john coates financial disclosure

Before joining the SEC, he served as the John F. Cogan Professor of Law and Economics at Harvard University, where he also was Vice Dean for Finance and Strategic Initiatives. Where and how can disclosures be aligned with information companies already use to make decisions. In those rules and regulations we expected them, in drafting their forms, to go more into detail with regard to requirements. They require fact-finding and expert factual judgments about likely effects, costs, benefits and risks of alternatives, including inaction, in the face of investor needs that have led most large companies to publish inconsistent and variable climate-related disclosures. Site Map, Advertise| Yet no one has ever successfully argued that the Commission should not develop, adapt or apply disclosure rules to banks, mining companies, asset-backed issuers, airlines or defense contractors, despite the specialized knowledge that a full understanding of those companies would require, and despite the fact that the Commission does not have full-time staff who are themselves experts of the same kind that other regulators may have, or which companies hire to provide them with advice about such topics. EPA only has authority over US emission sources. The subject of a disclosure is new, when the nature of business and investment is dynamic. How much standardization can be achieved across industries? The question of whether the proposed disclosures would in fact be an all-in good idea, cost-justified, appropriately considering efficiency, competition and capital formation is not a legal question. 12 January, 2022 By John Coates John Coates, interim chief executive of Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee (LARAC), looks at the development of the sector in 2022 This area is reserved. If comprehensive, economy-wide disclosure of climate impacts of all types of business is to be required by regulation, doing so will require more than the Commissions authority. The requirements and have specifically included disclosures related to the environment. Although courts have increasingly applied the First Amendment to disclosure obligations over time, critics are able to cite no case law supporting the notion that simply because facts may inform or be relevant to a political debate, requirements calling for disclosure of those facts are subject to heightened scrutiny, much less violate the First Amendment. They will go unresolved by this proposed rule. It is the first time that public investors see the business and financial information about a company. It is authorized by clear statutes, is consistent with settled understandings, and addresses disclosure topics covered by rules adopted long ago by the Commission and ratified by Congress. It is true that many companies are spending money to do thisfurther evidence of the importance of the information. Detailed case studies of six rules - (1) disclosure rules under Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404, (2) the SEC's mutual fund governance reforms, (3) Basel III's heightened capital requirements for banks, (4) the Volcker Rule, (5) the SEC's cross-border swap proposals and (6) the FSA's mortgage reforms - finds that precise, reliable, quantified CBA But to develop and apply a disclosure rule of the kind proposed here does not require the same level of climate expertise as held by EPA (or, for climate changes impact on weather, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), and those agencies lack the expertise in finance, accounting and investment that is also necessary for any investor-oriented disclosure rule that addresses climate-related financial risk. John Jenkins, SPACs: Is the PSLRA Safe Harbor Driving the Boom?, Deal (Feb. 3, 2021); Bruce A. Ericson, Ari M. Berman and Stephen B. Amdur, The SPAC Explosion: Beware the Litigation and Enforcement Risk, Harv. Customer Service| [8] Participants and their advisors are used and expect to prepare and disclose projections in acquisitions, including de-SPACs. The Commission does, but has no investor-protection authority over climate impacts more generally, such as those on communities or habitats, beyond impacts that are important to investors decision-making. The safe harbor is also not available if the statements in question are not forward-looking. In fact, its basic disclosure authorities (in Section 7 of the 1933 Act and Sections 12 and 13 of the 1934 Act) are augmented by additional specific authority to to prescribe the form or forms in which required information shall be set forth. If the Commission after fact-finding reasonably believes more detail is needed to protect investors about a concededly authorized topic, it is legally authorized to require more detail, as it has done through both rules and disclosure review since 1933. 5 . 1 Twitter 2 Facebook 3RSS 4YouTube John Coates is a senior research fellow at the University of Cambridge. [8] In re Netsmart Technologies, Inc., Shareholder Litig., 924 A.2d 171 (Del. ': ABA Rejects Proposal to Make Law School Admissions Tests Optional, 'A Very Virginia Spin': Businesses Must Establish Internal Appeals Process Under New State Consumer Data Privacy Laws, Read the Document: DOJ Urges Court to Deny Trump Immunity in Jan. 6 Appeal, Paul Clement Says Tribalism at Law Schools Hurts Judicial Legitimacy, Editors and Analysts Offer Top Trends to Watch for 2023. 