percy gets spanked by poseidon fanfiction

Percy jumped out and punched him hard. Sam and Dean headed back to their motel to pack up and leave. Please consider turning it on! Meredith Nerissa Amphitrite Jackson. He really does need John to do just that. I gasped. A monster. ON TEMPORARY HIATUS UNTIL MY COMPUTER IS FIXED. So, you heard about the Ragnarok and make a deal with Poseidon. Updates every other Friday. Father/son relationships, contains spanking. The best book I have read in a long time. He realized his hands had turned into fists, his nails were digging into the back of his hands but he didn't feel pain. Or, a complete AU rewrite from pre-canon through all five PJO books: Percy is born a little less human and a little more otherworldly than healthy. Because here, its not just the kings who have taken a terrible interest in him; Percy will soon learn just how painful the attention of a god can really be. Situacin:Percy Jackson ha comenzado a ingerir alimentos ms extraos de lo usual y tiene cambios de humor explosivos. Most of all, they must come to terms with a father they have never known, and an Oracle that has warned them of betrayal by a friend. Why was he running? So Hades approaches Percy, who has gotten his heart broken by Nico. Okay so comment and tell me what you think, and who you think should and shouldn't be together, as a couple! A rooski. first !Their relationship was kept sub rosa! The world has been saved. Dont like, Dont read.). But when the mood strikes them, both the oceans and the abyss can be tempted to create life instead. In which, Batman takes Percy in for being a terrorist, Poseidon is a mother-hen, Aquaman is a fanboy, and Wally is confused. 7 years since Apollo became a god once again. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase fell into Tartarus together. Percy Jackson Moana AU (also Ancient Greece AU?). I've lived in New York for a few years with my adopted mom and father. The doors closed behind him and he felt shadows of his younger self as he walked through this familiar, yet forgotten room. Way to go, Jackson, He wanted to call her, he really did, but she wouldn't have answered, or at least he didn't think she would. I followed my brother and my boyfriend into the throne room. Why, you may ask? Jason and I said at the same time. In the Poseidon Cabin, Percy prayed for a battle. Please consider turning it on! Annabeth cheated on him, his friends despised him, his mom and Paul are gone, and Poseidon disowned him. Thanks for writing such amazing story plot I cant stop reading. "For life?" "I don't believe this!" poseidon. Seems important. She screamed after him. Pjo and related fandoms E rated M/M drabbles. So unlike other stories that focus on the sidepairings, this focuses on the development of Nico's and Percy's relationship. It scared him how good he was getting at it. Action Romance Ariel Everdeen The Capitol Panem Poseidon Daughter Of Poseidon Caspian Sallow. However, he was here, stood atop the hill and looking over his old home. Books that perform well based on their reader engagement are published by Inkitt in different formats and channels. Everything was going normal for once. The gods took out Typhoon and the Greek and Roman campers took out the monsters. After her plans for becoming queen of Asgard backfire, Amora is upset that Loki tried keeping her married to Odin and becomes even more upset when she finds out that it was all part of Lokis own plans for taking over the throne. Helpless against the many monsters that grabbed and tore at me, I was dragged across the rough ground, back towards my new home. A jutting rock, slipped my attention and I sprawled down the hillside. Thalia said softly "He would never betray the gods, would he?" Set after episode 16, Marcus and Sherlock face the consequences of their actions, as well as learning where they stand in Gregson's life. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. I snapped "He's our friend and he was always there for us!" If I catch you not sitting in it I will spank you again. Please add more chapters I know you currently have 3 books in progress and I can't wait to see where they all go. This is the edited version from Wattpad. It turns out he is the son of an ancient sea god, and is now accused of stealing the king of gods' lightning bolt. zeus. She said. Percy had been coming here for the last week or so, he found it soothed him to stand at the edge of the rails and watch the water below. He never paid close attention to where he was going, but he always ended up in the same place. That is, if he wi Celestia Estella Sommers, daughter of Hades has set her foot in Mystic Falls, Virginia. And the first secret revealed? When Poseidon finds out just what has his favorite boy been up to, he is none too pleased. I'm just a regular 12-year-old girl. But it's a decision already made and there's no place for questions or denial. So he joined Chaos' army. I was so focused on finding Annabeth that I didn't notice everyone wispering as I walked by, or how everyone would scowl at me like I was the devil. Because, quite obviously, the gods can not be left to their own devices. I know I know, I'm early, but I was excited. But something didn't make sense, the boy and Annabeth were sitting on a picnic blanket, the exact picnic blanket we always used when we went to the beach. The very spot he had never intended to stand in again. They both looked at me. Why are you running? I couldn't beleive it. He felt as if the Fates were conspiring against . Right?!! "Percy i-its not what you