lucius plugs harry fanfiction

Summary:Harry is rescued from Privet Drive and is sent to live at Malfoy Manor. Hadrian Peverell will be everything that he could not be. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Rating: R And Just Plain Wrong* I Love Him* Author:Horrornatrix Both artwork and fan fiction works posted or linked on this blog belong to the original authors and artists. Rating: R Summary: Harry is missing and presumed dead, so his will is read with surprising results. Rating: NC-17 Far from the path Harry had strayed in the primal woods that was Lucius private playground, and he felt finehe felt better than ever. True Lusts Mate By any means necessary. Author: belleamant Author: Jaylee He returns to find Harry Potter is a mental patient. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Summary: Lucius and Harry have a first date and give into the forces of nature. Not Master Severus, Just Severus* Rating: NC-17 A Mimosa Holiday Rating: M In The Malfoy Name What if Severus, Lucius were his best friends vs James, Sirius, Peter and Remus? Not As It Seemed Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG Summary: There are always consequences to your actions. Author: IBegToDreamAndDiffer Author: FairyNiamh Cost of Guilt* Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry reminds Lucius that he is still Harrys man, You always win where Im concerned Descent into the Debauchery of Darkness* Summary: Severus and Harry want to involve Lucius in their play. Summary: The T.A.R.D.I.S lands on top of a Fracture in Time, a gap that allows four very different Harry Potter Universes a brief period of interaction. Author: keikokin ; . The Darkness Inside: Part 2 Author: rons_pigwidgeon Author: andx06s Author: Bishmonster All stories are oneshots and therfore no further thoughts of expanding any. Sweet Tooth of Seduction Author: SilverWolf7007 Rating: PG-13 Rating: R Summary: Lucius regrets sleeping with Harry. Swallow Rating: R Author: aisling Rating: NC-17 Warnings: OOC, one shot but seems unfinished? Rating: NC-17 Come Undone* And he had no qualms in using it to win the hand of Lady Ivy Potter. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco(/Other) Summary: Harry Potter cant escape his ancestry, or the consequences of coming back from the dead. Summary: Harry sets off to find the remaining Horcruxes and enlists the help of a very unexpected person. A Discussion The Forest Whispers Secrets Left Untold Harry returns to Hogwarts to finish his education. Read the warnings that are inside. Rating: R Summary: Harry wants some sort of protection as he reclaims Godrics Hollow before searching for Snape and the Horcruxes. Warnings: minor character death, violence Warnings: non con, character death, darkfic Pet Abused Summary: We have a guest, Lucius whispered. Warnings: dubcon Lucius takes Harry back to the Manor. Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Summary: To Lucius, with a temptation of one as young and innocent as Harry, there is no right or wrong. Warnings: mpreg, character death Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry and Lucius continue their discreet relationship, until Narcissa gets wind of it. Summary: Postwar, surprisingly little has changed. Warnings: suicide, infidelity, underage AS |Russian translation | Chinese translation. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius Malfoy has to deal with the wizarding worlds implementation of a more modern attitude toward underage sex. He applies for, and gets, the job of Defence Instructor at Dumstrang Institute. Warnings: incest, Polyjuice, violence, character death Warnings: underage Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Sing For Me, Cry For Me Lucius agrees on one condition: as long as Draco agrees to take the Polyjuice Potion. Evenings Freedom Lucius*, part of the Unbearable series Rating: NC-17 When last seen, Lucius had followed Harry up to his room, where black silk sheets awaited. Rating: NC-17 No HBP. Warnings: creature!Harry, dark!Harry, character deaths, OOCness, character bashing Author: keikokin Author: leela_cat Warnings: crossover, bonding, first time, character death Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Author: ausmac Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, intoxication, breath play Rating: NC-17 Summary: to Live: V (1) to be alive; (2) to continue alive; (3) to occupy a home; (4) to remain in human memory or record. Summary: Im starting to think you enjoy your punishment far too much. Warnings: character death, underage Summary: Nothing Harry Potter did was ever simple, right? Draco was still on the floor, hands on the floor behind him, his usual satisfied smirk altered a bit by the flush on his face and the panting, parted mouth. Summary: Harry loves his broom. Now they deal with more. Author: Slytherin Lust Summary:Finding his loves strange fetish of him wearing women clothes goes farther then usual for a ball when he has to wear a dress. Warnings: mpreg, violence, miscarriage, vampire Pairings: Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Lucius, Draco/Harry/Lucius, future implied Harry/others Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Draco/Fenrir, Lucius/Draco/Narcissa, Harry/Voldemort Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Other(s) A Helping Hand The Uncommon Birthday Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Marcus Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Vernon, Harry/Draco, Harry/Other Author: amanuensis Malfoy is the only one who seems to be able to reach the war-traumatized hero. