rajatarangini was translated into persian by

Rajatarangini, (Sanskrit: "River of Kings") historical chronicle of early India, written in Sanskrit verse by the Kashmiri Brahman Kalhana in 1148, that is justifiably considered to be the best and most authentic work of its kind. And 40 years after his passing, the translation has now been brought into publication thanks to the zealous efforts of a few lovers of classical literature. He endorsed the work to a few officials to make translations of the Sanskrit books Rajatarangini, Ramayana and Mahabharata into the Persian language. Its heyday was the 13th and 14th centuries, broadly the period straddling the phase of Sanskrit literature to which It covers the whole range of history in the Kashmir district from the earliest times to its synthesis. He wanted his court poets to interpret the Sanskrit books Rajatarangini, Ramayana, and Mahabharata into the Persian language. Kishan Joshi, the Ganga Dhar, the Mahesh, the Mahanand and others. [18] Iinternal rebellions were ably suppressed. Rajatarangini belongs. Answer. During Akbar's time the Ramayana and Mahabharata were also translated into Persian. Despite these stated principles, and despite the value that historians have placed on Kalhana's work, there is little evidence of authenticity and a few inconsistencies in the earlier chapters of his book, especially the first three books. Answer. It was written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri historian Kalhana in the 12th century CE. Jizya was abolished too in his command. Uchchala's brother; ascended throne with Gargachandra's support, Harsha's grandson, who had escaped Uchchala's revolt. She was pregnant at the time of her husband's death, and Krishna helped her ascend the throne. Toramana's son Pravarasena, who had been brought up in secrecy by his mother Anjana, freed him. Sultan Sikandar (1389-1413 CE), was the sixth ruler of the Shah Mir Dynasty. Turn on. Learn about the life of Vallabhacharya, a great saint and philosopher. Historian A. Q. Rafiqi states that some Persian chronicles of Kashmir describe Shah Mir as a descendant of the rulers of Swat. Kalhaa's account of Kashmir begins with the legendary reign of Gonarda, who was contemporary to Yudhishthira of the Mahbhrata, but the recorded history of Kashmir, as retold by Kalhaa begins from the period of the Mauryas. Nothing is known about his origin. For example, Kalhana has highly exaggerated the military conquests of Lalitaditya Muktapida.[18][19]. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Uchchala's step-brother; became the king after Radda's death. Little is known about him except from what he tells us about himself in the opening verses of his book. Let us know more about Rajatarangini. Kalhana in his opening Taranga of Rajatarangini presents his views on how history ought to be written. Mahabharata, Ramayana, Atharva Veda, Lilawati, Rajatarangini translated into Persian. Despite these stated principles, Kalhana's work is also full of legends and inconsistencies (see Historical reliability below). [22], Kalhana's account starts to align with other historical evidence only by Book 4, which gives an account of the Karkota dynasty. He tried to abduct a Nga woman, who was the wife of a Brahmin. He established a university in Naushehra and a Darul Tarjuma. In 1546, after Humayun recovered Kabul, Haidar removed Nazuk Shah and struck coins in the name of the Mughal emperor. His admittance to minute subtleties of contemporary court interests was practically immediate: his dad and uncle were both in the Kashmir court. Son of Parvagupta and husband of Didda (a member of the. Verse 7. Because of this, the Nga chief burnt down the king's city, and the king died in the fire. Son of Partha. He abdicated the throne, and a became a hermit to seek peace. Verse 15. The work consists of 7826 verses, which are divided into eight books called Tarangas (waves). (I.191) He belonged to. In that officials, Abul Fazi translated Ramayana into Persian. Was this answer helpful? is a record of the illustrious administrations that administered the realm of Kashmir from its putative starting points to the writers own time. [5] Some of the kings and dynasties can be identified with inscriptions and the histories of the empires that periodically included the Kashmir valley, but for long periods the Rajatarangini is the only source. He dug profound into such model functions as the Harshacharita and the Brihat-Samhita sagas and utilised with a praiseworthy commonality the neighbourhood rajakathas (regal accounts) and such past chips away at Kashmir as Nripavali by Kshemendra, Parthiva Wali by Helaraja, and Nilamatapurana. Explanation: In 1574 Akbar started a Maktab Khana or a house of translation works in Fatehpur Sikri. Traces of genuine history are also found, however, in references to the Mauryan emperors Ashoka and Jalauka; the Buddhist Kushan kings Hushka (Huviska), Jushka (Vajheska), and Kanishka (Kaniska); and Mihirakula, a Huna king. university presses. Later, in the time of Firuz, Sanskrit books on medicine and music were translated into Persian. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 'Great King')[29] and ruled from 1418 to 1470. The Mahabharata, Ramayana, Atharva Veda, Lilawati, Rajatarangini was translated into Persian. Sultan Zain-Ul-Abidin of Kashmir had the famous historical work, Rajatarangini, and the Mahabharata translated into Persian. The kings of Kashmir described in the Rjatarangi can be roughly grouped into dynasties as in the table below. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. It covers the whole range of history in Kashmir from the earliest times to the date of its synthesis. Among the renowned translations of the work in later years were those by Aurel Stein in 1900 and by Ranjit S. Pandit in 1935, the latter with a Foreword by Jawaharlal Nehru. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Kalhana describes the rules of Toramana and, After the Huna, Meghavahana of the Gonandiya family was brought back from. He looked into an assortment of epigraphic sources connecting with illustrious tributes, development of sanctuaries, and land awards; he concentrated on coins, fantastic remaining parts, family records, and nearby practices. Son of Vajraditya II and Massa. According to the historical evidence, Lalitaditya Muktapida ruled during the 8th century. The capital of India shift from Kolkata to New Delhi in the year 1911. It covers the entire span of history in the Kashmir region from the earliest times to the date of its composition. [20][18][19] Economic condition was decent. European Orientalist researchers who concentrated on the text from the mid-nineteenth century onwards called the Rajatarangini the solo work of history legitimate to rise out of old India. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Rajatarangini. Sandhimati remained in prison for 10years. Son of Lalitapida and Jayadevi, made the king by his maternal uncle Utpalaka. ), Translations of Sanskrit Works at Akbar's Court, Politics of Time: Primitives and History-Writing in a Colonial Society, Buddhist History in the Vernacular: The Power of the Past in Late Medieval Sri Lanka, Travels in the Mogul Empire, A.D. 16561668, Ideology and Status of Sanskrit: Contributions to the History of the Sanskrit Language, Detailed Report of a Tour in Search of Sanskrit MSS. [4] It has also been suggested that he belonged to a family which accompanied the sage Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani, and who were associated to either the Kubrawiya Sufi groups in Kashmir. Abstract. The Shah Mir dynasty was a dynasty that ruled the region of Kashmir in the Indian subcontinent. All Rights Reserved 2022 Theme: Promos by. The minister was persecuted, and ultimately imprisoned because of rumors that he would succeed the king. . Who wrote the Rajatarangini class 4th English? And for another, Sarvagnana Peetha in Srinagar where Shankaracharya was enthroned is the one mystic chord of tradition that has endured in the Keralite imagination of Kashmir. Rajatarangini was translated into Persian by Zain-ul-Abidin order. What 3 things do you do when you recognize an emergency situation? In principle, it is for three reasons, specifically, the texts regard to sequence, causation, and (affirmed) objectivity, that European Orientalist researchers who concentrated on the text from the mid-nineteenth century onwards, called the. rajatarangini of kalhana vol iv - dr. raghunath singh_part3, rajatarangini of kalhana vol ii - dr. raghunath singh_part3, rajatarangini - shri ramtej shastri pandey_part3. The translators of Rajatarangini framed the text as more than a solitary example of Indian historical writing; rather, they engaged with it on multiple levels, drawing out, debating, and rethinking the definitions of literature and history and the relative significance of and relationship between them in capturing the identity of the nation and its regions. Raman Menons translation bears the signature of his scholarly skills, derived from mastery of both Sanskrit and Malayalam. [citation needed], He was the next Sultan of Kashmir. Rajatarangini/Original languages Rjatarangi (Rjataragi "The River of Kings") is a metrical historical chronicle of north-western Indian subcontinent, particularly the kings of Kashmir, written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri Brahman Kalhana in 12th century CE.[1]. This refers to the fact that the power had passed to the brothers of a queen, who was born in a family of spirit-distillers. They accepted that this late work was a one-of-a-kind exemption in 3,000 years of Sanskrit abstract culture, which they blamed for totally inadequate regarding a feeling of history even as it had large amounts of sacred writing and folklore. Made his brother Sussala the ruler of Lohara. Thus (IV.678) is Book IV verse 678. This seems to be official genealogy of the Sultanate. Rajatarangini, (Sanskrit: River of Kings) historical chronicle of early India, written in Sanskrit verse by the Kashmiri Brahman Kalhana in 1148, that is justifiably considered to be the best and most authentic work of its kind. Jogesh Chandra Dutt in the late 19th century. This quarterly has been published regularly since Abul Fazl translated the Panch Tantra (Anwar-i-Sahili) and Faizi the story of Nal-Damayanti into Persian. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. However, the intent of the translations has been insufficiently analyzed in the context of the interrelationship between Orientalist and nationalist projects and the historical and literary ideas that informed them. Concerning past occasions, Kalhana wrote that the material was genuinely picky. In the legacy of Sanskrit, Kashmir and Kerala can be said to have a unique fellowship of literary creativity, with icons like Bilhana and Somadeva in Kashmir and Shankara and Narayana Bhattathiri in Kerala. He died after hearing about the false news of Sandhimati's death. The work consists of 7826 verses, which are divided into eight books called Tarangas (waves). Please abide by our community guidelines for posting your comments. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Verse 13. Among other things that fall within its wide sweep, the work contains references not only to such things as the countrys episodic encounters with China across the border, but also to the depredations of Mahmud Ghazni in Kashmirs neighbourhood around 1013 that portended the eventual Islamic conquest of Kashmir, the land variously heirs to the spiritual heritage of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain faiths. [27], He was the seventh ruler of the Shah Mir Dynasty, and reigned between 1413 and 1420. epic poem Raman Menon, Priyadarshini Publication Society, 1,200. Built a new city called Damodarasuda, and a dam called Guddasetu. According to Jogesh Chander Dutt's calculation, this year corresponds to 2448 BCE. He devoted his time to sensual pleasures, and neglected royal duties. He was adopted as a son by his maternal grandfather, and assumed the title Pratapaditya after the title of the grandfather's dynasty. Regarding the events of the past, Kalhanas search for material was truly fastidious. Defeated the Tantrins with help of Damara feudal lords. Kalhana appears to made little attempt to determine the actual sequence of rule of the kings and dynasties he recorded). recognized as the most authoritative and prestigious publication in the Kalhana's work uses Kali and Laukika (or Saptarishi) calendar eras: the ascension year in CE, as given below, has been calculated by Dutt based on Kalhana's records. He ascended the throne reluctantly, at the request of his guru Ishana. He stopped the killing of cows by means . He was a vyavahari (perhaps merchant) who along with others who owned villages like him had set up little kingdoms during the last days of Karkotas. Rajatarangini, (Sanskrit: River of Kings) historical chronicle of early India, written in Sanskrit verse by the Kashmiri Brahman Kalhana in 1148, that is justifiably considered to be the best and most authentic work of its kind. 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rajatarangini was translated into persian by