missionary spencer smith critique

There are many very solid Biblical reasons why not to listen to Casting Crown music, without even considering their associations. Spencer seriously undermines sound doctrine: You know there is some doctrinal issues in this Bible but I dont think its a deal breaker. Here are the ones I know of. Spencer Smith is a man who's live is clearly being set apart by God for His Pleasure. Call Today +971 2 4440458 Al-Muror Road, Behind Al-Mushrif Mall, Abu dhabi I'm curious as to why you don't think that the Covid-19 vaccine is a prelude to the MArk of the Beast. Jesus said something very different, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. (Lk. On a side note, many of his videos have feel-good elevator music playing in the background, which is both concerning and dangerous. He was a demon possessed tool of Satan that came as an angel of light (2 Cor. After the Welsh Revival (where he did various signs and wonders) in 1912, which was seven years after he vanished from the forefront of activities, from the spotlight which he so cherished, he co-authored (with Jessie Penn-Lewis) the book War on the Saints, where they confess they were both demon possessed and wrote the book out of their experiences with demons. Press J to jump to the feed. She had a list of favourite mystical authors which were essentially lost heretics, such as Brother Lawrence, Samuel Rutherford, Thomas a Kempis and English Mystics such as the medieval Raymond Lully, Lady Julian or Norwich, and Richard Rolle. Dieses Buch ist auch in Ihrer Bibliothek verfgbar: Exportieren. But how did Paul do it? Also promotes the southern gospel CCM group Johnson Trio. Hutson is a false teacher along the same lines as Hyles (Am. When did Spencer leave panic? He is also a huge Hyles guy, and teaches the same perverted gospel as Hyles and his father (Curtis). 2:3-5; Jn. Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Overture: My wife Amber heard that "gray" will no longer "be in" coming 2023, something I indeed hope comes to pass. Listen to his preaching and youll understand why he is not someone anyone should be listening to. After all, fundamentalists think its a sin to have a small church. Of course, no repentance or its principles. Bear in mind, this is one of two videos he has online to show his gospel (Ive only watched one), what he believes and what he would want someone to watch that was interested in salvation. Or 2 Cor. . It is not surprising then that one hears Spencer say, weve seen thousands of people saved in their ministry in Kenya. I wouldn't say "all." One can't be a fundamentalist and obey the Bible, and obeying the Bible is more important than being a non-scriptural title or even idea. Paul loved being tested: Ac. 9. 3:2-5) which is rebellion and ungodliness. 16:17-18; Eph. 5:11; Ac. Very often, people who are often negative are assumed to be unspiritual, but thats not what we see in Scripture at all. So there are more things to the gospel than just this. Wow. He's very much against anything that is not Independent Fundamental Baptist. 13:24). % Sori ' Wengen ie fue b5ts ' preset te r PRY nen Riv Pgh la sa J Parisien fer: | Nib gaat 2 a ' Pad) : Vag rot Contrary to everything Spencer says, Evan Roberts did not influence the Welsh Revival for good but for evil and destruction. 1:6-9, 13-14, which he will anyway if he is truly born again (they are evidences of salvation as well). And all that in Kenya in a day where apostasy flourishes like no other time and wealth and love of money runs rampant as does blinded deception, especially in Africa, who pursue after the white man for the white mans riches. Before I was converted I was in the home of Elvis and did lots of research on him. The problem is that they were in such bad spiritual condition that they didnt even know it. He is describing a church that is true in his eyes, but weak, not right or spiritual and not used by God and they didnt even know it. This has been addressed several times, and he refuses to answer any questions about it. I'd come across his videos when looking up stuff about enneagrams because I didn't feel right about the whole thing. 