david attenborough our planet transcript

30 babies were born in this park last year, and we know that these gorillas are going to grow. When I was a kid in the 1960s, there were three billion people in the world. Your excellencies, delegates, ladies and gentlemen, as you spend the next two weeks, debating, negotiating, persuading and compromising, as you surely must, its easy to forget that ultimately the emergency climate comes down to a single number, the concentration of carbon in our atmosphere. Mr. Attenboroughs book, A Life on our Planet, is excellent reading for high level high school and up. The chart can be printed and given to the class before and briefly reviewed before they see the film. And in some parts of the world, there's not even good regulations to limit the catches. I know what it is. A supernatural thriller series that shows there isn't necessarily a rational explanation behind every occurrence. Helpful Background Only if we do that will we have any hope of averting disaster. He is best known for writing and presenting, in conjunction with the BBC Natural History Unit, the nine natural history documentary series that form the Life collection, which form a comprehensive survey of animal and plant life on Earth. 4. The Cerrado is very special and in many ways it's a forgotten landscape. In the 1970s, this population of mountain gorillas was estimated to be around 250 individuals in this area. But during his lifetime, Attenborough has also seen first-hand the monumental scale of humanity's impact on nature. Last year, the United Nations asked over 500 scientists to investigate the current state of the natural world. "[21] Stuart McGurk of British GQ said "Its hard not to see this as a direct rebuke of the BBCs nature documentaries: take one well-worn spectacular of the natural world, shoot it even more spectacularly than the BBC ever did and structure your whole opening episode around the idea that, without taking things like global warming seriously without putting it front and centre about any show youre making about the natural world, because how could you not then pretty soon theyll be nothing left to film so beautifully. What is the quickest and best thing that you can do to help protect the oceans? Which means the smaller bodied species are the big winners. Mass Extinction a loss of three-quarters or more of all species in existence across the entire Earth over a short geological. And the expansion of agriculture was the only way for most people to survive. And either somebody got infected and travelled to Wuhan themselves or sent animals that they were shipping into the wildlife trade into those wet markets and then the virus exploded from there. We've learnt that many, many times, and yet we carry on making the same mistake. Now, we determine how nature survives', Launch HBO's 'Our Planet' - 2019 Your Royal Highnesses, ladies and gentleman. What happens next is up to every one of us. This video guide includes 5 instructional resources for use with the Netflix video "Our Planet: Jungles".28 Question Worksheet w/ Answer Key43 Word Word Jumble w/ Answer Key43 Word Word Search w/ Answer Key43 Word Word ListWord-for-Word Transcript of the Entire EpisodeCheck out my "Our Planet: One Earth" set of resources for free.The questions are answered about every 2-3 minutes. But it's the rate of extinction. He says THE GREAT BARRIER REEF IS. Instructions Preparation David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet | Official Trailer | Netflix Watch on Transcript Task 1 Task 2 Discussion Have you seen any of David Attenborough's films? Hey, come on. One man has seen more of the natural world than any other. Rockstrom and Attenborough take the massive avalanche of evidence for humanity's negative impact on the planet and condense it into its key components, sharing the main points and delegating. They affect the immune system and they also cause reproductive impairment. We need to think about meat and dairy consumption. Our Planet is an inspiring nature documentary series narrated by the renowned Sir David Attenborough. This is the first time there's been a global assessment where all the evidence has been pulled together, thousands and thousands of papers. There are all these things we know we have to do for biodiversity and for the climate, so let's bring them forward to this period of unemployment. It is the only way out of this crisis that we ourselves have created. the woodland bordering . Often described as the first ever comprehensive series on the natural history of the world's oceans, this multiple award-winning series features jaw-droppingly beautiful underwater . What can you say to a person from a poor developing country who wants to live the rich and environmentally destructive life-style now enjoyed by many affluent people in the U.S.? For example, over the last three hundred years, human beings have introduced massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning. A behind-the-scenes documentary was released onto Netflix on 2 August 2019. