vatican underground tunnels

A tunnel ran under the grounds of the Frescati House where the family of the Trinity College provost lived in 1739. And historian and author Paulo Alexandre Loucao explained why it was key to the ancient Catholic order. I heard 13 stacks was 6m x 4m wide on pallets with detailed logs of where it was taken from. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Apparently, all the gold found under the Vatican and elsewhere, was completed documented as to where it came from. The passageway was built by a later ownerEmily FitzGerald, Duchess of Leinsterto bring seawater to the estate. I went in as a civilian national intel officer in Jun 2003. Rabbi Berger claims that the Catholic Church constructed a tunnel underneath King David's Tomb, ignoring the Jewish religious claim to the site and endangering artifacts and catacombs dating back to Biblical times. They sent me brochures for free to give to people. Iran showed off the tunnels during air defense drills this week [the last week in February]. Yes, we all need to be vigilant and keep our eyes firmly on God above and the White Hats its all coming together. Basilica of San Clemente. If you think for one minute the government has not had us enslaved for decades, then you really are nuts!! Thanks again! Under the Clinton Foundation in Manhattan, they found 2.5-mile-long tunnels going the piers to unload and load the children. I also have a question about whether or not chem trails will be stopped now, and the poisoning of our crops and GMO altering of our food. If you hear now stroies about DUMPS (deep military underground bases) where eathquakes are happening, seeming that they are blown up, do you think that there could be a connetction between Vatican, that tunnel, the town Rakovski perhaps the tunnel is interrupted now But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Underground . If you have not seen this. There will be false flags everywhere. To this point in time Ive been fine. One kilo bars of gold are the size of smartphones. I cant believe anyone believes this garbage No pictures or eye witness statements or anything to verify. But as the publics distrust for their secrecy increased, King Philip IV of France seized his opportunity to settle his own debts and destroy them. Yep countless thousands are definitely stupid enough to believe. for the world, which seems Even on a brand new page if you want. Now we go to the 5th demention and life happy everafter. May be three militaries of nations that are in the Alliance have taken gold out of the Vatican underground vault. Clones my but hangings prove it arrests, prove it. No longer the fear of those terrible days. It belongs to Americans,its our tax money that Corporate America has been stealing from us. I want to direct you to my latest post to help you comprehend Gods love and the part we need to play. Yes, I received the first anthrax vax before departure, then the second one right before getting on the plane. Everyone has been through the same. Our friend in Sarnegor (30 km from Rakovsky) told us that suddenly the sofa he was lying on went trembling for a short time and I said at once they blew up tunnels there. Its the first time anyone has sent me a poem! Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. We are going into The Great Awakening. My Response: My goodness, a tunnel to America! Fancy leaving it there! These underground bases are connected to each other via a series of channels which connect one base to another. I really appreciate your words of encouragement, and for helping to bring comprehension to others. Gitmo nah, cant prove anything! We didnt know the anything about what was going on under our feet, and the bit we did know completely pales in comparison to reality. Next to Plovdiv we have a catholic town called Rakovski. I am leaving a token of my appreciation for you and the readers. The Regavim Movement, a group dedicated to the protection of Israel's national resources, filed a petition against the Jerusalem Municipality last week demanding they take action against the tunnel. There have been small earthquakes reported all over the world. And with Dr. Ward, Ive decided hes a very good man, very smart, spiritualso I like him. The Greatest War in History, Light Versus The Dark, The Secret Place. We are in a war and they have to make careful warlike moves as you say they are already after him with everything theyve got. When I find one of them, I will see if I can post it for you and others. It might be a good idea to read the book Peace among the Willows that evaluates Francis Bacons book of 1626, The New Atlantis. I didnt actually have a video posted on this post. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Thank you for wanting to. But do try to rise above the misgivings and into faith for a beautiful future. