Regiment database in Excel file format. The 1st attack the 137th made was on the morning of 11 July 1944, and they made small gains at the cost of 12 killed, 96 wounded, and 18 missing. Private 1st Class Howard G. Nichols and Technical Sergeant Richard E. Blair of Atchison, Kansas, saved the lives of three men during the afternoon of 13 July, southeast of le Meauffe. In addition to Technical Sergeants Hupp and Gonzales, recommendations include the following: Technical Sergeant Louis A. Griffith, 609 N Pine, Pratt, Kansas, Company A Technical Sergeant Wilbur C. Hobbs, Mayfield, Kansas, Company C Technical Sergeant Victor W. Shultz, Ripon, Wisconsin, Company C Technical Sergeant Elwin I. Shopteese, 631 Hancock, Topeka, Kansas, Company E Staff Sergeant Lloyd W. Belt Jr., Kingman, Kansas, Company L. Technical Sergeant Paul L. Powell, 149 S Elizabeth, Wichita, Kansas, Med Det. At 2300 enemy bombers made an appearance over the 3rd Battalion area and dropped several bombs. The first volume of Willson's diaries contains entries made from 3 July 1863 to 5 Sept. 1864, with substantial gaps. No enemy prisoners were taken. Greene's Brigade. CLICK HERE to download a copy of the 137th Infantry received authority, August 28, 1862, to recruit this regiment in the then 22d Senatorial District of the State; it was organized at Syracuse and there mustered in the United States service for three years September 17-18, 1862. front., plates, ports., maps (part fold.) GitHub export from English Wikipedia. 29 JULY 1944 The 1st Battalion reverted to regimental control on 29th July. Joseph D-Day and Battle of Normandy Encyclopedia. Forty prisoners were taken. These men had distinguished themselves in the first few days action. Diary reflecting Welman's service with Company F, 137th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the war. This can include photographs, letters, articles and other non-book materials. Tim Aumiller, Infantry Division Components of the U.S. Army, 76. [2] On 25 March, the regiment swam the Tullahan River, captured a Blockhouse, and then was involved in the engagements of Malinta and Meycauayan three days later. Casualties in the regiment showed a marked decrease as the action slowed down and as the men were becoming more battle-wise. Heavy fighting in Luxembourg and Belgium saw the 137th suffer heavy casualties, but they beat back the enemy wherever they met them. [5] Troops were recruited from all over Kansas. 30th anniversary, 1863-1893, souvenir of the reunion, July 1st to 3rd, 1893, of Greene's Brigade : 3rd Brigade, 2nd Div., 12th Corps, the 60th, 78th, 102nd, 137th, and 149th N.Y. Vols. Greene kept this diary during a tour with his father, Brig. At the top center is a fitchee or pointed segment of green representing service on the Mexican Border in 1916. Although continued German fire prevented his evacuation from that area until the following day, Lieutenant Guinessy was still alive when finally evacuated. 61 Lake Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 All rights reserved. Drawing praise and commendation from every officer and enlisted man in the Army are the Medics. Located at the Georgia Historical Society. Col. Greene's speech before the McClellan Club of Ward eleven, Boston, October 28, 1864. Combined with this continuous two-day advance, which resulted in the clearing of organized enemy resistance from north and east of the Vire River, came the announcement of the capture of St. The last active battalion was the 2nd Battalion, as the 2137th Combined Arms Battalion, a component of the 635th Regional Support Group. : Heritage Books,2005. Also includes a typed transcript of the letter. Another tremendous advantage enjoyed by our forces was that of replacements received. The Armistice of 11 November 1918 finally stopped the fighting, after which the regiment returned to Kansas, where it demobilized at Camp Funston between 9 and 11 May 1919. 19 JULY 1944 With St. Forwarded in compliance with provisions of paragraph 1, letter Headquarters FUSA, 13 July 1944, 319.1/401 (C), subject: Action Against Enemy, Reports After/After Action Reports. Its regimental motto is Cargoneek Guyoxim, which is Chippewa Indian for "Always Ready." The 147th Infantry Regiment . A History of the 137th Infantry: An All-Kansas National Guard Regiment: Collection Name: World War I Unit Histories: Subject.LCSH: World War, 1914-1918 -- Regimental histories; United States. The 1st Battalion was then maneuvered to the left of the 3rd, and both battalions reorganized. This page was last edited on 14 June 2022, at 10:06. This collection consists of photocopies of four letters from William H. Scofield to his father and sister. Gen. George Sears Greene of the Army of the Potomac. [6] The entire regiment continued to attack almost every day against the strong German positions, suffering many casualties, but driving the enemy back slowly by surely. Also recommended to receive the Bronze Star is Technical Sergeant Mitchell R. Hughbanks of Anthony, Kansas. The 12th corps left Virginia in Sept., 1863, and went to Tennessee, joining Grant's army at Chattanooga. 