mars jupiter rahu conjunction in leo

I have Sun conjunct Regulus. [5]. It is also called Ari Bhava. In this house, the combination bestows a mountain of energy, excellence, and superiority in the native. Such natives become war tactic experts. Such natives will have a good command of their words and they will know when and how to use them as a weapon. During Career Consultation, I give a huge importance to any such house which has 3 or more planets in it. I also have Mars conjunct Regulus. They will be rich and have a strong command of maintaining their wealth and fortune. My love life practically ended at 30. Is it still conjunction?? They enjoy a lot of wealth and lavishness throughout. Rules grain boxes and the lips and upper mouth. With this new (to me) information, what if Jaspers 48435 fits into the chart, and actually use it in a rectification? Thats interesting. Hence, the alignment of these two planets with Rahu and Saturn's vision on this alignment is not considered to be favorable. However, the 2nd house also involves the tone of speech. Jupiter and Mars Conjunct in the 2nd House. Hey My love life ended at 30 too. It is a different focused and action-oriented combination, particularly in the realms of martial arts, weaponry and computer engineering. . Jupiter is the source of optimism in astrology. I tend to believe the Regulus is still the same. Rahu is a shadowy planet which has distinctive impact in human life. He is also responsible for spiritual breakthroughs, because only after achieving material wealth does one seek God. The 6th House signifies health, wellness, sickness, daily life, and debts. In Babylonian, it was Sharru, the King, and LUGAL, the star that stands in the breast of the Lion: the King.. It shows that person can take highest level of education. Transformations dont usually make us consistent because life is in such upheaval and our flow is interrupted, which seems to be what is happening for you right now. 1 Online He is known for his work on discovering what he called the Axial Age. For a girl, Jupiter also represents Husband. But very few seem to have it and even fewer of those seem to be associated with political/military power. 27th, 28th and . He should learn to take quick decisions. The 1st house is also the abode of ego and temperament. Mars represents our actions and Rahu is known to explode the results. In 7th house. The commanding personality extends even to their love life, since everyone is merely a stepping stone for their pleasures and ego. They may also have issues in marriage and progeny. :D) 28. Since the father is the first teacher for a child, Jupiter automatically becomes the teaching and preaching of fathers and father figures. This conjunction here offers the inheritance of parental property. Despite the fact that it is not a physical planet like the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, or Jupiter, planet Rahu has a significant impact on a person's birth chart. According to Ptolemy, it is of the nature of Mars and Jupiter (great pride, grandly liberal, commanding, cosmopolitan views. Rahu-Jupiter together will give results of Guru Chandaal Yoga and these people will be seeker rather than believer in matters of spirituality. Regulus is actually a quadruple-star system composed of four stars that are organized into two pairs. My DOB is 5th Nov 1959 and time of Birth is night 1.10 AM. An orphan. an inventory of sorts surrounding November 29, The Chinese spacecraft launch, journey, and docking to the spacestation you may like to read the Effects of Rahu in different houses. Hi Zeronom. In Chinese, it is , the Fourteenth Star of Xuanyuan, the Yellow Emperor. With Rahu, sudden events take place; events that may not be a real part of our lives but rather an illusion that becomes reality. Symbolically the Crushing Foot, Regulus is associated with the healing Archangel Raphael, one of the four Archangel stars, characterized as the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse (Revelations 6) and Chariot Horses in the Book of Zechariah (The White went North). Accurate details are required to go further. Mars represents our ability to take action towards something. It can be in computer engineering, martials arts or weapons too. They can convince people easily. CLICK HERE- http://www.astrologykrs.comIn Vedic astrology Rahu is seen as an asura or demon who does his best to plunge any area of life he controls into cha. Conjunction simply means union of planets. Im well now (although quite caring of my health), and hopefully you as well. Please take the donkey up the mountain. I never got very far because I started describing the title sequence, which involved stars and constellations which became my passion and eclipsed all my other interests and hobbies. Nonetheless, they will have issues with their siblings. They'll be interested in occult research or ancient cultures and indigenous religions. Even if you have very little or no water in your chart, you have learned to connect with the spirit world and this is why an entity appeared before you. Our higher learning is dependent upon Jupiter, from basic education to a Masters degree and PhD. This entity (??) My Saturn is at 2445 and Regulus at 2931 both in 10th house. 