1 The housing and financial crises of 2008 led to the Dodd-Frank Act, 2 which restructured the financial regulatory agencies, mandated more than 200 new rules, and required changes to many older rules. With all these changes, the appeal of understanding and developing law around economic substance over form may be greater than ever. It specifies disclosure of facts, in neutral language. 2634.101-805 (see Subparts A-H) Financial disclosure reports are used to identify potential or actual conflicts of interest. . New Corp Fin Director John Coates is fully on-board, making speeches and otherwise being vocal in his support of ESG centered disclosures. John CoatesActing Director, Division of Corporation Finance. Protecting investors has been the Commissions job since 1934. But just as important is the recognition of the costs associated with not having ESG disclosure requirements. Women, Influence & Power in Law UK Awards honors women lawyers who have made a remarkable difference in the legal profession. Rec. With that overview, I would like to focus on legal liability that attaches to disclosures in the de-SPAC transaction. He steps down from the AOC on Saturday, less than 12 months after helping Australia win its third Games bid, this time in Brisbane in 2032, but retains his exalted IOC status. I think it is only about 30 pages, while the British Companies Act is over 300 pages. The title of the 1933 Act states its purpose as creating a regime of full and fair disclosure.. 2019-0100-KSJM, 2019 WL 1313408 (Del.Ch. 22, 2019) (enjoining two cross-conditioned mergers due to disclosure inadequacies concerning special procedures used to mitigate conflict of interest). 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; The financial effects of physical risks are large and growing. I fear, though, that participants may not have thought through all the legal implications of these statements under the circumstances of these transactions. Gain access to some of the most knowledgeable and experienced attorneys with our 2 bundle options! Congressional ratification has been repeated and affirmativenot mere inaction. Finally, companies generally are mandated to make disclosures as needed to prevent other disclosures from being materially misleading. Apr. (forthcoming 2021); Minmo Gahng, Jay R. Ritter and Donghang Zhang, SPACs, Working Paper (Mar. The result is a continuously adjusted, detailed system of disclosure specifications, reflecting the Commissions fact-finding and expertise. This statement creates no new or additional obligations for any person. Biography. What about the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act? Critiques on legal grounds fall far short of what would be needed for a court to overturn the rule. Companies objectively do or do not have strategies that reflect transition risk or physical risks of climate change. This statement does not alter or amend applicable law and has no legal force or effect. Based on a review of current sustainability reports that cover the same topics as would be required by the proposed rule, companies with material climate risks could create compliant disclosure that would take up a relatively small share of a typical annual report. This rule would not transform even the portion of the American economy regulated by the Commissionwhich remains investments in and markets for securities of public companies, not privately held companies, and the proposal adds no new companies to its disclosure regime. The economic essence of an initial public offering is the introduction of a new company to the public. For centuries, it has been a cardinal rule that repeals by implication are not favored. Indeed, a standard reference on statutory interpretation by Antonin Scalia and Bryan Garner goes further, makes the rule one of its black-letter canons, and emphasizes it, writing: Repeals by implication are disfavoredvery much disfavored. It also offers a sensible explanation for the canon: A doctrine of readily implied repealer would repeatedly place earlier enactments in doubt.. The Helpful Hand Guiding Brisbane's Olympic Victory. It is not a rule, regulation, or statement of the SEC. As we think about structuring a disclosure system for ESG issues, one question that comes up is whether ESG disclosures should be the subject of mandatory versus voluntary disclosure provisions. Because, finally, the disclosures are financial and do not extend to the large part of the economy owned by private companies, they would not constitute general climate change policy, such as a carbon tax or emissions cap-and-trade scheme. Those authorities are general in nature, not limited to specific topics. Prior to joining the SEC, John was the John F. Cogan Professor of Law and Economics at Harvard University, where he also served as Vice Dean for Finance and Strategic Initiatives. Robust public disclosure has been a hallmark of effective securities regulation since the 1930s, said SEC Chair Gary Gensler. The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly and recently emphasized that the fundamental purpose of the 1934 Act [was] to substitute a philosophy of full disclosure for the philosophy of caveat emptor . As discussed in Point II, the proposed rule requires disclosures about financial risks and opportunities, so even if there were an explicit limit on the Commissions authority that disclosures under Section 7 be financial in nature, or related to the financial statements, or to the elements in the statute, the proposed rule would still be authorized. Access to additional free ALM publications, 1 free article* across the ALM subscription network every 30 days, Exclusive discounts on ALM events and publications. All those sources here align with the 1933 