the chair of the Investment Board shall be appointed by the Chair of the Trustees. 13.3 The indemnification provided by or pursuant to these Statutes shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a trustee, officer or member of the Investment Board or other indemnified person and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors or administrators of such a person. Cheryl Peisach Andy is a thoughtful, strategic leader with a demonstrated dedication to Penn and Penn Medicine. 4.3. Myron M. Gellman. 9.4 The Faculty Senate shall adopt rules governing its organization and procedures. Artist-in-residence and visiting scholar Rebecca Kamen has blended AI and art to produce animated illustrations representing how a dyslexic brain interprets information. Kevin S. Penn William P. Carey II 4.7 Except as otherwise provided by law, by the Charter, or by these Statutes, a majority of all members entitled to vote shall be necessary to constitute a quorum at all meetings of boards and committees formed by the Trustees, and a vote of a majority of those members constituting the quorum shall decide any question brought before such meeting. David L. Cohen, chair of Penns Board of Trustees, said, Andy Heyer is the ideal person to step into this role. The affirmative votes of at least a majority of the Trustees (except on particular matters as set forth in the Statutes) in office at the time shall be requisite for the adoption of an amendment. Harlan M. Stone The announcement was made by David L. Cohen, chair of Penns Board of Trustees, and Penn President Amy Gutmann. 1.2 These Statutes are limited to principles of fundamental and continuing significance to the governance of the University. Patricia Martin Each Faculty shall meet at stated times and also at the call of its dean or of the President, the Provost, or other designated officer. ", 1.1 The Charter enables the Trustees(1)"to make rules and statutes not repugnant to the laws and constitution of this state, or of the United States of America, and to do everything needful and necessary to the establishment of the said university, and for their own good government and the good government and education of the youth belonging to the same.".

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penn medicine board of trustees