1)Before knowing the effect of Mars and Rahu Conjunction in 10th house we have to know about Mars in 10th house, Rahu in 10th house and Mars and Rahu conjunction. Invedic astrology. The 12th house signifies the end. So, end result is that person's action will be blown out of proportion. It wants to be unique and break tradition; to think outside the box. Thats a pretty big Easter Egg youve found, and its not even Easter! Such a conjunction can produce great interest in unusual sciences like astrology, astronomy, dealing with alternative medicine, and gaining knowledge of foreign lands in the 12th, 2nd, and 8th House. Hence, this conjunction energy may be really tough for you to handle! Rahu also blows things out of proportions. It is because of huge accumulation of energy within 30 degrees of sky. In many ways I had to fully embrace my inner feminine to regain my masculinity if that makes sense. Additionally, they may suffer from health conditions like cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiac issues. These very sign natives are independent . My previous comment was in reference to Geralds post about the chart of the Trinity. The 7th house becomes Pisces whose lord Jupiter posited in the own house. They may also become powerful advisers. If Rahu has the highest degree, then it is similar to a corrupt cop who looks like a dignified soldier that is ready to take advantage of their position. As a result of this planetary placement, the natives become fluent speakers. In the 5th house, Jupiter gives auspicious results as it is the house of optimism and Jupiter signifies expansion. Mars represents our actions and Rahu is known to explode the results. Honor, preferment, good fortune, high office under Government, military success. Alongside all the good results, it is the house of sickness. Due to the combination of Mars and Rahu in Aries, Angarak Yoga is finally forming in this position after 37 years. In this guide, we will be specifically talking about the effect of Rahu Mars conjunction in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th houses. They might even take pride in their rough tone. He tends to remain indecisive and in the bargain tend to miss out on opportunities. Both Mars, Rahu will be transiting same nakshatra (Bharani) from 17 July till 05 August and they both . 3 planetary conjunction - Whenever 3 or more planets are conjunct with each other in a house/sign then things related to that house/sign become a kind of life focus for person. the Neptune involved with Sun and Venus. Jupiter in Astrology: knowledge, wisdom, wealth, optimism, hope, law, teachers, education, religious beliefs, and long distance pilgrimage. I totally agree with Pluto conjunct Regulus: Makes activists in relation to human rights and suspicion about what big government and corporations are hiding My Pluto is 1 Virgo which has now progressed to 0 Virgo and its conjunct my 28 Leo Midheaven. Also, they are almost impossible to defeat them in battle as well as in debates. Now, as Rahu-Mars are with Jupiter . It could be anyone who constructs computers to earn a living or a hardware engineer in the field of computers. The strongest planet in any house would be the owner of house. Whenever Jupiter is in the ascendant, 5th House and 9th House, it shows a person is capable of learning several languages. It is also called Bandhu Bhava. You are highly active in field of education and wisdom. If with Sun, Moon or Jupiter, great honor and ample fortune. Both are numbers of service in numerology. As a result of this combination, the native would become powerful and attain great social status. I'm well now (although quite caring of my health), and hopefully you as well. Support comes their way on the road to success, but just when they begin to feel the glory of success, someone causes their downfall. Home / Fixed Stars / Leo Constellation / Regulus Star. This happens if Mars or Jupiter are debilitated, or a neecha bhanga raja yoga. 555 is very often used in movies as a prefix for phone numbers. Answer (1 of 2): What matters when so many planets are seated in a single house is the strongest planet among them will show its energy active on that house. Mars is not the husband, Mars represents male friends. You have now witnessed an amazing feat. Audrey Hepburn 013, William S. Burroughs 118, Don King 203. Here Mars PAC with enemy planets will make Rahu work on the material goals. Thus Mars causes loss and Rahu quickly makes it up. Regulus will be conjunct my natal Jupiter in 34 years. Rahu is known to reflect itsshadow for 18 monthsin a zodiac. As we know, Mars representsaction, and energy,courage, valor with confidence,ambition, goal, and power. They do not know what the word humble means. However, their pride might make things worse for them every now and then. Chart is dedicated to Art Basel Miami, artist Agnes Martin, her painting #14, sold for 7 million. Rahu is a warrior. 