17:30-31; II Pet. 16:15? What in the world?? All one has to do is rightly divide the word of truth and compare Scripture with Scripture. and another one in their June 2020 prayer letter) who embraced a perverted and false gospel (Gal 1:6-9) and was a very close friend of the wolf in sheeps clothing Jack Hyles. https://anchor.fm/app God's Counsel, Man's Choice, Life's Consequences - Spencer Smith | Listen Notes 4:23-24)? He is trained in theology and is a missionary working under Lighthouse Baptist Missions. Here is a good video of the stupidity and Unbiblical sayings of the famous fundamentalists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY4tUrBg_vU, . There you go with that, its a great Bible. So he recommends it. Is that how God loves His children, who are inseparable from His love (Rom. It unifies light with darkness. Rigggght. Looked him up and his 3rd most recent video is implying that a covid-6 vaccine is a prelude to the mark of the beast and that we need to "wake to righteousness.". 1. cleveland, tx funeral homes . It is not surprising then that one hears Spencer say, weve seen thousands of people saved in their ministry in Kenya. ). Fundamentalism has tied Christians into false teachings and instead of marking and avoiding, they ignored and united with disobedience. Its lacking doctrinal content Spencer says, yet he exalts it and gives hundreds of them away to flood Africa with heresy. Missionary Spencer Smith discusses the recent controversy of Larry Johnson calling out Dwayne Wade over his homosexual 12 year old son, and his involvement in Freemasonry. Sure, Scott Pilgrim himself (Michael Cera) is an . 1. 306 talking about this. For the past 3 years I've tried unaccountable mental meds. Yep, Soul winning by Wolf in Sheeps Clothing, and he didnt have the discernment to know the difference. Is. I still think its a good Bible in spite of all that. Etc. 1:8? Rice would even preach at Pentecostal meetings. . What he is saying about these men is untrue, false and deflective. Is that chastening language? He fellowshipped with Schaap while he was preaching perverted doctrine, continuing the man-worship and false Gospel of Hyles, etc. He, like many evangelicals and IBs today, pushed an intellectual, non-volitional type of repentance. This is the gospel were speaking of. Since when does God vomit His children out of His mouth? shabu shabu groupon. The faith of Ryrie was faith in facts (i.e. In spite of the gross heresies, sins and wickedness of Jack Hyles, all of which was public knowledge, Hutson continued to defend Hyles and promote his influence. 3:1-3; 9:4-5). His YouTube channel is how he makes his living. We invite you to browse our site and trust it will be a blessing to you. Interestingly, me and him share the same spiritual day of birth, only 4 years apart. 3-8), and surrendering to Jesus as Lord (v. 9), and believing in His resurrection (v. 9), and believing and confessing (vv. And what we are seeing with Spencer is not in line with Scripture. You will live happily and your children will live happy, I can tell you story after story after story, I can go on Ive got a dozen stories, I cant tell you all things I have come across That is ungodly and fear-mongering. Paul loved being tested: Ac. No pastor is ever to be reproved or rebuked regardless how wrong he is. Spencers gospel is anemic. Its man-centred and it reflects what Im saying here, about an anemic, even corrupted gospel. 10:15). Majority of people in these fundamentalists churches (which would be mostly independent fundamental baptist churches) are the fruit of a false 1-2-3 pray after me, easy-believism, quick-prayerism, no repentance, no Lordship, corrupted, perverted and bastardized gospel that doesnt change anyone, nor is it expected to. He is not in the church, like Matt. Thats dangerous and egregious. (What Korah did was evil, but questioning a pastors teachings is NOT! He is a false teacher, an overt liar, and a fake missionary. . 6. 10:1-5, 26-29), yet this is not a salvation passage according to Spencer and the church is still saved. Consider the following video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCeEzY-PmjRBy2sdvaNHhdw/videos, (scroll down to the bottom, the last 8 or so videos are all on Sexton). RadioPublic A free podcast app for iPhone and Android. Roberts entire life and ministry was unscriptural and heretical, just like his alleged testimony of salvation, and that understandably so. Its preaching and politics is largely unscriptural. 1:9 for example) which automatically extends to preaching the gospel to every creature (Lk. 45. Thank you to all who gave! (https://www.missionaryspencersmith.com/2019-ibom-kenya-conference). The ecumenicalism and false unity happening and leading to the one world church is right on the money. Really. Instead of saying about Ravi Zacharias preaching in the Mormon tabernacle, it is very tragic that he handled it that way, Spencer should have renounced him for the heretic and wolf in sheeps clothing that he is, and for a lot more reasons than just his ungodly association with a cult. He has conned many churches to support him as a missionary to Kenya, when he does not even work over there. On purpose, Sword of the Lord (organization that Rice started) would leave out biblical repentance as a necessary prerequisite for justification or salvation. . 