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherited the Earth Very true and scary! Thank you for alerting us to those prophecies. For us, most of us had no idea it was going on but He sees all! America was ripped off by European banks to finance all 20th century wars through the evil Rothschild Federal Reserve bank. The Templar Tunnel is an underground passageway located in the city of Acre, in what is now Israel. The drills are called "Guardians of Velayat Sky . The unawoken still think the virus is still here, still wearing their masks and think the Ukraine is being attacked by the Russians which is in fact all the same country. Hello Miss Adrienne! Thanks for sticking up for Charlie! Looks really interesting. The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 km). Great Reset No More! There are 777 books found beneath the Vatican. Hi Dennis! Thank you for getting back to me. I think it was around December someone posted a video of the Vatican blacked out for several hours one night we had no idea what happened until I heard later gene decode mention them finding and taking a vast amt of gold, ancient artifacts, missing books of the Bible, and meticulous records of everything taken. I am blown away that i read you artikel. Thanks for your response. Nesara/Gesara is real, this is the year of Jubilee! 15The merchants who sold these things, who became rich from her, will stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment and will weep and mourn, 16saying: Too bad, too bad, the great city, clothed with fine linen, purple, and scarlet and richly adorned with gold ornaments, precious stones, and pearls because in one hour such great riches have been devastated! I heard him say this. Where ignorant armies clash by night. What I have trouble with is believing the tremendous amount of stories coming out with this Great Awakening, i.e., White Hats/Black Hats, Clinton coup detes, NWO takeover, mass GITMO executions, doppelganger elites, 8,000,000 child abductions per year, adrenochrome consumption, NWO Takeover by the the greatest force of evil the world has ever known, Rothschild, Davos, Rockefeller, Vatican world control, presidential election theft, The Fall of the Cabal, The Greatest Precision Military Operation in World History, QAnon Military Intelligence, The Alliance Forces, 1500 mile tunnel filled with gold, NESARA / GESARA, etc.. You have to admit, these stories read like pulp fiction on steroids and are not fit for minors to read. The Creator only speaks to you through your soul, higher self, or I call your sixth sense from with in. During that time he got himself involved in things that he is not proud of these days, but not a lot different to a lot of young fellows. I've used it plenty of times: (Wikipedia) It's ok. One gets used to it. Who knows! It was all taken to Fort Knox for safe keeping. Absolute power leads to absolute corruption good people seek to empower others, evil people seek to get power over others. And no, day for a yr doesnt hold water. Id like to think its true our world needs it. I do not know what Dane thinks about chemtrails not being dangerous anymore. Charlie said enough for everyone to have 1 million each. Constructed using a 750mm diameter, crawl thru drainage tube, which has been professionally cut and joined to the entry panels using a clamping system. Jubilee Let bankers jump out their windows upon their faces on Wall Street sidewalks. Touch to pray for all our people's needs.Click to see individual prayers. CA the worst. My opinion, between September 7 and September 17, 2021, a Jubilee will happen. Hi Dennis! Hi Roger, Hi David, There are tunnels all over the world. I really like Charlie Ward. Its almost over, keep vibrations up, watch your emails every day as its time for the banks to send an email giving you an 800# to call for info where to go and get your new debit card, the QFS has gone through. AND THIS 1 TOO In the city of Tomar stands the Church of Santa Maria do Olival, built in the second half of the 12th century by the provincial master of the Order of the Knights Templar in Portugal, Gualdim Pais. The downtrodden are important. Book of Revelation was tainted by freemasons and cabal . Never-the-less, Ive been searching through the many Charlie Ward videos to see if I could find where he speaks of it. Thats the message of the poem I sent to you and the readers. Thank you. Thanks for your comment. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I have come to really like Nicholas Veniamin as well he mainly asks questions of those he interviews and allows them to explain. I have seen some of the overwhelming evidence and it makes me sick that people are so quick to condemn. The 21st century will expose the monstrous evil of Popes, Templars & Jesuits. Exactly Michael. PlusJessie Czebotar of Illuminate The Darkness weighs in and takes your questions. Look, I dont say I have all the answers I wouldnt say that for a minute but I tell you what once you grasp hold of all this it brings peace to your heart. Please notice its the love of money not the money itself, that is the root of all evil. People need to wake up and stop fighting each other lets just join together to fight the real enemy. His people have gone on to their rewards for centuries with Acts 2:38 and living dedicated Holy lives in His care. May be Fitts should talk to Judge Anna von Reitz regarding NESARA. etc. Construction of the Passetto wall began around the year 850, but it wasn't completed until the year 1277 under Pope Nicholas III. he also said he was one of the ones who helped bring the Gold out. Some of the comments on here just seem absurd, but Id like to read, They were referring to Dane Wigington here is one of his sites: This supports the truth of the Bible and prophecy. Mask wearers that dumb them down to be unable to think critically. Antichrist, 666 on hand or forehead. Even though, people ask for real evidences, (i.e. Here in Tasmania we still sometimes see the odd chemtrail but not as many as before. Underneath the Vatican City lies the Vatican Necropolis, at depths ranging between 5-12 meters. The level of the Adriatic sea in the northern part (where I lived) has dropped by about 20 centimeters. The Vatican Necropolis, known as the "scavi," requires special reservations, but it is worth making the extra effort, said Wauck, who praised the tombs for their beautifully preserved frescoes, sarcophagi and ancient Christian inscriptions. They show all of our planes in flight. How is he making a nice buck? But you do have to be prepared to ask the HS to lead you into all truth and He will even if its different to what you may have been taught. Turned into a park type place. I know hes spoken about it many times. You are 100% right! I am not understanding the new end time change from what I was taught, rapture, marriage supper, christian judgment from our book of life after we are resurected and in Heaven. So theydidnt want to save starving children, in fact youll find out soon they were trafficking and sacrificing them as well. I too want to wake up from this nightmare like it never did happen ! Well, did it ever occur to you that the hoard of gold brought in from Ophir was the collection of King Solomon who had ruled Jerusalem for 40 years. Housecleaning? Quantum Financial System. Ive been in the truth community for quite some time and research extensively. Joel 2: 1 Blow the Trumpet in Zion Sound the Alarm in My holy mountain. They will heal the mind. Es ist verwirrend und nicht leicht zu Glauben, wobei mich nicht das Gold Interessiert, dass kann man auch nicht essen, denn ich denke wenn einer Hunger hat braucht er ein Stck Brot und einen Schluck sauberes Wasser, dass Sollte es fr alle auf der Welt geben. 650 aeroplanes were required to carry away all the gold that was brought out of the tunnel which led to Jerusalem. They have blowing up tunnels and DUMBS around the world for years saving the tortured children. No chance for arguments. Billy Davis, a part-time Baptist pastor, operates a shoeshine stand with a frequent-shine program: unlimited shines for $100 a year. My job is simply to cause people to research. Trump & Alliance will never win over the people if not seen & nothing is seen. Our world is in a complete mess, worse than any of us had any idea about. But, our eyes are about to be opened. None of these stories ever was backed up with factual reporting. There is a lot of jealousy over Charlie and therefore the trolls that come against him. This is exactly what I believe its all about the scriptures coming to pass right before our very eyes! There is no possible way for anyone to know exactly how much gold has been mined, and horded away, When gold itself is virtually useless, and no-one needs it. A massive treasure that dates back about 2,000 years is hidden deep underground in Italy's capital city. It does sound very suspicious about their being a (Du/mb) under Rakovski, doesnt it. Thats not what we should look forward to. I do believe God is at the helm and and Hes more than had enough the time for Him to act has come. We believe because of the research we do, not because we simply heard someone say it. As many say, it is for the children, and Im with you on that. Hi JayR! Ive seen things you would not believe. We are not to take as gospel anything we hear from anyone, myself included. Its because the White Hats need the previous narrative to continue running while the rest of the plot works out. Hi Patty! 