Acts plain, ordinary meaning, and so confirm the above conclusions. Specifically, the Commission relied upon wide-ranging and deep engagement over more than a year, gathering input from public comments, in public discussions, and meetings with and through letters from companies, investors, trade groups, climate specialists, EPA and other experts regarding corporate environmental and climate reporting, to craft its proposed rule, just as it has done in other areas. That possibility further calls into question any sweeping claims about liability risk being more favorable for SPACs than for conventional IPOs. As stressed by Commissioner Peirce in her dissenting statement, the proposed disclosures called for by the rule are in line with prior Commission-required disclosures, as detailed in Annex A. It does not address how to measure or use the social cost of carbon, as is done by other agencies. It is not clear that claims about the application of securities law liability provisions to de-SPACs provide targets or anyone else with a reason to prefer SPACs over traditional IPOs. To be clear, in the initial offering by a SPAC, when the shell company is first raising funds to finance all (or more commonly a portion) of its hoped-for acquisition of the yet-to-be-named target, disclosures clearly have a role to play under the federal securities laws. He served as a Department of Justice-appointed independent monitor for a large, systemically important financial institution and as an independent consultant to the SEC in one of the first Fair Fund distributions. But for the protection of investors, these limits are features, not bugsthey precisely show how the rule adheres to Congresss clear but limited delegation of disclosure specification to the Commission. It may be time to revisit these issues. De-SPAC transactions also may give rise to liability under state law. That is because it is true that the Commissions authority does not run so far as to require disclosures for any reason, or for reasons not specified in its organic statutes. What is the right balance between principles and metrics? Moreover, the landscape is changing rapidly so issues that yesterday were only peripheral today are taking on greater importance. Previously, she represented private and public companies on corporate and securities matters at Hill & Barlow law firm. John Coates bowed out as Australian Olympic Committee president at the Darling Harbour Sofitel in Sydney. [1],[2] Shareholder advocates as well as business journalists and legal and banking practitioners, and even SPAC enthusiasts themselves[3] are sounding alarms about the surge. Three points about this text are worth emphasizing. Contact Us| The guidance on potential conflicts of interest in the context of the initial public offering of a SPAC is divided into five categories: (1) insiders' competing fiduciary or contractual obligations to other entities, (2) the specified timeframe to complete an initial business combination, (3) deferred underwriter compensation, (4) economic terms 28, 2018) (refusing to dismiss claim that Musk controlled Tesla despite owning only 22% of the voting power due to actual domination and control). I will work tirelessly to execute our rules and make sound recommendations that will help the SEC realize its mission.. He joined his billionaire sister and co-CEO, Denise, in 2001 to launch Bet365 after she . . If a major shift in owners is in fact occurring in most or all SPACs as they progress through a de-SPAC, it is the de-SPAC as much as any other element of the process on which we should focus the full panoply of federal securities law protections including those that apply to traditional IPOs. Specifically, Section 7 gives the Commission unambiguous authority to specify the contents of disclosure documents used to register securities for sale to the public. Because the rule is an investor-oriented disclosure rule, it is within the Commissions expertise. The rule does not require them to use particular words, or characterize their own conduct in any controversial way. [5] For studies of SPACs, see, e.g., Michael Klausner, Michael Ohlrogge and Emily Ruan, A Sober Look at SPACs, Yale J. Reg. Of course, as Commissioner Peirce does not do much to dispute, and as the proposing release makes clear, existing disclosures are spotty, inconsistent, incomplete and unverified under existing Commission rules. After completing his Ph.D., Coates traded derivatives for Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch, and then ran a trading desk for Deutsche Bank in New York. We'll send you a myFT Daily Digest email rounding up the latest Denise Coates news every morning. Here, we survey research on steroid hormones and their cognitive. These include (for example) asbestos and other sources of tort liability, contract and other kinds of commercial litigation, and cybersecurity and other kinds of technology risks. 2, 2021). In 2004 he returned to Cambridge to research the biology of More about John Coates Congress did not direct the Commission to protect investors through disclosure only when it is politically non-controversial to do so. Existing rules already cover material climate risks is the first point she makes. John C. Coates, Cost-Benefit Analysis of Financial Regulation: Case Studies and Implications, 124 Yale Law Journal 882 (2014-2015). Renee brings deep expertise in corporate governance and securities law to the Division of Corporation Finance. Authority for disclosure under the 1934 Act addressed more than the need for protection of the initial investor acquiring securities. John F. Cogan, Jr. I write to comment on legal authority. Companies either do or do not engage in activities that result in the emission of greenhouse gases. 