5:21-22; Tit. I was thinking of asking him on YT about it, but never got around to doing it. 3:8), requires four specific stipulations, and all four must be met in its entirety: (1) Must be a male (1 Tim. That unscriptural heresy is derived from Keswick/higher life/revivalism theology, false sanctification, which Ryries teachings were flooded with. Notice also that he says, We thank God for his hand upon this work. Is it not Gods work? 3:1). 3. He was as responsible as any fundamentalist leader for changing the definition of repentance to an unbiblical one. These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates: (Ze. 5:5; 8:31-39)? 1:6-9, 13-14, which he will anyway if he is truly born again (they are evidences of salvation as well). 3:16-17). Pointing to the pastor of the church he is preaching in, he belches, if that man preaches a Bible we are going to stay with the man of God and keep our mouths off of him [this part is screamed]. He would be a carnal and lukewarm Christian up until that point. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. He taught a universal church. He also taught that a person does not need to believe in the return of Christ in order to be saved (So Great Salvation), a doctrine that happens to be directly connected with repentance (Ac. 20:29). 16:17; 1 Cor. Its very concerning, because to get this wrong is to possibly have a wrong view of salvation and what salvation does and who the Bible describes as lost. There is a few CCM songs they sing on his account, including How Deep the Fathers Love for Us, written by the heretic Stuart Townend (charismatic in theology and practice, supporting such heresies as spirit slaying, holy laughter, and gibberish tongues, and participating in the radically ecumenical heretical Alpha program with strong ties to Catholicism). (c) Rice clearly did not hold to a Textus Receptus (TR) position and opposed KJV Onlyism. We dont eat the fish and spit out the bones. 2:3-5). 1:6-9) and another Jesus (2 Cor. The unction and anointing of the Holy Spirit are not higher planes of spiritual existence. While Jesus is the only way to Christ; it's very dangerous to publicly claim that he is the unerring authority on all subjects. And has helped me understand the seduction of our age toward other christ's.:) Doorman7 Negativity is a trait of the Holy Spirit. 10:21; Ju. Is there any scriptural justification for such a concept? They have not obeyed the gospel (vv. Scroggie also embraced the possibility of contemporary speaking in tongues and embraced the heresy of the universal church instead of practicing separation, which he despised. From what I see, I think I would like Spencer at a personal level. What does prelude to the mark mean? The pro-Keswick revisionists of history have distorted and lied about what actually happened there. Spencer has a few promotional videos on Hutson preaching. So I will because it is loving and most importantly because Gods Word commands it (Rom. Ryries heresy goes beyond the false gospel and into many other realms. That unscriptural heresy is derived from Keswick/higher life/revivalism theology, false sanctification, which Ryries teachings were flooded with. Telefon: 0542 511 20 02 having his children). Noted is his positive endorsement and recommendations of Charles Ryrie, Curtis Hutson, Tony Hutson, Clarence Sexton, and Larry Brown. The will of God is commanded for EVERY child of God to be preaching (2 Cor. All new items; Books; Journal articles; Manuscripts; Topics. Dear Friends, Thank you for visiting our website. These are all markers of second blessing and Keswick/ revivalism/ higher life/ victorious life, etc, theology used to describe people that are allegedly saved but indistinguishable from the world. Today it doesn't even separate over a different gospel. What about the substitutionary death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the shedding of His blood for our sins (1 Cor 15:1-4)? It has some biblical aspects to it, but as a whole it does not conform to a biblical paradigm or template. Even the very context Rom. 11:28-32). Rice was a new evangelical at heart and church growth guru, hence why all his children became lost new evangelical gurus themselves. 18:20 says He is in true churches, and they dont know His voice, like true sheep do (Jn. Lost Gentiles arent primarily in unbelief, they are in disobedience (2 Th. (books are recommended in his amazon store account). Very man-centred and unscriptural. It certainly wasnt based upon the Bible. 