think!" fuck life. This fic takes place after a scene in the Thor: The Dark World movie and after the related deleted scene on the Thor 2 blu-ray. Go to Mount Olympus, and convince the god that he is innocent - with not-so-innocent tricks - so to avoid WW3 from starting. No, I can't" I said, you could hear the heartbrake in my voice. Zeus and Poseidon are here as well." Sharing a glance with Nico, I stood and followed Jason back towards the big house. The vampires have a treaty with the Alpha of the local pack of werewolves; Charles Beckendorf. Creo que ya no me queda". With my own OC. Don't like, don't read. A small hand gripped my arm and I was suddenly surrounded by black. With hot chocolate and cuddles. Nico decides to do something nice for his husband, so he gets their rascal kids out of the house and brings the girls over. After spending nineteen years at camp and fulfilling the prophesies with her cou Perci doesn't know what to do with herself anymore. His wife and best friend Persephone makes a simple suggestion. All the anxiety and paranoia he was feeling, it wasn't real, he knew that, and maybe that's what scared him the most. I decided to peak in instead of just walking in. Starscream attempts to kill Megatron again, but ends up getting a good spanking from the Decepticon Lord instead. Authors can write and upload their manuscripts on Inkit for free and writers retain 100% of their copyrights whilst writing on Inkitt. Lucky for him they are very helpful and supporting, and they give him "quests" that are just way too easy. Great writing, honeygirlphx: May contain spoilers! Percy, of course, knows how to fix everything. "Father." So he decides on a little vacation on Olympus. But Percy wouldn't be Percy if he'd listen to rules like "Don't go into the jungle". The wife of Poseidon walked over limping and impaled his leaking hole on their dicks. Feeling childish, he alters his appearance back to when he was a teenager and to fit the theme, he rolls up in his bed and watches cartoons all day long, with his big sisters coddling him.That is, until he breaks the One Rule. Because Poseidon is in charge and if he says Percy's a prince, the rest of the court has to agree. He is also, whether he likes it or not, part of the Royal Family of Atlantis. An enormous amount of demigods began pouring in, courtesy of the newly trained fauns helping out. Maybe it'd worked for some time, but that faade had grown old. Dont like, dont read). Reader has to work with a tunnel vision My first story ever and I had a thought of why not make the original Journey 2 more interesting His mother was killed when lightning struck their house, his father rescued him, as did a mysterious women flanked by lions. In which Keyara Robards is no longer a girl, in a world that shouldn't exist, and ready to fuck some things up.This world better watch out, cause they're pissed. Had he really been staring at the celling for the past 3 hours? This work was written for Percy Centric Polycule Week; Day 7 - everyone, but also works for Day 4 - ours. But hearing about this relationship, Poseidon grows angry and jealous and also very upset, so he goes to confront them. He felt like he was being eaten alive, like if he just stayed there he would drown in his own thoughts. He didn't want to think about it, he knew that if he did he would just make it worse for himself, that all the nightmares would just feel a lot more real. Zeus nodded and send a bolt of lightning at me. Marriage by proxy may be out of vogue at the moment, Hera pipes up, delicate hands smoothing out a non-existent crease in her pantsuit. Naturally, he didn't do it. Poseidon siad in a booming voice. Bri: Except, on the inside, he's broken, shattered. Another excellent,intriguing, suspenseful addition to the continuing storyline. Surely they must be joking around with how obsessed they are acting with him? If they can get the kids out of the house, that is. I spent maybe a month fending for myself, before I met Chaos. He couldnt help but feel something, seeing the old throne room and how different it was. She said uncertanly. Percy hoped none of his few siblings were in there at the moment. I just couyldn't take it anymore. She was scared of him, and why wouldn't she be. The sea can be quite similar to oblivion. Oh gods, Percy thought, I got fucking isekaied., Thrown back in time and tossed onto the scorching shores of ancient Greece, Percy becomes the unwilling center of attention for an entire army. If possible her eyes got even bigger " Percy I-I love you, this was only a little fling while you were gone. "Percy! Its got to bebloodyexhausting being you. Everything is peaceful, at least until Nico's sire Luke decides to drop by, because the truly Old Ones don't exactly approve of Nico's treaty with the wolves. ((Title from the song Dream Sweet in Sea Major by Miracle Musical.)). Percy Jackson, a 16-year-old lame kid, finds himself in a weird camp, after losing his mother to a half-bull, half-man creature. They watch future heroes, more specifically--- Pacifica Jackson, Daughter of the Sea, and her crazy adventures. Contains parental discipline/spanking of a child/teen robot. Sblings Percy and Cassie Jackson are on the most dangerous quest of their lives. "-Bro, me veo gordo con esta camiseta? Genders, Creatures, and Demi-gods will evolve. Even his own girlfriend was scared of him. Read the warnings, enjoy:) All characters are 18 or older, please be 18 or older to read). But that is not the worst. The Iris message sparkled and showed me my apartment being taken over by monsters, my mom and Paul, lay dead on the bloody floor. I absolutely am in love with this book and can not wait for book 14 you have wrapped me in I need more!! I nodded and gave a small smile. Outside, he could see faint lights shinning through the binds. Percy wasn't quite sure what to expect. Since Percy can't have the son, he takes the father. He couldn't even if he wanted to. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. And its up to you what happens next. Being a god, Percy basically stops the plot of Trials of Apollo from ever happening, because he does not allow Zeus to push Apollo around for for for what exactly, really? The Huntresses and the Amazons decided to merge, after the losses both sides had suffered during the Giant War. "We closed the doors of death, sealing all monsters away. The firstborn daughter of Poseidon. Percy knew he should go to sleep, you'd think that after two weeks without getting any decent rest he'd be exhausted, but he simply couldn't close his eyes. I threw my phone in my pocket and grabbed his before uncapping Riptide and running out to the hall before I could stop myself. . Percy and Octavian pack up and leave for London, to meet Octavian's family and tell them about the pregnancy. "Fine." Choruses Piper and I at the same time. They thought the hunt was successful. Aux yeux de tous, ils sont les frres ennemis. That was another thing, he didn't feel much of anything anymore, not like he used to. goddess and the girl had a very powerful soulmate. It always came to that, to the same thought over and over. And Apollo? He's a vampire and he has been living rather peacefully in Starfall Hollow. "My father had a the right idea!" Thats when Dean started acting weird. But it explains a lot about Octavian. The first reached me before I was able to regain my footing and they pinned me down. Nico looked the sky "His immortal flaw is Personal Loyalty. Write captivating stories, read enchanting novels, and well publish the books our readers love most on our sister app, GALATEA and other formats. Dean spanks sam which makes Sam start crying. Hes courting you, dumbass, Clarisse interrupted, looking like she was barely resisting the urge to reach a hand out and slap him. Dans l'intimit, ils sont bien plus fougueux. Upon realizing how much his family desired Percy, the hero's father had him fitted to a chastity belt, and it was only coming off if his father approved of his mate. I said the betrayel evident on my face. " If he would have known that he couldn't trust Lycaon, he would have taken Percy with him right from the start, really.After all, he had only left to find the summer camp for monster-children to keep their kids and his mate save. Kili worries that Thorin won't permit him to join the Quest, so he hatches a daring plan. Naturally, he didn't do it. Poseidon had told Triton now that he was a child again, and his mother was gone that he had to stay on Olympus when Poseidon did. The past Olympians were sent to a room along with famous heroes, and Titans by the Fates. Her clouded eyes met Zeus's lightening blue ones. Ares stumbled back and fell onto the ground. We will prove him right!" Just in a fucked up way. Name: the only one for the jobAuthor: BionicOtaku. How ironic, he thought, a son of Poseidon drowning. He didn't know where he was going, it was the middle of the night and all he could think of was walking. I woke up to the face of my new mother, reborn into the world of Percy Jackson. This work could have adult content. I never looked back. so ive said this a couple times, but i promise this will be updated!! With the help of a satyr and a daughter of Athena, Percy and Cassie must journey across the United States to catch a thief who has stolen the original weapon of mass destruction Zeus master bolt. It hides secrets in its depths and threatens even those that know it well. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Contains parental discipline/spanking of a child robot. Annabeth. Me he vuelto adicta a estas historias ya no tengo remedio. They eagerly yearn to touch and caressed her gently with love--- even the sea god himself. Percy comes home one day to find 9 Olympian gods in his living room. I fear for what those monsters have already done to him. That is to say, there are merpeople frequenting the lagoon. Since Percy can't have the son, he takes the father.But hearing about this relationship, Poseidon grows angry and jealous and also very upset, so he goes to confront them. I am in love with this story. He kept walking, until the it was already dawn and he reached his building. Well it couldn't be helped as Amphitrite had been acting like a total bitch again. Double Bacon Cheeseburger with extra bacon, Not no happy endingbut kinda happyish ending, Arthur's basically just an awesome older brother/mentor figure for the first few years, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms, Oropher (Tolkien)/Original Female Character(s), conjecture on Elven religion (nothing overt). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Nico and Thalia cried. Be a man, be a hero. It was not even the greatest. No one messes with his daughter without facing the consequences. Inkitts mission is to discover talented writers and turn them into globally successful authors. Evidencia:Una conversacin. So far I have read all your books out on this site and on storysome. Not much had changed, his room was still messy and crowded with old junk from Camp Half-Blood, he guessed his mom hadn't gone in it since he went missing. I'll always be here for you cousin." Very obsessed Poseidon. Like an old painting in a museum, it slowly starts cracking and shedding away everything that once made it fascinating, until suddenly all that was left in its place was the ghost of what it used to look like. Fili doesn't approve, and makes his displeasure known in a way his little brother never anticipated. He wanted to believe that everything could eventually go back to normal, but he knew enough about disappointment to know that hoping was simply not good enough. "Well, well, wellwe meet again, son of Poseidon," Ares said menacingly. Prompt: Can I please give you a promt? Sort by: Hot. And then, after they are taken from the awesome place called the Lotus Casino, they are taken to a boarding school then find out some really freaky things about their heritage. I just turned around, shaking my head and started walking back twords my cabin. " Chiron wants to see you. One Italian betrayed by the seven, the parents, the gods, the whole . Besides, Percy had noticed she'd been avoiding him ever since they got out of the pit. The only people that looked like they didn't agree, just a little bit was the Ares cabin. Percy realized he was alone, the same way he'd been before he found out he was a demigod, he was completely alone. Slight AU where Percy still did all the things in canon but is considered a Prince of Atlantis and the title is actually used blah blah blah this was an excuse to write smut. He can't betray the gods, not without being in literal pain." "Nothing Percy, its just that these swords were meant to be able to take over 100,000 times my power and more, and still be able to project it. Thalia said from behind me. That is one word that described Percy Jackson. all characters belong to DC and Rick Riordan. Was this really it? Betrayed. He knew too well that it would't be long before the entire platform filled with joggers and bikers and people walking their dogs, so he got of the railing and left. Natalee Lindo: If you guys like it well enough I'll get all the chapters I currently have edited up. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". He cracked open his eyes while he was stretching to give his work a once over; the building design he had been working on for the last few days was shaping up nicely. I packed all my stuff in a plain black back-pack, I also left a note to anyone that cared. He thought about calling her, but she was probably asleep, and even if she'd been awake, what would he say? Keep it up! And then I took off running. Work Search: And right when I was about to turn away my 'father' decided to speak " You are officially my favorite son! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. One who has nonconventional hobbies such as crime fighting and vigilante justice. "I Jason Grace, swear on the river Styx that I am, as of today, no longer a son of Zeus!" From everything. And Neptune dances with the most beautiful omega on the ball, never having seen this one before. (seafam week), The Daughter of Poseidon: The Lightning Thief, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood & Annabeth Chase & Cassie Jackson, Rick Riordan Demigod Universe | Riordanverse, The Daughter of Poseidon and the Olympians. The Nicercy-parts. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Hermes/Luke Castellan/Travis Stoll/Connor Stoll/Chris Rodriguez, | Aquilo | Boreas (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), | Zephyrus (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), | Eurus (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), Narcissus and Adonis are one and the same. a small voice whispered in the back of his mind. Bumblebee's disobedient and rebellious attitude finally earns him a much needed spanking from Ratchet. Percy Jackson has a rough past. The sea is not unlike the abyss; it is deadly, destructive. Percy had three kids, though, he never expected them to have a mixed power of demigod, athena, poseidon, and human. They don't necessarily need to like it.And neither does Percy. The wind blew in his face and he could feel his feet dangling in the air. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. A loyal and kind father, disowned him. He got up, preforming the same ritual for the 7th night in a row. Then what is it?" Ari Jackson never wanted to be a half-blood let alone a forbidden daughter of Poseidon destined to either save the world or bring about its destruction. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I love these books. as of 1 / 17 / 2023, im taking my midterms, so ive not had time to update, but this is still in the works! There was a boy with ravon black hair sitting next to her, and even though I just saw her back I knew it was her, I would recognize those princess curls anywhere. ", "How long?" He was the mightiest King of the Elves east of the Great Sea, and his kinfolk would one day rule realms throughout the world. His children were Lindsay, a 7 year old, a 5 year old son, Thomas, and a 3 year old, Lilly. "You have been discovered as a traitor to the gods. Percy Jackson is many things: part god, part human, Hero of Olympus, Savior of the Gods, Annabeth Chase's boyfriend, Sally Jackson's son. Please consider turning it on! But I didn't care anymore. But how? Percy chokes out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback Ends~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. When Percy Jackson is promised to Ares as his wife, he isn't particularly happy with the news.

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percy gets spanked by poseidon fanfiction