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet review - stark climate emergency warning This terrifying documentary looks back over the 93-year-old's career - but at its heart is a short, sharp . Nick Knowles had a brilliantly sarcastic response after he was fat-shamed by a . 3. watch for yourself. We've already lost nearly 90% of the wetlands around the world. We're buying as much as half a million tonnes produced in the Cerrado per year. News reports - Thousands arrive for the largest UN meeting ever held in an effort to prevent drastic and irreversible changes" "I'm here to speak for the countless animals dying across this planet. It's a question of finding the political will to do it. Brazil has one of the world's largest cattle herds, more than 200 million animals. Our increasing population and continuing interference with the natural cycles of the earth bring the world ever closer to the petri dish experiment. He is the younger brother of the director, producer and actor Richard Attenborough, and older brother of the motor executive John Attenborough. Then talk about ways to help reduce environmental degradation in your lives. . 3) Similarities between the world and the sealed petri dish are that: we are all alive (bacteria and human beings); in the process of living we create waste products that are toxic to us and harmful to the environment; we share the inability to control our populations; neither bacteria nor homo sapiens can our greed in grabbing more than our share of the available resources. 2023. [12] On 19 March 2019, the official trailer for the documentary was released.[13]. He was invited to speak by the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who chaired this month's session. It has been a strikingly stable period of [geological] history, and corresponds with a rapid growth in humankind brought about by the invention of agriculture. Attenborough, A Life on Our Planet, p. 231 It is the accepted term for the present epoch, which is the second epoch in the Quaternary period and followed the Pleistocene. Often the best reservoirs for the pathogens that can jump to humans are smaller bodied species, like rats and mice and certain kinds of bats. Download Worksheet Language level A stable, healthy world that we can benefit from, forever. By 1990, just seven known individuals survived. Find out from Sir David Attenborough how changing the way we eat and a revolution in farming can save our planets wild grasslands. This little pangolin came in off the trade, and they're usually dehydrated and emaciated. 8. Its not trying to convince anyone of anything the time for doing that is long past. Ururabyo is actually the daughter of Poppy. The carbon cycle and the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle are two of the most important. Pangolins are the only mammal covered in scales, and this is their downfall. That's the big prize. David Attenborough: (00:01) David Attenborough graces our screens again in his most poignant documentary yet. At times, our ancestors existed only in tiny numbers, but just over 10,000 years ago, that number suddenly stabilized and with it, Earths climate. Extinction is a natural process. Sometimes when a female giant anteater dies on the road, her pup will survive. In 2002 he was named among the 100 Greatest Britons following a UK-wide poll for the BBC. So we shouldn't be demoralised, because we know how to do this stuff. For other films relating to the environment, For a movie describing some unexpected ways in which non-human animals have temporarily improved their lives during the Covid-19 Pandemic shutdowns, see, For a 2019 eight-part series each segment about 54 minutes by David Attenborough celebrating the natural wonders that remain and revealing what we must do to preserve them and to ensure that people and nature thrive, go to. There is now about 5% of trawler cod fish left before the turn of the 20th century. Attenborough, David, 1926-2 Entertain (Firm) BBC Video (Firm) British Broadcasting Corporation; . A lot of that clearance is driven by demand on the other side of the world. CCSS pp. He is a former senior manager at the BBC, having served as controller of BBC Two and director of programming for BBC Television in the 1960s and 1970s. The UK doesn't import much beef, but we do import another product from Brazil which is driving the destruction of habitat. Its simply stating this information as fact, in as straightforward a manner as possible. But there's no question everybody in the world, one way or another, is being affected by the loss of biodiversity. Nature is a key ally. Buy wood and paper from well-managed forests. Planet Earth II (2016) - episodes with scripts. All of biodiversity is interlocked on a global scale and all parts of that system are required to make it function. Get a weekly digest of the weeks most important transcripts in your inbox. authoritarian parents often quizlet; worley sustainability; joshua blake pettitte; arizona snowbowl ikon pass; upadhyay caste obc or general; when do baby . But what we didn't think was it was going to happen so quickly and so devastatingly. He is in his nineties, with short straight white hair and wears eggshell white trousers and a short-sleeved blue shirt. We've transformed the forests and grasslands, we've converted 75% of the land that is not covered by ice. Keep hold of the natural wealth weve currently got. And that is scary. We are seeing it happen. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet . We ourselves must do so. David Attenborough: (00:48) Where does that come from? If you have money, if you have internet, you can literally order anything that you want. And the rate at which they're increasing and crushing our economies, if we have one of these every decade, we cannot persist with that level. The website for the film David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet has the following short subjects that might be helpful in presenting the issues raised by the film. The soundtrack was released with a compilation of the incidental music specially commissioned for Our Planet. I have seen video footage of them being boiled alive. This series doesnt let us forget that. So a consumer walking into a supermarket may unwittingly. Complete biography of David Attenborough . From ocean giants to the tiniest insects. Starting from 20 June 2020, the series was aired on Indonesian television network TVRI as a part of Belajar dari Rumah (Study from Home) programming block, made possible by a partnership between the Ministry of Education and Culture and Netflix. Driving around, we don't have moths, butterflies, bees, all sorts of insects on our windshield any more. Large mammals have on average disappeared from three quarters of the range where they were historically found. 2) People have intelligence and technology. the over-fishing of the seas; The wildlife trade is at unprecedented levels. 48. It also offers all the stunning imagery youve come to expect from these documentarians, but its attitude may surprise you. It also has fewer animal welfare issues.. Experience our planet's natural beauty and examine how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope. They have shot previously extinct butterflies, soaring white-tailed eagles and the lesser spotted David Attenborough. Ecologists called this a scramble competition every bacterium for itself! We also need to start producing affordable food without expanding any further into the forest. Cells start to die tempering the growth rate of the population for the first time. We must recapture billions of tons of carbon from the air. Forests around the world, where there's a lot of biodiversity, have thousands of viruses that we've never come into contact with yet. . My answer would be, yes, we have to. We are encroaching further and further every day into wildlife habitat, and that drives emerging diseases. DAVID ATTENBOROUGH, NATURALIST AND BROADCASTER: I think that the condition that the Earth is facing has never been visible to a large proportion of the world's population, and it's the. David Attenborough calls for divestment from fossil fuels, and points out the irony of banks and investment firms investing pension funds in fossil fuels when it's these dirty fuels preventing the future that we are saving for. Three award nominations: BAFTA Awards 2021: nominated for Best Documentary; 2021 ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards: nominated for Documentary Score of the year; and Cinema Audio Society, USA 2021: nominated for Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing for Motion Pictures Documentary. At every step of the process, we're bringing people closer in contact with wildlife and their viruses. While we're making some progress, to be quite candid, we probably will not meet any of the targets. I've seen these beautiful rhinos count from seven down to two. We must rewild the world!" David Attenborough If there are barriers to movement, this can cause very serious consequences. There are lots of ways that climate change will impact on species - changing food sources, how they breed and whole patterns of migration and movement. We are all guilty of participating in the environmental degradation that is destroying our world. If PCBs are not disposed of appropriately, then you can get leaching out from the landfill site, into river courses, river beds and back out to sea. Viruses move from wildlife into livestock, into people. If we really care about saving our civilization and other animals we can use our ingenuity to adjust our impact on the sealed environment of the earth and its atmosphere. Each individual bacterium grabs its own plot and seizes is what it needs. She is very quiet. She is shining flower in this park. David Attenborough, A Life on Our Planet, pages 106 & 107. David Attenborough: (04:37) The numbers of African pangolin scales that have been intercepted going into Asia has dramatically increased over the last few years. In thisLearning Guide citations to Mr. Attenboroughs book, A Life on Our Planet My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future, written with Jonnie Hughes, will be to Attenborough with a page reference. "Why China's Climate Policy Matters to Us All" BBC News, Oct 29, 2021. bbc/news/world-asia-china-57483492. If we all contribute to the effort, the change will be enormous. 