10:21), and he would not. I would say its probably because they are preaching the true gospel, not a placebo; they are not after numbers and pew warmers and tithers, but after true fruit that actually lasts and is truly converted. 2:11-13 Matt. So any man who is truly born again and has a desire for the office and meets all the qualifications, all of which is confirmed by the elders of the church, can be a pastor (or deacon). Fundamentalism is known for its compromise in areas of denominational differences, heresy, false gospel, cheap and carnal soul winning tactics, baptism, false teachers, etc. 11:4). Go figure. (numerous books are recommended in his amazon store account). One can't be a fundamentalist and obey the Bible, and obeying the Bible is more important than being a non-scriptural title or even idea. Not warning of him would be a great disservice to you, unloving to you, not friendly at all and not trying to help you avoid the kool aid (and others who watch and recommend him). Ryrie claimed that one can be converted yet may be entirely unchanged for some unknown period of time, and then at some point he will make a surrender decision to become a disciple and then Christian growth will start. 1. Just. He has some good warning videos and he is addressing things that most people wouldnt, and I also like his affection for the confederacy and General Robert E. Lee, but the concerns obviously cant be overlooked since they run contrary to Gods Word and are dangerous. I have never met a five year old who was truly saved (that includes adults who were saved at five), and I have met many. . To follow the Bible within fundamentalism is like trying to store the new wine in old wineskins. All these things make it clear that Sexton is a hypocrite and heretic, one warned of by Jesus (Matt 7:15) and by Paul who declared, grievous wolves [shall] enter in among you, not sparing the flock. (Ac. Notice also that he says, We thank God for his hand upon this work. Is it not Gods work? I was baptized in Taiwan 5 years ago (When I was an exchanged student). They are rare, but do exist. 1:11; 2 Tim. 10, 14). Show Missionary Spencer Smith, Ep Dwight Smith - Modern Modernists - 19 Mar 2020 Smith obviously has no issue with easy believism false gospel (cf. He taught theistic evolution. For instance: he had the gall to preach against Winnie the Pooh during one of his sermons, and does other ridiculous things in the name of God (just look for it online, I am sure that it is around). I mean all, which is something that Spencer and the rest of the Old Boys Club would never admit, because it doesnt fit the man-centred man-worship and man-exaltation of the extremely man-centred pragmatic Old Fundamental Boys Club, but Gods Word however is VERY clear on it! More than likely he would see that as a works- gospel, further buttressing the placebo he is propagating. 3:3). Scripture is sufficient. 19:12-27). He says if you do any of these things to the pastor, God will take care of you like He did Korah. It is often doing what it takes to maintain size, keep growing in numbers, and to meet payrolls. No. We see that with Jack Hyles and thousands of Hyles-type of churches including Pembina Valley Baptist Church of Winkler, MB. ). Although he gives some good points about the importance of furthering the gospel, and about hypocrites (although he doesnt use that word), and brief warnings about false gospels (e.g. liverpool v nottingham forest 1989 team line ups; best crews to join in gta 5. jay chaudhry house; bimbo bakeries buying back routes; pauline taylor seeley cause of death His video actually broke down the things that I didn't feel comfortable with and why. In fact, the entire sermon which is about The Gospel is completely void of repentance. 14:15-15:32)? 4:1) and that he was clearly of another spirit (2 Col 11:4). It is inter-denominational. Is he pro or anti-Reformed? Rom. I still think its a good Bible in spite of all that. One of the worse things about this sermon is the ongoing examples he gives and rebuke to those not giving unquestioning loyalty to the pastor, never to speak against him, never to critique him, and not even listen to critique of him! This is all heresy and all a repentance issue (worth noting: this false sanctification and salvation is found everywhere in churches today, thanks in part to this reference Bible). His warnings are very soft. 3:1-7 a man, husband, his, he) that is married (husband of one wife . The day of pentecost is over (Acts 2)! There is no way that the Bible can can fit into the wineskin that is fundamentalism. 