6, 2021) (showing that there have been 26 total liquidations as of Apr. On March 22, 2021, the SEC launched a new page on its website bringing together all things ESG including agency actions and the latest information on ESG investing. . But nothing in the 1933 Act or the 1934 Act imposes limits on the Commissions authority to refine the mode, detail, format, method, or specificity of required disclosures. Further reducing concerns about whether the rule is within the Commissions expertise, the proposed rule aligns with ways that companies and investors have jointly and voluntarily agreed to provide climate-related information. Liability risk is an important feature of the conventional IPO process. The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that Renee Jones has been appointed Director of the Division of Corporation Finance. [4] With the unprecedented surge has come unprecedented scrutiny, and new issues with both standard and innovative SPAC structures keep surfacing. Our existing disclosure regime, however, is already more nuanced than that, and there is no reason an ESG disclosure system would need to be less nuanced. 6LinkedIn 8 Email Updates. Although the D.C. Earnings statements, analyst call scripts, investor presentations, and the regular flows of press releases, investor relations communications and other ways companies supplement disclosure requirements are commonly longer or more complex than anything required by the Commissions rules. They believe climate change is not primarily caused by human activity. In this way, SPACs offer private companies an alternative pathway to go public and obtain a stock exchange listing, a broader shareholder base, status as a public company with Exchange Act registered securities, and a liquid market for its shares. Letting companies determine for themselves what is material in a given context can be a reasonable way to implement Congresss choice of full and fair disclosure as a policysometimes, companies exercise such discretion well enough to generate enough information to protect investors; but particularly as applied to risks that are new, or which raise difficult management challenges, and where there are limited sources of external scrutiny relevant to the judgments, companies predictably fail to comply with their requirements. Bloomberg reports that, according to Coates, the new disclosure requirements will focus on three topics: diversity, equity and inclusion; climate change; and human capital management. Consideration of such costs is important, as is getting clear about their causes. John Coates Acting Director, Division of Corporation Finance March 11, 2021 Statement Published in Connection with Remarks at the 33rd Annual Tulane Corporate Law Institute [1] Not long ago, the title of this statement would have needed to unpack "ESG" into Environmental, Social and Governance. John Coates, the vice-president of the International Olympic Committee and outgoing president of the Australian National Olympic Committee, said "to a large extent" that Sydney was awarded the. Donilon - 278.pdf Robert Downing - 278.pdf Travis Dredd - 278.pdf Anita Dunn - 278.pdf Stacy Eichner - 278.pdf John Elias . These decisions underscore the need for the Commission to have broad rulemaking authority to protect investors on the disclosure side of the firebreak between federal securities law and state corporate law. That request elicited massive amounts of public input on potential climate-related disclosure, and gave anyone skeptical about the project ample notice that it was on the Commissions agenda, and ample time to adduce evidence against it. . Claims that disclosure would incentivize companies only to reduce or mitigate climate change impacts are not well considered. In contrast, proposals to give the Commission discretion to approve or disapprove of the soundness of stock offerings was rejected by Congressthe 1933 Act in the end embraced full and fair disclosure as the method to protect investors. Fund v. KCG Holdings, Inc., No. In its overall framework, the proposed rule builds on the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), whose leadership includes the CFO of Unilever, the General Manager of Mitsubishi, and the former CAO of HSBC, and whose work has been supported by Bank of America, Barrick Gold, Dupont, Hewlett Packard, and Pepsico, among scores of other companies. John C. Coates is the John F. Cogan, Jr. [10] See infra note 12. Banks and insurance companies are increasingly demanding similar information to make loans or underwrite policies. Its greenhouse gas emission disclosure elements are aligned with the EPAs existing requirements for US emission sources, which in turn are aligned with the widely used and privately developed Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which was a joint product of companies, investors and other organizations. John C. Coates, IV, Lucian A. Bebchuk, John C. Coffee, Bernard S. Black, . But as some critics do ignore the plain language of the statute, it should be emphasized that they find no more support for the notion that the Commission lacks authority in the legislative history, or in generations of legislative, executive, and judicial understanding of the statutes meaning. [6] SPAC Status by Year of IPO, SPACInsider (last visited Apr. Myriam Robin is a Rear Window columnist based in the Financial Review's Melbourne . Even