1937: World population: 2.3 billion; Carbon in atmosphere: 280 ppm; Remaining wilderness: 66%, 1954 (+17 years): World population: 2.7 billion; Carbon in atmosphere: 310 ppm; Remaining wilderness: 64%, 1960 (+16 years) World population: 3.0 billion; Carbon in atmosphere: 315 ppm; Remaining wilderness: 62%, 1968 (+8 years) World population: 3.5 billion; Carbon in atmosphere: 323 ppm; Remaining wilderness: 59%, 1971 (+3 years) World population: 3.7 billion; Carbon in atmosphere: 326 ppm; Remaining wilderness: 58%, 1978 (+5 years) World population: 4.3 billion; Carbon in atmosphere: 335 ppm; Remaining wilderness: 55%, 1989 (+11 years); World population: 5.1 billion; Carbon in atmosphere: 353 ppm; Remaining wilderness: 49%, 1997 (+8 years) World population: 5.9 billion; Carbon in atmosphere: 360 ppm; Remaining wilderness: 46%, 2011 (+4 years) World population: 7.0 billion; Carbon in atmosphere: 391 ppm; Remaining wilderness: 39%, 2020 (+9 years)World population: 7.8 billion; Carbon in atmosphere: 415 ppm; Remaining wilderness: 35%. See e.g., Acts 22:15 and 23:11. Poaching is still sort of like a war, a constant battle that we have to fight. [8], In his speech, Prince Charles said he hoped Our Planet would educate hundreds of millions of people around the world about what action was required, while David Attenborough called on the world to "be responsible careful citizens of this planet which is our only home, and for the creatures that live in it. And in terms of impact on the planet, what's much more important is the growth in consumption levels, and these are far higher in the developed economies. aerosol spray or used in refrigerants were actually eating the ozone layer. OUR PLANET. British naturalist and documentary maker Sir David Attenborough has issued a rallying cry to leaders at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, saying the world was looking to them to oversee the recovery of the planet. The Five Steps to Help Save Our Planet outlined by Mr. Attenborough are: 1. "[23], However, Ed Power of The Telegraph criticized the documentary series as "visually dazzling but very familiar." We're not just losing nice things to look at. PCB stand for polychlorinated biphenyls. It's population, but it's also consumption. 3. David Attenborough COP26 Climate Summit Glasgow Speech Transcript, Congressional Testimony & Hearing Transcripts. All of the calculations show we're on track for a three to four degree world. Bearing Witness to make a statement acknowledging that something exists or is true; often it refers to stating what other people need to hear but what they dont want to hear. Our population growth is actually slowing down and by the end of the century, it will plateau. The decisions made as we rebuild our economies are critical. Footage - "As I sit here, there's more meaning and mutual understanding in exchanging a glance with a gorilla than any other animal I know". Possible Problems It's like our fingernails. [Before asking this question show the class the 25-second video on the movies website called: Five Steps to Help Save Our Planet.] Guests at the premiere included Prince Charles and his two sons Prince William and Prince Harry, Charlie Brooker, David Beckham and his son Brooklyn Beckham, Ellie Goulding and the series narrator David Attenborough, who attended the event to underline their support for action against climate change. The minute we build a road in there, we start getting exposed. And so one of the most obvious ways that we're making it more likely that a virus would jump is that we're having lots of contacts with animals. Ultimately, the seal dish becomes a very different place a place with no food, its environment ruined, hot, acid and toxic. David Attenborough: ( 00:01) Go behind the scenes of Netflix TV shows and movies, see what's coming soon and watch bonus videos on. 4 Mar. This part of Rwanda was one of the poorest and most densely populated in the country. This is Fatu. It even puts us at greater risk of pandemic diseases such as Covid-19. WWF-UK is a registered charity in England and Wales 1081247 and in Scotland SC039593 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 4016725. In the UK, we have one really striking example of that. The series is narrated by David Attenborough and produced by Silverback Films, led by Alastair Fothergill and Keith Scholey, who also created BBC documentary series Planet Earth, Frozen Planet and The Blue Planet, in collaboration with the conservation charity