24:44-48; Mk. Hyles and Schaap); refuses to receive reproof, criticism is not welcome and refuses to give any warnings about other IBs, no matter how egregious their errors and ungodly their sins; false worshipper of CCM music; purveyor of a corrupted gospel (noted in the sermon "How to Lead Someone to Christ, about the 39 min mark he leads someone in a prayer for salvation, and that prayer is "to ask for forgiveness of sins, for Jesus to come into his life and be his Savior." 5:5; 8:31-39)? Gods wrath is not on the lost because of their unbelief but because of their ungodliness and unrighteousness: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; (Rom. Had Keswick theology never existed, Pentecostalism mightve never existed either. Its wishful thinking. 3:16-17), preaching lies and a false gospel, damnable heresies (2 Pet. 11:12-15) and the false teacher (2 Pet. He claimed OT saints were saved by works, which is connected to his rejection of repentance (its a work according to Scofield). If Smith really wants to beat his chest and act like Tarzan, then I suggest that he relocates . The Welsh Revival was indeed sharply criticized because it was NOT of God but of another spirit (1 Jn. what happens if you get a violation on interlock. 3. . 28:18-19). lions led by donkeys for and against. Are most IFB churches bad? This sermon is the epitome of man-centredness and man-worship and ear-bleeding. Though I came across this post while looking for info on him as well. He gives examples after examples of people that suffered horrible things and deaths because of allegedly questioning the man of God. In one example he says 19 out of 21 men died in one year, who were part of the Sunday school class where the teacher critiqued the pastors sermons. He says his gospel is Rom. 28:18-19). Is God helping us so we can have what we want or are we servants of Him? As noted with the example of Ravi Zacharias, a heretic and wolf in sheeps clothing, whom he refused to denounce in the video The Falling Away. Snce that time even more evifence has comdHe doesnt speak against the carnal circus he calls church that he preached in during deputation, where the house was overflowing with people and whoever brought the most visitors won an actual car (6 Great Lessons From The Welsh Revival, time 03:00). 24:48). I am a Christian, family man, preacher, missionary, and film maker. 1:8; 2:10-12; 3:2; 2 Pet. He continues on, There aint no reason to make it harder than that. But its not Biblical. The ecumenicalism between modernists and evangelicals didnt start with music as he claims, it started actually with doctrine and friendships and repudiation of separation back in 1950s when neo-evangelicalism was started by heretics. God is NOT 3 PERSONS as Spencer believes. He reviews this Bible (https://youtu.be/USQB2r4Jafc). ). Roberts was a demon-possessed scoffer walking after his own lusts (2 Pet. Spencer has a few promotional videos on Hutson preaching. He is only doing damage to cause of Christ. 2:20-21), or worse yet, we are identified with the false teachings and the false teachers themselves (2 Jn. 3:5-9). 10:15). This page will discuss contemporary theological issues. Spencer posted a video promoting the heretic Curtis Hutson (https://youtu.be/yl5TQLiny6k and another one in their June 2020 prayer letter) who embraced a perverted and false gospel (Gal 1:6-9) and was a very close friend of the wolf in sheeps clothing Jack Hyles. So who then can fill the office of pastor? Especially when even Paul corrected Peter, who as we know was Jesus chosen to build His church upon. 5. 1:6-9 and 2 Cor. And truly saved people WILL want to do that. Fundamentalism has spread false doctrine more quickly than if it never existed by its false unity, toleration, and compromise. This is plain heresy. 7 and 1 Cor. Not even close. 10:32-39; 16:24-26; Mk. You will see sin or scorning or foolishness or error and you will say something negative about it. In a recent prayer letter: There have been thousands saved, hundreds graduated from our college, and dozens of churches started. Nothing could be further from the truth. He doesnt see that people who do not live the Christian life but profess to be saved, are actually not saved. Wow!! He saw something volitional as works. He's an anti-Reformed Independent Fundamentalist Baptist. The outcome is that I suffered from various mental illness including BPD, Anxiety disorder and I'm highly suspicious that I may have adult ADHD. have shown as low as 2%. All one has to do is rightly divide the word of truth and compare Scripture with Scripture. It doesnt separate from heretics such as Jack Hyles, Jack Schaap, Larry Brown, Paul Chappell, Clarence Sexton, Rick Flanders, John R Rice, Curtis Hutson, Mike Sullivant, Bob Gray Sr., Sword of the Lord men, etc. he completely corrupted and wrested Rom. God spews them out of His mouth. 