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: fluff Warnings: D/s, flogging, rope play, penetration from both ends, frottage, spanking Author: softlysweetly Summary: I dont know which god favours me, but he granted me with the best, most gorgeous pet in existence.. Warnings: light bondage Warnings: bonding, fluff, probably OOC Bad Decisions, Taste So Good (Formerly Daddy Like) Narcissas Story Author: jemi Summary: Once upon a time, Harry Potter was killed and Voldemort won the war. Warnings: incest, mpreg, non con, gender issues Summary: Lucius finds himself caught up in Severus plan to save himself and Harry Potter; will the ending, though, be what he planned? Summary: What if Harry Potter went back in time, fell in love with Lucius, and then was forced to return to the present? Summary:Lucius receives a letter after Harrys death. Summary: After the war everything has changed. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort/Lucius Rating: NC-17 He no longer cares about anything but is still hurt by his freinds reaction. Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Draco/Harry Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape It upsets a lot of what Harry thought true. Warnings: underage, dub con, mpreg, drug use, AU Summary: Two years after the war, and Lucius is back in a position of power as if hes never been gone. Warnings: character death Author: Anne Phoenix The Long Road* He has to decide what type of relationship he wants with Lucius while coping with his own veela protective urges. Free Fall* At age 24 he has a happy life among the Muggles. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco Warnings: major character death, non con, violence, F/M, mpreg, memory alternation Summary: Semi-sequel to Amanuensiss Other Chambers, Darker Secrets. Snape never hurt Harry or Ron in this AU. Slashcity | Czech translation | Russian translation. Warnings: violence, implied rape, Snape!bashing, Dumbledore!bashing Rewriting Time Fragile Author:dwinchestersgirl88 Because He Loves Me To their mutual satisfaction, they find they can mix them pretty well. Proceed with caution. Warnings: underage One shot. Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Author: luciusmistress Summary: Lucius takes Harry to task over a mistake. Make It Worth My While Author: Silver Elf Author: SSDSnape Summary: ..I submit, Master.., May 15th Author: leni_jess Rating: PG Rating: NC-17 Remembrance Author: Skye Author: RadiatorfromSpace Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Rating: R Pink Slip* Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Author: keikokin Pressing Matters Now two years later, hes directionless and alone. Summary: Harrys attempt to celebrate Luciuss birthday goes terribly, gloriously wrong and results in an unsettling revelation. Warnings: love triangle Author: Lomonaaeren Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape As Proud As Love Rating: R Aftermath Author: Celandine Author: Veritas (moltensulfur) Summary: No summary provided. Summary:Harry is going through a hard time with his boyfriend. And waits. This Is Now. Author: theladyinred The remaining members of the proud Malfoy family had degenerated into a couple of stalkers. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Draco/Lucius, Severus/Lucius, Severus/Harry Rating: NC-17 Lucius thought his mate must have died long ag. Rating: NC-17 Summary:Harry is Lucius servant, but can he be something more? Warnings: non con, BDSM, violence, enslavement, bloodplay, torture Author: suziesu74 Author: tigerblak Warnings: non con, bloodplay, character death Warnings: threesome Now, months after his rescue, he seeks help to put everything that happened behind him before moving forward. How will his life turn out? Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Snape/Other Author: inglus_mager Rating: R Rating: T Summary: Lucius Malfoy learns the definition of hero. 261K 7.9K 27. Rating: T Lucius envisions a future in a seedy whorehouse, the only likely outcome after his husbands dismissal, and makes a desperate decision. Summary: Fluffy and smutty. Let the World Burn* No Way* Warnings: dubcon, Dumbledore/Severus (implied) I am thinking of pain and humiliation. Whose Turn? Summary: No summary provided. It was frightening. Usually, a busty older woman but when Draco came home today, he saw a petite boy with crazy hair and empty eyes. Dracos Dad Author: keikokin Becoming a Broodmare * Even if that child does not come from Cygnus Black. He was taken from Lucius after the death of the Potters; the separation confused the father-son bond making it think its really a soul bond. Hell discard his mask and show everyone just how in love he is. Author: digthewriter Author: softlysweetly Summary: How do you navigate a relationship when your magic knows better than your own head? Rating: R Author: lidane Author: TheSiner Yet he was. Time Travel To the Snakes Den* Author: Lidane Paradise Lost* Summary: Harry gives Lucius a second chance. Author: Neichan * Summary: As the Ministry celebrates the final victory over the Dark Lord, Lucius Malfoy receives a very unusual offer. Human* Author: Tien Riu Conected to the Chains drabbles. Spinning Off Course* Warnings: BDSM (bad etiquette), slavery, orgasm denial See what happens when a little meeting between the two becomes more than anyone dreamed. Warnings: enslavement Author: keikokin Harry does, and his lovers do, and they both give him gifts he couldnt get elsewhere. Summary: Harry is fed up with the abuse at the Dursleys so he escapes only to be found and taken in by the most unlikely family. Pairings: Lucius/Severus, Severus/Harry, Lucius/Severus/Harry Defeating the Dark Lord was supposed to free the saviour. Summary: As Britains magical world struggles to rebuild after the war, Harriet Potter is surprised to find herself with an unlikely suitor. Author: keikokin As he struggles to walk this new path, he learns to rely on those he is now tied to. Rating: NC-17 It is a place that can free you from your anguish and suffering. Summary: Life isnt about playing fair, its about having confidence, and Severus has oodles of it. Rating: NC-17 Author: softlysweetly Secrets In Lace When Harry Potter discovers Dracos secret, the school year unravels for everyone involved. Forever In Your Arms* Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Rating: T Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius is far too attracted to his sons friend. Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius (implied Harry/Draco) Author: Anne Phoenix Warnings: mpreg, dub con Author: keikokin Magical Profiles Warnings: AU, OOC Rating: R Noble Blood However, while there, they warm up to each other considerably. Summary: A completely unredeemable, non con PWP. A Means of Survival Summary: Harry catches a nasty virus and it changes his whole life. Rating: NC-17 Author: Faeline Rating: M Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Others Author: GhostIsReading Warnings: underage, major character death, A/B/O, dub con Lucius is shocked when he finds out exactly what kind of relationship Harry and Snape have. As things arent working Hermione and Luna come up with a final plan: Time Travel. Author:Bridgette_Hayden No, it was when Dobby noticed Harry staring that things became a problem. Summary: Lucius feels a little trepidation as he approaches Harrys room, wondering what sight will greet him; he admits he quite liked the spark the boy had left. Harry is mystified about why he seems to be attracting a lot of strange attention lately. Lucius Malfoy, second in power only to the Dark Lord, is in need of a new boy. I have tried to oblige. That was why he kept coming back for more. Summary: Lucius Malfoy was extremely happy that the war was finally over, his manipulative wife was dead and the mark was fading, however his soul was not complete. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Rating: NC-17 All Good Things Come to Him That Wait Summary: Harry is a Djinn. Rating: NC-17 Engaging Interests Rating: NC-17 Summary: A drabble the third on the list. Rating: NC-17 When the Stone was stolen, the King sent out his knights to retrieve it. Author: gaysandcrime Author: Sinclairum Secrets Kept Are Secrets Learned Author: Anne Phoenix Author: Lomonaaeren Not only is he a submissive, but he has 4 dominants. Warnings: mpreg Warnings: implied Snarry Summary: Does this excite you, Potter? a hot voice hissed against the nape of Harrys neck. Summary: After escaping his vile relatives, Prince Harry comes face to face with unexpected dangers. Summary: 500+ word angsty drabble based on the word Oubliette. Summary:His friends dont understand. Impregnated during his confinement and afraid of the expected response, he runs from the Wizarding World. Rating: R Author: Hijja Author: dinahtoushi Rating: NC-17 Warnings: dark!Harry, psychological warfare, minor character death I tell him. Author: Morgan Says Author: keikokin Warnings: mpreg Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Summary: A series of entries from the journal of Lucius Malfoy, chronicling a series of poker games with one Harold James Potter. Author: dark charming Author:dudugodudugo (And if you DO get it, email me and tell me when you figured it out I love that!). Harry Potter and the Secret of Nature* Summary: Harry has to travel to the past to seduce and convert Lucius to the Light. Summary: Harry Potter dropped into the Clue!verse. Rating: M Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Confessor Summary: Harry has been keeping a secret from the school which is about to be revealed. Warnings: character death Summary: Lucius saves Harry when he is captured and brought to a Death Eater meeting, but a prophecy must be fulfilled before they can be safe. Summary: Ron wants Harry to spend Christmas with him. What will happen next as they both become attracted to each other? Author: Furorscribiendi A Fragile Thing Warnings: abuse, non con, violence, warm and fluffy feelings Hey, they never said it was a good plan. Author: lucius_complex Rating: PG-13 Author: amethystangel Warnings: underage, crossdressing, toys, bondage, dub con, incest, watersports, various Author: Emo Mushroom Summary: No summary provided. Author: Sefiru Rating: NC-17 Author: sageofsin Author: orphan account How bad could reading an improving book possibly be? Summary:Of course he should be dead by rights; he should have suffered a gruesome and final demise at my hands. So what if this Potter had the power to be reincarnated over and over again and wreck havoc in every dimension? I think that explains everything. Warnings: underage, child abuse, non con Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Tom Riddle Author: Lomonaaeren Rating: NC-17 Lucius willingly (read: out of his own free will) becomes Harry Potters slave. You can look up abbreviations, terms and rating info using Glossary and Ratings. A Fortunate Accident Summary: Defeating the Dark Lord comes at a price, and Harry finds out too late just what that can mean. Sequel to Well Always Have Stockholm. Rating: PG Parody of the movie A Knights Tale. Warnings: mpreg, creature!fic, mentions of abuse Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes Friend. Summary: No strings. Rating: PG So when that gift is taken from Harry, he struggles accepting that he was just a pawn in the game of Dark and Light. When the 17 year old Harry grows tired of keeping up his appearance of being the Golden Boy of Gryffindor with hatred for Slytherins, he shows everyone just who the real Harry is. Rating: PG-13 And so are Harry and Lucius. Warnings: character death Summary: After the war, Lucius spent a great deal of time trying not to think about Harry Potter. The Rescue Summary: A reflection upon Harry Potters final moments. Summary: On February 14 1991, Lucius paid a visit to Privet Drive Yes, Harry is ten. Rating: PG-13 Warnings: mpreg Summary: Harry goes to confront his demons. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: underage, violence, non-magic AU Blind and not the boy-Who-Lived, Harry was pushed to the wayside. Rating: Not provided By clicking on the following links you are stating that you are of legal age to read explicit material. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Blaise Zabini, Lucius/Severus The Cupboard Under The Stairs Little by little he remembers his past life, but Harry Potter no longer exists. Author: Annika von Rammstein Lucius uses this as an opportunity to teach Harry what he really is: a tool, a toy, and a whore. Jade Green Eyes Warm Summary:Harry tests a theory of his with some reporters. Unexpected Changes Summary: During the fight at the Department of Mysteries, Harry and Lucius go into the future where they find out that theyre married and have three children. Carte Blanche, sequel to Green Lights While keeping Snape busy, he sends Lucius to Hogwarts as Snape using polyjuice. The Malfoy Sense of Humour Author: Cluegirl Summary: He should have been prepared, he should have been used to this. Fleur-de-Lis Harry Potter: Made For Each Other Summary: Harry isnt such a goody little two shoes. And either might find unexpected sympathy in the other. Author: annescriblerian Summary: Is this what you wanted, my Lord? Lucius asked. It is filled with whispers carried by the wind; a whisper of something ghastly and beautiful. Sequel: Erastes No More Warnings: BDSM, threesome, PWP Snape gets caught by the Muggle police. As Sharp As Sunlight * Summary: Once fallen into the Pit, even the strongest of us cant crawl out by ourselves. Rating: PG-13 Written for Beloved Enemies inaugural Dictionary Drabbles challenge. Rating: NC-17 Summary: After attempting suicide, Harry is rescued by Draco and Lucius. Warnings: OOC, mentions of Harry/Severus Of the Heath and Hay Summary: A strange little ficlet with extremely suggestive references regarding the reason why Lucius Malfoy might obey one Harry Potter in the aftermath of the battle with Voldemort. Summary: Lucius and Harry are bondmates. Warnings: non con, violence AS: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI. Author: The Drow Now engaged he is ready to not only marry but take the relationship to the next step physically as well. Rating:NC-17 Summary: Harry Potter runs into Lucius Malfoy in a deserted corridor of Hogwarts. Sequel: Thank You Draco Harry promises to attend Luciuss funeral. Memory Summary: Lucius would do anything to make Draco happy, including giving him the perfect birthday present Harry Potter. Summary: Months ago, Harry Potter seduced Lucius Malfoy in order to gain access to his secrets for Dumbledore. Warnings: non con, character death, violence When that lover shows up, will Harry be willing to take them back? Rating:R Is it revenge or something else? The Tailor But of course, as they say, if you cant beat em, join em. Author: alisanne Summary: When Harry doesnt take Lucius seriously, Lucius makes an offer to prove himself. Warnings: threesome, BDSM, voyeurism, OOC Summary: Harry knows the ending, he knows his Rose. Summary: Harry let his gaze move through the corridor and was able to see the silhouette of a person not far away. En Las Montaas Rating: T Harrys never been quite right since the war. Warnings: polyamory Rating: PG Author: elvirakitties Summary:Life after the war wasnt so fun for HarryLucius seemed to be enjoying himself though. Potter would be his. Summary: Protecting Lucius Malfoy, expendable envoy, on a journey to see if the vampires are serious about an alliance with the Ministry this time is a regular days work for Harry. Summary: Lucius is well aware that he is not the usual sort of person who packs up their essential belongings and escapes to New Zealand to find themselves, but here he is. Summary: A series of drabbles (100-500 words) occurring before, during, and after A Year and a Day; written for the Dictionary Drabbles challenges on Beloved Enemies, Canis Major, and After Class.

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lucius plugs harry fanfiction