10 years old. The native with this planetary position become a very powerful person. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.195, 235. They are effective, virile, victorious, harm their enemies, are opulent and perhaps very rich, big-minded and ambitious and they generally do not die a happy death; moreover, lovers of hunting, connoisseurs and owners of horses and quadrupeds. Ive been called often worshipped as unusual all my life; but my life certainly has been unusual in that fate has somehow deprived me not only of what should have been mine, but even of the most common experiences. Known as a 'Lion and Monkey' combination in Vedic Astrology, a Mars-Rahu conjunction can bring forth some very odd and unexpected events. You can think of me as a Pleiadian type of energy, or at least like your kind think of Pleiadians, though I am not actually from the Pleiades, he/she said. Meaning of Mars-Jupiter-Rahu Conjunction - This shows a person who is highly active in field of knowledge and education. Gerald, I see that you have found a few more 11s (23:22 UTC = 11:22 PM too). The native will be wise and have great managerial skills. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system, which is why it represents the expansion of things related to where Jupiter sits in your horoscope. They will be adventurous and full of energy. Rahu is a follower of all illicit traits. Are you a water sign or have a lot of the water element in your natal chart? On June 27, 2022, these two planets are going to make a union in the Aries sign. Pluto conjunct Regulus: Makes activists concerning human rights and suspicion about what big government and corporations are hiding, interested in conspiracy theories. Mercury Rx see it poised to run the gauntlet? I did some research and found that Regulus moved into Virgo on 11/29/2011 and will stay there for over 2,000 years. It is also called the Dharma Bhava. Great honor and wealth, but violence and trouble, sickness, fevers, acute disease, benefits seldom last, favor of the great, victory over enemies and scandal. House Ruler - Besides these karaka things, Mars, Jupiter & Rahu will also rule some houses in your chart and will represent things related to that house. Rahu-Mars Conjunction: 27 June - 10 August 2022. This is new and unchartered territory for Virgos since they are so used to serving quietly in the background. Surprised about the position of Mars Additionally, they will have the physical and mental comfort of all kinds. the truth of this chart meets a subaltern Sedna. It also represents the anger we carry within us, as a soldier needs to have a certain level of anger within him to fight and win the battle. What effects are they bringing in the conjunction by being lords of good or bad houses? (Natally, I have Uranus at 22 Leo.) These are cruel forces, kroor graha who cause turbulence and sorrow . Jupiter - It is the most benefic planet and it represents all the auspicious things like Knowledge, Wisdom, Law, Guru, Spirituality, Religion, Philosophy, Literature, Elderly People and Children etc. Rahu is recognized for its ability to create illusions. However, the conjunctions with Mars makes it a rather harmful position. The Sun and Mars in conjunction here does affect the health. They can be equally interested in spiritual, occult or mystical fields. Rahu is mainly known as the eclipse, and it eclipses the Moon and the Sun whenever its in conjunction with them. Rahu is taboo breaking and crosses all kinds of boundaries. This house represents the roots, land, real estate, property, and relationship with the mother. Business Astrology: What Combination To See For A Successful Business? Regulus ingress Virgo, 2nd chart of the Trinity. Read-only if you feel comfortable. Rahu - Mars This is a very intense connect which can go both ways. Effects of Rahu in conjunction with other Planets. It can also effect career as communication may irritate the native. They can also take birth in powerful families where their father could be a politician or business emperor. Mars and Rahu combine in 2nd House is like the North Pole and South Pole meeting in the same house. When the planet Rahu and Ketu conjoins together with the planet Jupiter (Guru) in any house is called Guru Chandal yoga. Shiny stars, passionate, harmful, rescuers. The clash of two Malefic planets - Mars & Rahu is going to take place on June 27, 2022, and will remain till Aug 10, 2022. These natives are like pompous kings strutting around and showing their importance. New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings,,,_Mikhail. I live in unit 22 in a housing complex Alongside the sweet voice, these natives have a sharp brain, diplomatic abilities. the 1st house or the House of Ascendant or Lagna Bhava is the dominion of self-expression and outer body form. It is also called Randhra Bhava. While, Mars is intent upon causing financial and material loss to the individual. Rahu/Mars 27 degrees Leo, Jupiter 0 degree Virgo. It gives violence, destructiveness, military honor of short duration, with ultimate failure, imprisonment, violent death, success, high and lofty ideals and strength of spirit, and makes its natives magnanimous, grandly liberal, generous, ambitious, fond of power, desirous of command, high-spirited and independent. Mars and Rahu Conjunction in 10th house. This is because it shows a person who questions everything. But Ive since come down to Earth, and in reality Ive swung back to a balanced gender identity, although I still feel more comfortable presenting female. A flawless . 2021 Astro Saxena - All Rights Reserved. As it is the house of religion, the natives can become spiritual teachers. They like to catch others off guard and show off their superiority. Jupiter represents philosophy, religious beliefs, knowledge, optimism, education, expansion, higher learnings, blessings of God and righteousness. Mars Jupiter Rahu Conjunction in Astrology. They are always in a position of authority, and they demand total recognition for their achievements and abilities. If Mars be with the Pleiades, violent death in a tumult. Aqr is a fixed sign, ruled by Saturn originally. So, end result is that person's action will be blown out of proportion. Rasi Mula Dhanu. The 3rd house is the dominion of mental inclination. On the other hand, Jupiter would make them truthful, honest, kind, and intelligent. Mars Jupiter Conjunction (1) Mars Jupiter Conjunction 2015 (2) Mars Rahu Conjunction 2019 (1) Mars Saturn Conjunction 12th July 2016 (1) Mars Saturn Mutual Aspect (1) match making (1) May - June 2016 Vedic Astrology Predictions (1) May 2014 Astrology Predictions (1) May 2014 Gochar Grahas (1) May 2014 Graha Gochar (1) May 2014 Graha Yoga (1) It was very difficult for me to post the above. CLICK HERE- http://www.astrologykrs.comBook link- Raaj, This video is hosted by Kapiel Raaj. 1 Week The new type of energy brings a situation in your life that fulfills the destiny of that conjunction. Hence, it is known as Guru Chandal Dosh. I wonder if well still be using our current dating system then?? Thus, the native may have to go through several surgeries. This has fated my life as a dream walker since birth to see behind the scenes (veils) and totally be awake in dreaming since birth. also, is that a good thing? Also, we need to keep in mind all Yogas and Raj-Yogas which their conjunction would be making to completely understand the conjunction. Regulus Great Mother Virgo Ingress, November 29, 2011, 23:22 UTC I wanted to use his stars but unfortunately, his birth data is unreliable, rated DD:,_Mikhail. Meaning of Jupiter-Rahu Conjunction - This is my most favorite conjunction on which I can talk as much as anyone wants me to. It is a different focused and action-oriented combination, particularly in the realms of martial arts, weaponry and computer engineering. This combination would also make the natives a great user of words, quick learner. (Previously, it was at 29 Cancer the millionaires degree. They are most likely to have several unusual sudden profits. Regulus marks the beginning of the 8th nakshatra (Hindu lunar mansion), Magha (the bountiful): A severe asterism belonging to the Shudra caste and favorable for acts of disgrace, destruction, deceit, imprisonment, beating, burning and poison when containing the Moon. notable tangents Ceres and Venus. Prosperity in old age or through savings, investments or pensions, death will be famous and known to all. Things are fraught with me, just as they are with so very many others right now. Any questions related to Mars Jupiter Rahu Conjunction in Astrology? Along with many qualities, they will have good philosophical knowledge and logical tactics. He may be under control of women. Rahu with Sun: This sucks up all the physical energy given by Sun, but native still enjoys sun's positivity if it is powerfully placed (in Aries, Leo or Scorpio). 