4 pages. On 1 September 1992, the 1st Battalion was inactivated, leaving the 2nd Battalion as the only active unit of the regiment.[1]. 1 AUGUST 1944 Task Force S attacked Lo. The immediate objective of the three divisions, composing the XIX Corps, was to capture the high ground north of Soulles, with an ultimate objective of capturing the city of St. The weeks attack and the heavy artillery pounding was beginning to tell on the enemy forces, and reports began to come back of their units attempting to operate with a drastic reduction of men, with no replacements; of a shortage of food, water and ammunition; and of extensive use of horse-drawn vehicles due to lack of gasoline. 3 v. Thru: Command Channels. The change was made in accordance with a 2012 Army chief of staff directive. Enlisted at Oswego, to serve Casualties of the 137th Infantry for the two days fighting were 13 killed, 61 wounded and 6 missing on Monday 17 July 1944, and 11 killed, 57 wounded and 7 missing on the 18th. Pearson, Bob L. - Service Company, 3rd Battalion, 137th Innfantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division - Submitted by Jeffrey Pearson (son) Plunge, Jr., Adam M. - B Company, 10th Armored Infantry Battalion, 4th Armored Division - Submitted by Robert Williams (grandson) Attached to 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 6th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to December, 1862. It reached Eagle Pass, Texas on 7 July. In April, 1864, the corps number was changed to the 20th, Gen. Hooker being placed in command. Available online 16 JULY 1944 On Sunday, 16 July 1944, the battle slowed down considerably. Civil War diaries, 1857-1863. In compliance with letter, above subject, Headquarters First United States Army, the following Battle History Reports of the 137th Infantry for the month of July 1944, is submitted; copy of Daily Journal for combat period is enclosed as separate inclosure. "Burt." It represents the baton of a marshal of France. The Order is the highest decoration in France and is divided . 30-31 July 1944 On the 30th the regiment was organized into Task Force S, under the command of Brigadier General Sebree. During the night of 11 July 1944, the 1st and 2nd Battalions were in position for the attack, with Company G in reserve. Subject: Action Against Enemy, Reports After/After Action Reports. Since arriving in France, the 137th Infantry had suffered 1,183 casualties, consisting of 177 killed, 946 wounded, and 40 missing in action. These entries cover in some detail the construction of field works and battle actions at Peach Tree Creek. The 3rd Battalion pushed on to Highway 3 southwest of St. Gilles, where they were held up by machine gun fire, mines and booby traps. Their fresh troops made gains up to 1500 yards during the day. Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System,,_Pennsylvania_Infantry&oldid=4771195. For example, by the end of January, 1945, the 47 th Infantry Regiment (which fought in France and Germany) had lost well over 100% of their strength to battle casualties, where men were either killed, wounded, missing, or taken as prisoner of war. Clearing the area boosted the number of prisoners captured to 54 for the 19th. Headquarters Company . During its wartime service, the regiment had 3 officers and 19 enlisted men killed in action. rank, Army Serial Number, and medals and awards earned by the soldier. It includes personnel lists for the following; 35th Division Commanding Officers; 134th, 137th, and 320th Infantry Regiments; 60th Engineer Combat Battalion; 127th, 216th, and 219th Field Artillery Battalions; 35th Infantry Division Headquarters Company; 35th Recconnaissance Troop; and the 35th Quartermaster Company. The 137th suffered 2 men killed and 3 wounded due to this friendly fire incident. of Infantry. LeighColl Bk 4: 20 The 3rd Battalion moved 500 yards before being held up by machine gun fire. This richly illustrated book chronologically describes the course of Operation Overlord through 357 specific events. The gallant defense of Culp's hill by Greene's brigade, and the terrible execution inflicted by its musketry on the assaulting column of the enemy, form one of the most noteworthy incidents of the war. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Eggleston, Amb. Jeffers, Ira S.Letter, 11 May 1863 Between 8 and 27 June of that year, it also provided riot control during labor troubles at copper mines in Baxter Springs. 137th New York Infantry, Co.K.Letters (1862-1863). Advanced Scuba Diver; He was of great assistance to the Battalion Commander in keeping him informed, and he helped reorganize his own company after the Company Commander and Executive Officer had become casualties. Boston : J.E. Willson records his experiences on Gen. William T. Sherman's march from Atlanta to Savannah on the Georgia coast. 13 JULY 1944 On 13 July 1944, the regiment attacked at 0800, with the 3rd & 2nd Battalions again leading. After being pinned down by deadly machine gun fire for over two hours, Lieutenant Simpson saw his opportunity when an artillery barrage forced the German machine gunner to take cover for a brief instant. Also includes commissions of appointments to officer ranks. 397th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division Rufus Dalton was at the Maginot Line bouncing mortar shells off an old citadel. [1], When the US declared war on Germany on 5 April 1917, companies were increased in size from 60 to 150 men, then eventually, to 250 men. At 0945, Lt. Accession 40908. The Legion of Honour, or in full, the National Order of the Legion of Honour (French: Ordre national de la Lgion d'honneur) is a French order established by Napoleon Bonaparte, First Consul of the First Republic, on 19 May 1802. Gettysburg: Historical Articles of Lasting Interest. Our 1st Battalion turned back a strong German counterattack at noon. To : The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D. C. Thru: Command Channels. Book/Printed Material A short history and illustrated roster of the 112th infantry, army of the United States, Colonel George C. Rickards commanding, 1917 . High among these was the heroic action of Technical Sergeant Frank A. Gonzales of Augusta, Kansas, a Platoon Sergeant in Company I. An alert 3rd Battalion observer watched 45 Germans, with full equipment, enter a house northeast of St. The Germans had fallen back across the river opposite our own forces, and to positions south of St. 17 items. [1] Many of the enlisted soldiers and most of the Regiment's Officers were sent to Vietnam as replacements to regular army units. On 20 July, Company C put on a successful raid of its own against the enemy. FORT RILEY, Kan. - The Kansas Army National Guard's 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 137th Infantry Regiment, "First Kansas," redesignated as the 1st Battalion, 635th Armor Regiment during a virtual ceremony Oct. 17. The gold baton was awarded to the regiment by the French War Department commemorating the 137th's capture of the historic town of Varennes in the 1918 Meuse-Argonne offensive. [1] The regiment was assigned to the 35th Infantry Division, just as it had been during World War I, and was sent to Camp Joseph T. Robinson, near Little Rock, Arkansas. With the first action, in which the Regimental Commander was wounded, 1st Lieutenant Harry C. Simpson of Bozeman, Montana, distinguished himself by pulling to safety Lieutenant Guinessy and rendering first aid which no doubt saved the life of the wounded officer. 137th Infantry Regiment - August 1944 After Action Reports 35th (US) Infantry Division - Battle of Normandy Headquarters 137th Infantry Regiment APO #35, New York 31 August 1944 Subject: Action Against Enemy, Reports After/After Action Reports. Callendar based on the book "35th Infantry Division Roster POE to POE". Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Scofield, William S.William H. Scofield letters,1865. By 2300, the 3rd Battalion had pushed through to the initial objective, with Company L reported in the vicinity of la Roque. An enemy counterattack forced the 3rd Battalion back to its original position at 2200. Orders for 137th Regiment to assemble and commission of Richard F. Blydenburgh as Quartermaster, 1828; certificate of promotion of Thomas Young, 1808; certificate of exemption for Richard F. Blydenburgh, 1863; roster of the Smithtown Home Defense Corps and roll of honor of members gone to U.S. Army and Navy, 1917-1918; Civil War muster roll, 1862; and typescript "Long Island and the Civil War" by Joseph Covas, 1972; photocopy of Special Federal Census Schedule of Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines and Widows, etc. New York Infantry Regiment. Introduction; Title Page; INTRODUCTION. Gale, Andrew H.Civil War letters and diary of Andrew H. Gale of the 137th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. Sergeant Spengler, attached to Company F, at 1000 on 11 July ignored enemy machine gun and sniper fire and left the concealment of hedges to follow a wounded soldier and remove him from an open field, undoubtedly saving the mans life. [3], 1 September saw the regiment moved by truck from the Vosges Mountains to Nancy and then into reserve for the Saint-Mihiel attack of 1216 September. A wounded member of the crew was still in the tank, and Staff Sergeant Volk and Sergeant Blankenship, also of Company A, both lay wounded near the tank. It is famous for accomplishing a similar feat to the 20th Maine Infantry Regiment during the Battle of Gettysburg on the second day at the other end of the United States' line. Loren Tuller, 60th New York Infantry. (Enlisted man's letters, Dec 25, 1863 & Dec 24, 1864). T. Ryan who served in Company L of the 137th Infantry Regiment. 106 pages. After receiving enemy bombing during the night, the regiment attacked in column of battalions at 0618, with the 3rd Battalion leading and the 1st following at 300 yards. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database lists 1,095 men on its roster for this unit. Scofield writes to his father "Camp in the pines, three miles from Sister's Ferry, Savannah River, Georgia," in the third letter, explaining that he thinks his troops should have been permitted to remain and guard Savannah since they captured the city. [2] On 31 March, the regiment entered Malolos, the capital of the First Philippine Republic. Located at the Smithtown Historical Society, Smithtown, NY. The 137th continued to advance through the heavy fighting, alongside the 134th Infantry Regiment, and pushed the enemy back, south and east from Saint-L. It brought 456 men to the field. Transcriptions only. Letter written at camp near Aquia Creek, Virginia that contains news about Company I in the aftermath of the battle at Chancellorsville, Virginia. The 3rd Battalion remained in reserve in a switch with the 1st Battalion shortly after midnight. Many of the wounded had returned to duty, and these and new replacements totaled 826. (Enlisted man's letter, Oct 25, 1862). 28 JULY 1944 On the 28th, the 35th Division became part of V Corps, and resumed the attack at 1000. Compared to this was the woeful lack of supplies suffered by the Germans. Incls: Journal and Supporting Papers July 1944 (1 copy), 319.1 1st Ind RGC/mla (31 Jul 44) HQ 35TH INF DIV, APO 35, U S Army, 14 Aug 44, TO: Commanding General, XIX Corps, APO 270, U S Army. The diary concludes with the 60th New York on their campaign into North Carolina and the surrender of the Confederate army of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston. Obtained from 2nd Brigade Field Artillery - Brigadier General A. J. Bowley . ( North Culp's Hill tour map ) It was dedicated by the State of New York in 1888. 137th Infantry Regiment Nickname: Ironclads Mustered in: September 25, 1862 Mustered out: June 9, 1865 The following is taken from New York in the War of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. They were meeting heavy artillery and mortar fire along their entire front. He then led his platoon to clear out the remaining two nests. (Enlisted man's diary, Jun 25-Jul 5, 1863). Company C encountered some machine gun fire, and called for Tank Destroyers to take out blockhouses, which they spotted. The Division objective at this time was the high ground east and north of Torigni sur Vire. The regiment soon arrived in England on 25 May 1944, and then into the frontline in Normandy on 8 July 1944. B Company (armor): Lenexa. A Company drew men from Atchinson, B Company came from Emporia, C Company enlisted men from Council Grove, D Company hailed from Dodge City. Westminster, Md. - Silver Star Medal; SWA - Seriously Wounded in Action; WIA - Wounded in Action. 6 enemy prisoners were taken. C Company (mechanized infantry): Wichita. 