ancient african social structure

The untamed forests have remained home to hunter-gatherer peoples, notably the pygmies. The challenge for premodern African societies was to build up numbers to create viable communities. The trading classes were predominantly, perhaps exclusively, Muslim. European travelers to Africa were surprised to find, even in the interior of the continent, inoculation being practiced. They believed in both good and bad spirits. YWRiNDliMWQ0MWZmY2UzNDg1NWZhM2Q5NmQzMTM1MzQwZWY5MGZjYjQwNWI2 NWIyZWQ1YTA3MjZkYTQzOWRjMzhmYTJkYjAyNzViOGRjNjIxMGM0YTRjNGJl MzJiMzEwNzkwMzQ0MDVhMWZmOTU0NzM1MzMzMmE1ZDE4MGY5ZjkyNzY5ZDA2 Most of the savannah is more suited to grazing herds of sheep, goat and cattle than growing crops. These operated as almost military organization, and required large investment to fund. Therefore, it was important to keep them happy. Virtually all young men in a community were unmarried. The earliest kingdoms we know of in West Africa, such as Ghana and Mali, were located at strategic points in the trans-Saharan trade network. In southern Africa the kingdom centered on Great Zimbabwe was situated on a gold trade route. The specifics of the caste systems in Africa vary among . These West African trade systems were facilitated by an international currency based on cowrie shells, whose distinctive appearance, durability, and limited supply made them very suitable for such a role. In large settlements religion and healing was in the hands of professionals, whose interests naturally lay in keeping such matters out of the reach of the general populace. The staple crops varied throughout sub-Saharan Africa. There was a strongly felt urge to claim new land for future generations by burying their dead in it. The Mali empire, for example, had secretaries to conduct foreign correspondence, but its internal administration only employed word of mouth. Even here, however, there was commonly a belief that a higher or ultimate power lay behind the pantheon of gods who interacted with humans. In times of famine, the people took to foraging, braving the wilderness to do so. Egypt and Nubia were both complex civilizations ruled by a monarchy and the leader was often considered the god on Earth In Africa it has become clear that characteristics depend on economic development. MzcwNTgyZmZmMzczNDJkYzBjMmNjNmRjNTg1N2I5ZjkyMjExNjNjOGY5NTFh Male children could be trained up to become administrators in the royal service, and in some states filled the most responsible positions at court: their lowly social status was thought to act as a check to their ambitions and a guarantee of their loyalty (though a chief slave may have usurped the Mali throne in 1357). But it was ancestors with whom these people directly interacted, and approaching them with sacrifices of cattle. Ancient Africa had many different societies, but they can be roughly categorized into four types. Each passage features one paragraph of informational text and 4 multiple-choice questions. On the boundaries between the desert and savannah is a marginal band called the Sahel, which consists almost entirely of dry scrub. 2010-2011 provides a reassessment of the history of South Africa in the wake of that country's transition to majority rule. Famine was another source of slaves, causing people to sell themselves, or their children, into slavery in order to survive. Many chiefdoms and kingdoms in all parts of sub-Saharan Africa have been formed by pastoral clans dominating agricultural populations. If the demands of royal authority became too onerous, in the form of heavy taxes, say, or the demands made for public projects or service in the royal army, people could (and did) simply up and leave en masse. As in all pre-modern societies, infants and their mothers, the very groups upon whom the successful growth of population most depended, were most at risk. Diving into that variation, a new analysis of 180 indigenous Africans from a dozen ethnically, culturally . All these diseases were, despite higher levels of resistance in indigenous populations to foreign ones (West Africa in particular would become known as the The White Mans Grave) were all widespread killers. They sought to bring shrines and cults under their authority through a mixture of threat and patronage. With the growing emphasis on cattle herding, infant survival must have profited from increased milk supplies, especially when cattle-keeping enabled their owners to colonize the malaria-free highlands which cover much of eastern and souther Africa. Except in favorable locations, especially where fishing, or gathering aquatic resources, could supplement diets, hunting and foraging groups needed a large area of land on which to sustain themselves. The Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. They assimilated into society by reaffirming . One group in African society, which made up probably a tiny proportion of the whole but which had an influence out of all proportion to its size, were the traders. As in other parts of the world, textile crafts were widespread. FIAT DOBLO (FURGON) (2015-) VANIKA DO KUFRA. Underpopulation meant that disgruntled people could always seek new land beyond the reach of royal authority. If the demands of royal authority became too onerous, in the form of heavy taxes, say, or the demands made for public projects or service in the royal army, people could (and did) simply up and leave. For cultivators in particular, any