24:44-48; Mk. The great commission is for EVERYONE. I think that was a good thing.. Concerning the Welsh Revival video, he said a 16 yr old girl stood up in a prayer meeting and said I love Jesus with all of my heart; they said the outpouring of the Spirit of God was so strong when she did that, and basically that started it [the welch revival] (https://youtu.be/r4ZNz18xwo8). I know Spencer Smith personally. . Smith did know Glasgow well, but Edinburgh (where he later worked as Secretary to the University) was gloriously exotic. Just because he prayed a prayer, sang some hymns and attended a heretical Baptist church, doesnt mean he was saved. Scripture doesn't support unity on just fundamentals. 1.7K views, 4 likes, 0 loves, 13 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Preacher Boys: Missionary Spencer Smith mocks the #MeToo movement from the pulpit. Is that chastening language? Thankfully truly regenerated born again believers trust in God and not in man (Jer. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) Edgar Wright's energetic adaptation of Bryan Lee O'Malley's hit indie comic book has its detractors. Brown is a huge Hyles hero (even mentions attending Jack Hyles Pastors School in this sermon) and purveyor of the same perverted and corrupted easy-believism/quick-prayerism 1-2-3 pray after me, no/false repentance, no evidence of salvation with no-fruit and no-change necessary, silly carnival atmosphere with major manipulation, turning evangelism into a type of salesmanship, all about the numbers (and I mean serious numbers) false and perverted gospel warned of in Gal. He would make statements that appeared Biblically right, but then contradict himself completely. 5. Although Im sure influenced by the Lord, that desire, as you read in these passages, comes from the man himself. 4:1). 22:14; 1 Cor. Most of fundamentalism is disobedient to Scripture and vast majority lost, so no rapture happening for them. He taught false doctrine about repentance, grace and works, faith and fruits, regeneration versus carnal Christians, and the deity of Christ doing great damage to the nature of the Gospel itself. The Holy Spirit inspired scripture, which is much more negative than positive. at the Disco Spencer Smith (triathlete) (born 1973), British triathlete Spencer Smith (Big Brother) (born 1979), contestant in Big Brother UKJohn Spencer Smith (1769-1845), British diplomat, politician and writer; Spencer-Smith, a surname In the same Welsh Revival video Spencer exalts another Keswick theologian in that of Amy Carmichael, the first Keswick missionary in fact (to India), who had a lot of good things to say, a lot of good quotes. She mightve had some good quotes but her doctrine was far from good; she was steeped in that heretical Keswick/ revivalism theology. She was a heretic in a lot of ways, not just because of the terribly unscriptural and perversive keswick theology but also her embracing of mysticism, which happens to be rampant in Keswick theology as well. In his original interpretation and critique of Paul Ramsey's ethical thought, D. Stephen Long traces the development of one of the mid-twentieth century's most important and controversial religious social thinkers. I know Spencer Smith personally. It says separate only over the fundamentals of the faith, which is completely contrary to Scripture. I mean I don't agree with every point spencer makes, but things like Vaccine Passports to just get into a grocery store that they've been talking about seems eerily similar to what Mark is going to do. Lets consider a few: (a) Rice laid the foundation for the advent of the IB mega-churches of the '70s, while mocking bland, self-assured 'Bible teachers' preaching to little groups of saints, and lumping doctrinally sound sermons with entertaining sermons that were devoid of the anointing power of the Holy Spirit. Rice considered small churches to be sinful. Error on Unbelief. concerning salvation is so clear as the Laodicean church not having it. Why is it that men that soundly and faithfully adhere to the Word of God and are exceedingly careful in preaching the true gospel and not any form of easy-believism/quick-prayerism, not see results like this in Africa even to a hundredth?

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missionary spencer smith critique