2100 CAGED KiDS IN TUNNELS RESCUED BY U.S MARINES IN CALIFORNIA. I heard Im Just Charlie say he got his degree on line. Someone could have found a golden island somewhere and kept it secret, and the gold thats in that tunnel is that island which doesnt exist anymore. Thats my prayer. The Nat Geo group's work revealed not just tunnels, but also a guard house hidden beneath the modern city. 4 Min Read Viral claims on social media purport that a recent U.S. military operation rescued 35,000 "malnourished, caged and tortured" children from tunnels beneath New York City's Central Park. I heard that he will be in charge of the exchanges for foreign currency. He said: Outside this church, on the left, there is the top of what could have been a cistern. I have added a link to my post How they connect wicked secret underground cities because of your question. I totally agree with you Jesus is the ONLY answer. A vertical opening is usually called a shaft. You may ask why that would be? Whats that?! I have heard they are stopping it also. Tutti a 10 km di profondit Do not believe in reincarnation!!!!!. Marilyn, I just got here though a link at Telegram. 18:9-17 Someone tell me where I can get a PhD on line, please! It is hard when we are being told this and that while its all being carried out so secretly that we dont get to see the evidence of it happening. It looks like we are walking along the same path. The journey down in the lift lasts barely a minute, but is the closest thing on Earth to travelling into another dimension. Im sorry Jackie, I dont go along with these Annunaki/alien or monkey theories. Where are they? By the way, Great comments by Dennis Richardson! Keep the faith Clay it will happen. You can check that out for yourself. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. Hi Roger! Ae you by chance the David Harringtonfrom Ecademy? 'Secretum' in Latin does not mean 'secret' as some may suppose. I didnt ask for it, but felt very strongly that I need to help get this kind of information out using my words, and my style. In 1492, Pope Alexander VI finished the wall in its current form as seen today. These underground tunnels even helped local Templars evade a Moorish siege in 1190. What about your statement that covid was a distraction for the alliance to drain the swamp and raid the Vatican. The Vatican has a long history going back to the early Roman days. Apart from one or two health things which he has promoted on his site, he doesnt charge any money. He is able to protect what is His. There will be no such thing as inflation/deflation, and no need for it. This became a place to get inspiration from the ancestors as the masters were buried here. Am I correct? Over 50,000 traumatized or deceased children have been recovered from underground tunnels running beneath US cities. Even what I have learned so far has sent me for a six. I try to keep under the radar as much as possible as there are many headings I would prefer to use but choose not to. Hi Mesake, Charlie Freak said, "When the American Marines first arrived they went to New Zealand. It is more accurately translated to mean 'personal' or 'private'. . What really is eating at me is the 14 Billion Trump gave for vaccines and now he is tell to get them as he says he got one ! WWG1WGA. No swamp has been drained, the powers that be are still the same. Yes I agree with you how could anyone know exactly how much gold has been mined totally. And possibly even a pedo or past pedo. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Now they are giving me a slim choice of articles. Thank you Caroline! It causes concern when people who may have devious means are saying what goes in and what doesnt! What they have done is simply return the gold to whichever country it came from. There are many relevant, yet only historical , written pages in our world. If you read through my pages I believe you will begin to see what I see. Remember the end times is referring to the end times for the Ca/bal (N/W/O), not the end times for us. The main tracks of the Ferrovia Vaticana, or Vatican Railway, are just 300 metres long and were built under the reign of Pope Pius XI. There is SO much happening all the time. Especially if everywhere else around the area is more orthodox. There are other places that they foun. I also heard from She Knows on You Tube that Chemtrails would or are being stopped. Well, you confirmed everything I said as soon as I learned of this earthquake last year. But historian Daniel Jones previously debunked this myth during an interview on Dan Snows History Hit. Tell those facts to Catherine Austin Fitts, she probably will not believe it.

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vatican underground tunnels