religious beliefs were underpinned by a deeply-held idea about the world in which they found themselves. MDg2MzFiMDZmODM4NDFlY2UyNjFkYzVlM2U3MWExNTI3ODU4YmEyZTM3NWYx In the West African state of Bornu, for example, some royal women controlled extensive territories and were active in the government of the realm. In river floodplains communities have constructed mounds raised above the flood level from which to take advantage of the rich silt deposited by the river waters. Slavery was widespread in traditional African societies. Egyptian culture has six thousand years of recorded history. Throughout Africa, bearing and bringing up children was probably the most vital task after brute survival. Weaving with the loom seems to have come late to sub-Saharan Africa, introduced by Muslim traders into West Africa towards the end of the first millennium AD; and probably separately to eastern and southern Africa, also by Muslim merchants via the Swahili ports. They have used a wide range of techniques, building up the productivity of the land through manuring, terracing, and digging channels to lead water from stream to field, sometimes across wooden aqueducts. By utilizing this acronym, students can compartmentalize their findings and . Government and Economy. That said, African oral culture was exceptionally rich, with an enormous store of myths, stories, poems and aphorisms. These colonizing pioneers would clear the forest or scrub, and divide the new fields between themselves as hereditary property. It is an environment in which they feel at home and which provides them with all the necessities of life; however, they can live here in only small numbers, in scattered family bands which are constantly on the move. Also, iron working especially produced goods vital to farmers, hunters and warriors. In these, men did the more highly valued work of herding, protecting or raiding cattle, while women did the household chores and cultivated crops a lowly occupation in such societies. They include the second largest freshwater lake in the world, Lake Victoria. Most involved a keen belief in spirits of different kind; of the afterlife; of a spiritual dimension to the land; and of evil. In these states, violence and exploitation led to societies ruled by classes of military aristocrats or nobles. Such traders were men, and they ranged from single itinerant traders with perhaps a donkey to carry his goods, to those in charge of caravans of donkeys or, in the desert, of camels. Female slaves were employed as domestic servants or concubines. We learn about their beliefs and religion and the important structures that still stand in Egypt today. In the grasslands, the hot, dry climate makes for a short growing season. Those humans whose livelihood depended on adventuring into the bush hunters above all but also herbalists and iron workers, who needed wood for their furnaces were regarded with awe, for they must be protected by strong magic to survive such trips.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'timemaps_com-leader-4','ezslot_13',198,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-timemaps_com-leader-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'timemaps_com-leader-4','ezslot_14',198,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-timemaps_com-leader-4-0_1'); .leader-4-multi-198{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. The land, much of which is hills and plateaux, is covered with grasslands, with some sub-tropical forests on the coast. The larger oases house trading towns and farming communities. The surrounding bush remained untamed, wild, a source of harm, the abode of dangerous animals and evil spirits. Those humans whose livelihood depended on adventuring into the bush hunters above all but also herbalists and iron workers, who needed wood for their furnaces were regarded with awe, for they must be protected by strong magic to survive such trips. They were usually much younger than their husbands, and were expected to act in a submissive way towards him and his family. A large number of top officials in Hausaland, in West Africa, were eunuchs. Such pragmatism made for an open attitude to ideas and practices from outside: if something worked it was acceptable, wherever it came from. The rain forests are very dense. The earlier populations were either absorbed into the incoming populations, or pressed, either further and further south or further and further into the rain forests. This reflects the much more limited role of trade outside West Africa. At the top were the gods, such as Ra, Osiris, and Isis. Funding and operating them required large amounts of capital and large-scale, disciplined organization. It offers a general survey of the geographical environments they inhabited; their settlements, social structures and economies; and their religions and cultures. Such states could also organize the colonization of outlying areas in a more systematic fashion, perhaps under the leadership of a prince of the royal family. MzE4Y2I3MDllMDBjODdjOGU4NDEwZGMxMWUzYzYxMDlmYmI2OWNiZmY1MGMw Equality was very important in these tribes and all people were treated equally. In many regions low or fickle rainfall greatly magnifies this problem. The difficulties of transport noted above acted to restrict trade, and thus to the emergence of centers of specialist production. The original settlers became the founding ancestors of the new community, and because it