2nd chart of the Trinity. In the charts of all sorts of powerful and/or honoured figures. For the first 588 years its in the 12 house, before contacting the Ascendant. - As Rahu is impacting Mars & Jupiter both, Rahu is winning the conjunction. Native may be sensual in nature. would 29 degrees vertex in leo be vertex conjuct regulus? We learn from our teachers, whether its Nazi theology, Christian theology or Vedic theology. They may also be involved in government jobs. Ive never really thought of Aquarius as open-minded and flexible or perhaps thats due to the individual Aquarians that I know. Is one ruling a bad house, or are both ruling bad houses? Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 003 (and Neptune), Charles Ponzi 038, Clint Eastwood 053 (and Neptune), Mata Hari 108, Bernadette Brady 117, Marquis de Sade 205, Jim Carrey 214, Liam Payne 216. In any birth chart, when two or more planets are sitting in the same house, they are considered in conjunction. First of all in ur husband chart Jupiter, Mars and Rahu are in 8th house of vulneraability. Such people will be more outspoken and they will question the traditions. North Node conjunct Regulus: Boy George 005, Elizabeth I 014, Jimi Hendrix 017, Joe Biden 040, Arthur Koestler 051, Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn 101, Princess Diana of Wales 106, Martin Scorsese 127, Ronaldinho 154 (and Mars), Barack Obama 157, Camille Grimaldi 216. They could increase their lifespan if they learn to be humble, but they would have to start early in life. If you add 588 to 2011, you get the year 2599. Thank you. These individuals are simply out of touch with everything except for the acknowledgment of their authority. Rahu is known to confermalefic effects in generaland is considered as a planet which induceslaziness, delays, and hurdles in work. [3]. Such natives would also have great analytical abilities. [1], These persons strive to be leaders and almost make it to the top of their objective. The 10th house is also known as Karma Bhava. As a result of their rude tone and rigid nature, they will not have many friends. I think it depends on each individual natal chart. However do remember that Rahu and Ketu are subjective in nature, they are astral forces. Mars Rahu conjunction 2022 will happen in Aries (Mesha Rasi) on 27 June at 02:15 IST. A female with this conjunction would be very confident, and a man may be oversexed and aggressive in his approach to life. Riches and power could fall to these natives easily. Since I replied to you, Gerald, I found another meaning for your code 588. However, they will be selfish and clever in their actions. Rahu is known to reflect its shadow for 18 months in a zodiac. All kinds of partnerships, personal as well as professional are a part of the realm of 7th house. Along with the richness, they will comprise measureless sexual desires. Rahu in Astrology: illusion, taboo breaker, unconventional, deceiver, magician, foreign products and places, thief, politician, wide communication, and computer related products. Let's 1st understand what these planets represent on their own? There is no one set of meanings for three or more planetary conjunctions, because each planet is being influenced by the other planet, and the planet with the lowest degree is having a major impact on the conjunction. Finger of God yod, Moon-Pluto conj apex, an intuition of being manipulated. Meaning of Mars-Jupiter-Rahu Conjunction - This shows a person who is highly active in field of knowledge and education. Reference posts May 29 and 31, 2021. Prosperity around middle age or through marriage or women. SPOILER: I did not become a millionaire. It makes women high-spirited and independent. Presenting undergoing Rahu Mahadasa and Ketu antardasa. For Leo Ascendants, Moon is the lord of the 12th house which is the house of losses, hospitals, jails, obstacles, problems, isolation, moksha, spiritualism. 4th House, the realm of possessions and native land. It is most benefic planet. 4th house is aspected by Mars and its significator Moon is also aspected by Mars and in debility, made him leave is home country. Thanks Krishna Read this article to learn how it will affect your life. A Ninevite tablet, according to R.A. Allen, states: If the star of the great lion is gloomy, the heart of the people will not rejoice. [4], Regulus rules two inches below the top of the kidneys. Mars-Jupiter-Venus Conjunction - 3 Planet Conjunction This is an auspicious combination as per the principles of Vedic astrology. But Ive been dealing with gender troubles since I was 13, so it was a necessary volcanic explosion for me. Learn About The 12 Houses In Vedic Astrology, Also, you may like to read the Effects of Rahu in different houses, Read here the Effect of Combination of Rahu and Mars in Different Houses, Also, you may like reading Effect Of Combination Of Rahu and Jupiter In Different Houses. They will be a hard worker and goal-oriented. The traditional name Regulus is Latin for prince or little king. In Arabic, it is (Qalb al-Asad, the heart of the lion), the same as the Latin Cor Lenis and Greek Kardia Leontos. Sun and