as to the financial system, it does not set out comprehensive climate policy. No case is the contrary, and critics of the Commissions proposed rule cite none. Nonetheless, whatever one thinks about the incentives for companies to go public or private, that question only bears on the efficiency or capital-formation impacts of the proposed rule, and how they compare to its advancement of investor protection, not on its legality. But we do have a provision that permits the Commission to set up rules and regulations which will have the effect of law. Companies in the defense industry report in their Commission-required filings using technical, specialized industry jargon on government procurement, budgets, military strategy, products and market dynamics about which staff at the Department of Defense have far more detailed knowledge than the Commission. As noted above, the JOBS Act, for example, limited the full requirements in Section 7 for emerging growth companies, but left the Commissions overall authority to require disclosure for other public companies intact. So, too, for mining companies, asset-backed issuers, and other sectors, as also detailed in Annex A. No. Again, this difference is in keeping with the Commissions focus on investors. John Coates, the vice-president of the International Olympic Committee and outgoing president of the Australian National Olympic Committee, said "to a large extent" that Sydney was awarded the . Said plainly, many investors in the SPACs own initial offering are not the investors in the ultimate public companys ongoing business operations. Clear statement canons play no role when statutes speak clearly. Key points: Coates was a key figure in Brisbane's 1992 Summer Olympics bid, which lost out to Barcelona The IOC has designated Brisbane as the preferred candidate city to host the 2032 Olympics Coates says he is confident Brisbane can keep costs down if it does host the Games They point to a footnote in a 2016 Concept release to support this claim. In plain unambiguous text, they encompass financial risks and opportunities related to any source. . If the American people, through their representatives, wish to remediate climate change, or fulfill climate-related treaty obligations, this rule will not do those jobs. Companies face higher costs in responding to investor demand for ESG information because there is no consensus ESG disclosure system. 'What Are We Fixing? If the SPAC fails to find and acquire a target within a period of two years, the promote is forfeited and the SPAC liquidates. Simply put, any such asserted difference seems uncertain at best. 104-369, 43 (November 28, 1995) (Congress created the safe harbor provision to enhance market efficiency by encouraging companies to disclose forward-looking information.). There are 300+ professionals named "John Coates", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. One need not believe any of these studies is the final word on the subject to believe that collectively, they provide sufficient evidence to believe, reasonably, that verified, consistent climate-related financial disclosures would be useful to protect investors. STAY CONNECTED Still another study finds that mutual fund managers are misestimating climate risks based on current, inconsistent and unreliable disclosures. The information, including financial statements, relevant to evaluating the investment changes dramatically in the de-SPAC because the private target has operations unlike the SPAC; and initial SPAC investors commonly have the right to and do sell or have their shares redeemed. John C. Coates is the Acting Director of the SEC's Division of Corporation Finance. The statute refers to the Commissions rules defining blank check company and to the Exchange Acts definition of penny stock.[15], By contrast, however, the PSLRAs exclusion for initial public offering does not refer to any definition of initial public offering. No definition can be found in the PSLRA, nor (for purposes of the PSLRA) in any SEC rule. It would have a relatively modest impact on the economy as a whole, and basically levels up disclosure requirements to disclosures already made by the majority of large companies. John Coates Named Acting Director of the Division of Corporation Finance FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2021-19 Washington D.C., Feb. 1, 2021 The Securities and Exchange Commission announced today that John Coates will serve as Acting Director of the agency's Division of Corporation Finance. Economic analysis and expert fact-finding and assessments may inform choices about how detailed and what the details should be, and the Commission needs to follow its own economic analysis guidance in arriving at its conclusions, as well as comply with administrative law. . An extended comment on the 1933 Act published in the Michigan Law Review in March 1934 echoes these points, summarizing the law as having two purposes: (1) that there shall be filed with the Federal Trade Commission a full, accurate and complete statement of all pertinent facts concerning issues of the securities and (2) that instruments of transportation or communication in interstate commerce and the mails shall not be used directly or indirectly to effectuate fraudulent sales. Join National Law Journal now! [16] Debate in Senate to Override President's Veto, 141 Cong. Congress expected the Commission to use expert judgment to update disclosure over time, as new or newly identified risks emerge.

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john coates financial disclosure