was they who had struck the original pact with the spirits of the land, it was they alone who could communicated with them, even (or especially) after death. Malaria was probably the biggest killer, especially of infants. The sheer effort of doing so, as well as the obstacles to population growth (such as the tsetse fly, mentioned above, which kills people as well as animals), meant that such clearings have formed isolated pockets of comparatively dense population surrounded by vast tracts of untamed forest. In line with the pragmatic nature of African thought, the test for religious practices and practitioners was whether they worked, especially in relieving human misfortune or securing fertility of womb or field, prosperity, health and social harmony in the world. The Rhodes-Livingstone Papers. YjU5YTA2MjA2ZTZjNTRkNmQ0OTBmNzIzM2EzZTIyZWFlMDBlMGViZTQzMDMw (59) $14.99. African Kingdoms arose in a variety of ways. Growth of the Axum Kingdom. Throughout sub-Saharan Africa, this often took the form of inter-generational tensions between elder males with multiple wives and younger males with no wives. Religious and medical knowledge was interwoven, and was mysterious to the community at large (except in so far as the healing properties of many plants were commonly appreciated). 4.7. To have children was essential to an individuals social standing, to their welfare in old age, to their survival as ancestors, and to their lineages existence as an independent group in competitive and often violent societies. As we have seen, different African peoples specialized in different modes of food production hunter-gathering (and fishing), nomadic or semi-nomadic pastoralism, and cultivation of crops. Oratory, debate, story-telling, poetry and conversation were all held in high esteem, and were developed into a highly sophisticated art at the royal courts of African kingdoms and chiefdoms. NzlkMGVmMDZkZjMzN2QyN2NjYTRkMGVkOTczNzJjZGYxZTAxZDM3MjAwYWJj Much craft work in Africa, as in all pre-modern societies, was done on a part-time basis by farmers, particularly women. Ancient Africa's government was not very stable because everyone was not unified this is because every village had a different leader. - studies work with social structure to explain matters that are such as crimes or stolen things. David Beach believes that the city . In fact, we should not think of communities of cultivators or pastoralists concentrating entirely on a single subsistence strategy. Its flora consists of a mix of scrub, grassland and woodland. This article looks at the societies and cultures of sub-Saharan Africa in pre-modern history. In forest regions, away from lakes and rivers, human porterage was the only means of transport as the presence of tsetse fly meant that animals could not be used; this was by definition very labour intensive and meant that agricultural produce could travel only short distances. 1981-1988) is a collection of historical studies by a diverse group of historians. Small, isolated areas of dense population were surrounded by large tracts of sparsely peopled wilderness. The Sahara desert forms a major barrier to contacts between the cities and states of the Mediterranean region and the peoples to its south. Rulers displayed their power by the number of retainers they had, and the sophistication of their court, where urbanity, eloquence, and quickness of wit were cultivated. In Ghana Mali, and later in Songhai, kings ruled, but there were no queens, as odd as it was. This would normally be a cluster of households. The histories and cultures of Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia and North Africa are covered elsewhere. These nomadic groups traveled continuously for food,. This bred a society in which extra-marital sex was common and accepted, and young men adopted an attitude of. Ancient Egypt was among the earliest civilizations.For millennia, Egypt maintained a strikingly complex and stable culture that influenced later cultures of Europe, the Middle East and Africa.After the Pharaonic era, Egypt itself came under the influence of Hellenism, for a time Christianity, and later, Arab and Islamic culture. Their repertoire involved rituals, spells, dances and trances, as well as more practical applications such as herbs and ointments. As we have seen, the only major trading towns in these regions were on the Swahili coast of the Indian Ocean. African kingdoms suffered severely from the divisive effects of violent competition between royal princes.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'timemaps_com-leader-3','ezslot_12',183,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-timemaps_com-leader-3-0'); When a state fell, its population sometimes dispersed away from its core area, perhaps due to attack from and/or immigration by a new group of people, or through desiccation of the environment. Long-distance trade rested chiefly on high value goods produced only in confined areas. Around this would be clustered the huts of other households, with four or five members each. Highly advanced and sophisticated African civilizations, cultures, societies, and statessuch as Ancient Egypt, Kush/Nubia, Axum, Ghana, Mali, and Asanteevolved throughout the continent from the ninth century before the Christian era (BCE) to the nineteenth century CE.African political systems and institutions were traditionally based on kinship and lineage (i.e., common ancestry . This came from