Mars are in 3rd house, Jupiter and Mercury in 4th where as Moon and Saturn are in 5th house. Jupiter is the lawyer in astrology; he writes the law and either makes the person follow it or resent it depending upon its condition. Thank you, Gerald. So, for someone living in Punjab, culture and rituals of Kerala is also unknown and hence Foreign), Drugs, Medicines, any type of intoxication, Fame, Wealth, Success, Obsession, Past-life incomplete Desires, Movies, Television, Online World, Cheating, Imagined Fears, Unusual Things, Unique Things, Creativity, Rule breaker. Moon conjunct Antares, MC conjunct Fomalhaut, Venus conjunct Sirius, Mars conjunct Spica and Saturn conjunct Alkaid. Regulus also no longer serves the masculine (patriarch) and now their benefactor has changed to the feminine. Regulus is still in my 9th house, and my sig other still has it in house 6 (the Virgo house coming home in 2011?)! If rising or culminating, military honor and preferment), but most later authors liken it to Mars only (violent death, ultimate ruin by folly or pride. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.67. Yet, the real effects can only be predicted based upon the house where this combination occurs. Thank you for any reply, everyone/anyone. Also, the master numbers, 11 and 22, in numerology play a role in service. Subscribe to VedicFutures Newsletter to keep reading this post and get 7 days of free access to the full post archives. Regulus moved into Virgo in September of 2011 by the way. It . [5], It may convey royal properties, a noble mind, frankness, and courage. It also marks the beginning of the 8th manzil (Arabic lunar mansion), see below. Rahu is known to confer, and is considered as a planet which induces. I am curious to learn any wealth, work, inheritance of power/leadership positions you may like to share regarding these natal planet positions in common? Rights Reserved by Vidhya Mitra Astrology Foundation. This is why Jupiter is one of the most important planets after the Moon. On the other hand, Jupiter is a natural benefic and is considered as the most auspicious planet in astrology. You also have to know the houses they rule. The 2nd house, also known as the house of possession or Dhana Bhava. Vertex 12Aqr22, cusp of 6th house. 20th, 21st, 22ndJuly 2022 - Moon will be in Aries and will be in conjunction with Rahu, Mars, and Uranus. Hi Cristina You may be new to fixed stars, but as far as Im concerned youve nailed it with your thoughts on Regulus in Virgo. Jupiter is a benefic planet and Mars is a malefic planet., Today, December 10, the Progressed birthday, Regulus ingress Virgo. Hi Char, Pluto has been my one benefactor in my life (saving me from death many times within my fate / destiny (NN 12th in Scorpio conj jup/neptune) within 4 degrees. Rahu - It represents Illusion, Foreign Lands, Foreign Things (foreign as in unknown things. Neptune conjunct Regulus: Prominent leader, lawgiver, diplomatic, strong character, control over others, influential friends, few if any enemies, domestic harmony, natural death in old age. It signifies aggression, gluttony, cupidity, selfishness, and Jupiter signifies the expansion of learnings and skills. Life, death, longevity, sudden gain, sudden loss fall under the rule of the 8th house. Dignity & Strength - Because of huge malefic energy, results will be similar in any house or sign. It is said that if Rahu sits in an auspicious position in the horoscope of a person, then luck is brightened. Choose your and your partner's zodiac sign to check compatibility. weakens the intellect. But I thought, what the heck; there are probably many others whove had similar experiences and maybe it needed to be said. Thanks for running a great site! It is also called Labha Bhava. They will be romantic. conjunction of mars, jupiter and rahu. The mode of transport for Rahu in mythology is Lion, and the lion is an animal that does not hunt when not hungry. Along with the temperament issues, these natives may be involved in several sinful acts like gambling, cheating, and greed. I always found this to be a very interesting correlation as the ruling star is now in a feminine sign. Hi Jaime, I too have Rahu conjunct Mars & Jupiter. [5]. Jupiter is the natural ruler of the 12th House. They may have to go through a head injury. combination in horoscope. The conjunction of two fire planets may bring obstacles in your life. Conjunction of multiple planets multiplies the events associated with that house. Or Stalins. Neptune Sun Venus. Positive effects are known as yogas and negative effects are known as doshas. These videos are ba. Thus, by the grace of the. Such a native would be a quick thinker but have a restless mind. On the other hand, Mars is considered Bhumi Putra.

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mars jupiter rahu conjunction in leo