World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The first thing that we have to do is to reset the way we run our economies. We know how to stop the number rising and put it in reverse. But then as animals above them eat more and more of the small animals, they'll concentrate up the food chain. So when you look at previous groups in the fossil records, then it's over millions of years they go extinct. Government in all three countries, conservation organisations and local communities started to work together with an emphasis not just on the gorillas, but on the people that live with them. So I watched it go to six billion around 2000 or so, and I'm now probably going to see it actually reach, you know, nine billion in my lifetime, which is pretty startling. Wed be in a much better position to talk to a person from a developing country about safeguarding the environment if: 1) we had reduced our own consumption and 2) our country or we ourselves had personally assisted them in attaining sustainable development in their country. And what are the things going on there that could have caused it? Last year, 2019, it was just over 100 tonnes of scales. And this is a particularly pretty little pangolin. They are mother and daughter. Phasing out fossil fuels and replacing them with renewables. Sir David Frederick Attenborough (; born 8 May 1926) is an English broadcaster and naturalist. We are waking up, we are realising that the planet is an integral part of our existence. We found the closest relative to the virus in bats, in rural south China, in Yunnan Province. The grazing land necessary to produce meat is a major cause of deforestation all over the globe. We have to recognise that nature has true value that is taken into consideration in national accounts. The waters around the edge of fishing countries are being emptied. The Earths lifesupport machine had stuttered and the miraculous assemblage of fragile interconnections which held it together had collapsed. With this in mind, David Attenborough has dedicated his life to educating us about our planet, and making discourses visible, through his captivating storytelling. That desperate hope, ladies and gentlemen, delegates, excellencies, is why the world is looking to you and why you are here. [17], Lucy Mangan of The Guardian gave out 4 out of 5 stars to Our Planet, saying "it places clearer emphasis on the fragility and interconnectedness of all the species and eco-systems on display, and on the huge impact, humanity has had on them in so short a time. Watch the film with your children. Watch on "Biodiversity is declining in every region of the world, all as a consequence of the way we have chosen to live," notes nature historian Sir David Attenborough, who narrates Our Planet, in the foreword for a companion photography book published in tandem with the series. UN Conference Told: Attenborough Calls on World Leaders at COP24 in Katowice to 'Act Now . This unique feature documentary is his witness statement. The measure that greatly determines global temperature and the changes in that one number is the clearest way to chart our own story, for it defines our relationship with our world. Were going to have to learn together, how to achieve this, ensuring none are left behind. Restore Biodiversity. So we are simply moving our footprint on destroying nature to another country. Planet Earth. This story is one of inequality, as well as instability. Lulu was a part of that pod. From the makers of "Planet Earth," and narrated by Emmy and BAFTA winner Sir David Attenborough. What also drives emerging diseases is that we are encroaching further and further every day into wildlife habitat. "Oh, she's achieved things that many of us who . It was figured out quickly that it was a coronavirus. Translated on-screen subtitles for videos. No-one will be a victim of poachers. The UK economy has lost a quarter of its value. If we don't act now, the youth of today and the youth of tomorrow are going to look back on this generation with absolute horror. Speech-to-Text API for pre-recorded audio, powered by the worlds leading speech recognition engine. The plan is obvious. The series is narrated by David Attenborough and produced by Silverback Films, led by Alastair Fothergill and Keith Scholey, who also created BBC documentary series Planet Earth, Frozen Planet and The Blue Planet, in collaboration with the conservation charity World Wildlife Fund (WWF). This website uses cookies and similar identifiers to give you the best online experience. Fatu, no, come on. And the more the Earth warms, the worse the problem is. There are many reasons. A suggested essay prompt: What does the Gaia Hypothesis tell us about how to avoid the fate of the bacteria in the petri dish experiment? A new industrial revolution, powered by millions of sustainable innovations, is essential, and is indeed already beginning.

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david attenborough our planet transcript