exactly the same mix of European contact and American agriculture as the new crops; it was the Atlantic Slave Trade. The findings add support to linguistics-backed theories of population structure . Indeed, in some areas, particularly where grassland and forest met, all three modes were practiced locally, resulting in a particularly fruitful exchange of produce. The mysteriousness of such knowledge might be reinforced in societies where secret associations had a monopoly of spiritual activity. There was intense competition for women, and great inequality in access to them. Although it is generally agreed that the term social structure refers to . This was a form of draughts, and was played in private rather than in public. In West Africa, the slow multiplication of population concentrations laid the basis for further expansion. Each village consisted of a lineage group, or clan, tracing its origin to a founding ancestor. The sculptural tradition spread to other Yoruba cities in the form of wood carvings, where they continued to reveal an artistry and appreciation of human worth that marks them out as truly great works. This categorization was not hard and fast. Cotton and woolen textiles were probably introduced at the same time, and by the 16th century cotton had become a form of currency amongst some peoples in southern Africa (for example the Shona). Younger men would set out to seduce or rape the young wives of their elders, and their elders would be determined to prevent this. Some groups of Iron Age farmers from West Africa, moving into the Great Lakes region at the end of the first millennium BCE and then moving down towards central and southern Africa, adopted a cattle-keeping way of life. In some places, groups of skilled craftsmen had their own chiefs. Many studies have been mostly about political centralisation. Egyptian society was structured like a pyramid. OTE0MDljOTVhZWU3M2Q2ZmQ2ZGFhNWZmOTE2N2FmZWM0MGJhM2I5YzYxZjZm These requirements imposed a considerable constraint on the ability of Big Men to accumulate material wealth; and in many cases his status was precarious. Some cultures preferred more naturalistic depictions of human faces and other organic forms. The continent of Africa covers several broad climatic zones. Ghana was the first empire of ancient Africa. All Africans believed in spiritual beings. They seem mostly to have been related to the present-day San people of southern Africa. These factors have acted as constraints on population growth right up to modern times, and historically sub-Saharan Africa has remained an under-populated region. The surviving examples re terracotta, though there may well have been a much more substantial tradition of wood carving which lay behind these. This task would be helped by the fact that a defeated ruler had, by definition, been shown to have lost the support of the gods, and the victorious ruler had proved himself to be the more spiritually powerful. As such it was essentially a form of theatre. From the 17th century, European contact have brought new crops from America, such as maize, cassava and sweet potatoes, and these were beginning to provide additional nutrition and a significant boost to numbers all over Africa. This meant that, for a man to marry he must have some wealth, and since this took time to build up most men were in their thirties when they married. In folktales, the rewards for perseverance, intelligence and courage were wives, children, status, wealth, and security in other words, to become a Big Man. The most spectacular practitioners of this were kings and chiefs, which gave rulers swarms of sons to contest the succession or fragment the state. Much dance was narrative in purpose, telling and retelling myths and stories. Rice was grown on particularly well-watered areas such as along the banks of the River Niger. Perhaps the highland areas which have had most impact on the history of Africa have been the Ethiopian Highlands, which have sheltered Africas only historic Christian state; and the highlands of southern Africa, which have played a key role in that regions history. Zip. OWNmYWU3NDdmYzFiZjMxNzdiMjg0ZDI2ZDQxMjMzZWMyNjUwZGQwZTg4Mzg0 OTg3ZTYwNWY1OWRjMGZiYzY3ZjQ0MGEzYTgyOTVhZDY3M2YwZDIyMzFjMzJk The art of ancient African was just as diverse as its cultures, languages, and political structures. Next were the farmers. These ancestral spirits thus became the channel through which spiritual forces could be accessed. Pastoralists had come down the Nile Valley and then spread out across the grasslands of Africa, down as far as the Great Lakes region of central Africa. Cutting through these landscapes are huge rivers, outstanding amongst which are the Nile, the Niger, the Congo and the Zambezi. Having said all this, disease remained common, debilitating and in may cases, fatal. This limited the number of children they might have in their child-bearing years, which would have been much more diminished, on average, by the incidence of infant mortality, childhood diseases and the dangers of childbirth. African ritual experts learnt thousands of verses of religious and wisdom poetry, and expounded the appropriate one to guide kings and ministers as they resolved disputes; Rememberers treasured the traditions and histories of the kingdoms; and traders astonished early European travelers with their powers of recall.

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ancient african social structure