106, [2] p. 1 item. 17-18 JULY 1944 On Monday, 17 July the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 137th Infantry jumped off at 0430, an earlier hour than had been customary previously. This neutralized the first nest. NorwichCWRTColl (Chaplain's letter to father of Charles H. Williams, informing him of Sgt's death). Colonel Alexander, 1st Battalion Commander, was wounded and Lt Colonel Stowers assumed command of the battalion. The regiment was reorganized and officially mustered into service between 9 May and 13 May at Topeka, Kansas, as the 20th Kansas Volunteer Infantry. The units operated the M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle and the Army's main battle tank, the M1A2 SEP V2 Abrams.[12]. An additional 11 enlisted men died of wounds received in battle. Thank you to LTC Ben Gardiner for recommending this resource. The 3rd Battalion, on the right, had established contact with forces on the strongly held road junction of Highways 2 and 3. The 137th Infantry took every objective assigned it, but in the taking suffered casualties of nearly 1,300 men out of the 2,800 combatants engaged; 46%. With the attack scarcely begun, Colonel Layng was wounded in the face and leg by machine gun fire at 0715. With the tempo of the battle decreasing, acts of heroism and miraculous achievements by individuals and units of the 137th Infantry began to come to light. On this day our losses were 9 killed, 11 wounded and 1 missing. The actual surrender of Savannah was not recorded by Willson, but the subsequent march from that city to Columbia, S.C., received many entries. At 1500 10 July 1944, the Division order was issued, and at 1700 Colonel Grant Layng issued to the 137th Infantry Officers Field Order No. No large gains were made by any battalion during the day. 137th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry Contents 1 Brief History 2 Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin 3 Other Sources 4 References Brief History [ edit | edit source] This regiment was organized at Harrisburg August 25, 1862, and ordered to Washington, D. C. It mustered out June 1, 1863. Roster. With the 3rd Battalion established 200 yards north of Highway 2, main road to St. A Typical AEF Infantry Regiment The 147th Infantry, 37th "Buckeye" Division Contributed by Tom McLeod: Regimental Victory Parade in Cincinnati, 1919. . The regimental crest is a shield with a blue back-ground edged with gold. Abbreviations contained in this database It lost 7 officers and 111 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 1 officer and 96 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. On Tuesday, 2nd Lt. Eugene A. Kay of 2504 East 28th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, was shot down near Rampan, and wounds suffered by 2nd Lt. John Matraszek of 3013 Richmond Street, Philadelphia proved fatal. Therefore current 137th soldiers today wear a crest WITHOUT the five battle stars earned in World War II which looks "empty" to old timers. The 137th New York Infantry Regiment lost 6 officers and 121 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 4 officers and 163 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. Bloomer, Hiram. 137th Infantry Regiment Valor For Service (Kansas National Guard) Chronology : 23 December 1940 inducted into federal service at Wichita Kansas assigned to the 35th Division and moved to Camp Joseph T. Robinson Arkansas 7 January 1941 Transferred to Fort Ord California 23 December 1941 and to the Presidio of San Francisco California 14 Jan 1942 If you find that the veteran is absent from the base, you can save it by clicking here (*) DUC/PUC (Army) 18-21 nov 44 (3rd Bn, 137th inf cit WD GO 11 1946), DUC/PUC (Army) 10 dec 44 (F Co, 137th inf cite WD GO 20 1946), 23 December 1940 inducted into federal service at Wichita Kansas assigned to the 35th Division and moved to Camp Joseph T. Robinson Arkansas 7 January 1941, Transferred to Fort Ord California 23 December 1941 and to the Presidio of San Francisco California 14 Jan 1942, Sent to Long Beach California 23 April 1942 and to Camp San Luis Obispo California 2 February 1943, Relocated to Camp Rucker Alabama 31 March 1943 and to the Tennessee Manoeuvre area 17 November 1943, Arrived at Camp Butner North Carolina 21 January 1944 and staged at Camp Kilmer New Jersey 3 May 44 until departed New York P/E 12 May 1944, Arrived England 25 May 1944 and landed in France 8 July 1944 (attached to 4th Armoured Div 20-24 August 1944), Entered Germany 18 November 1944 and crossed into Belgium 27 December 1944, Returned to France 18 January 1945 and re-entered Germany 5 February 1945, Crossed into Holland 23 February 1945 and returned to Germany 26 February 1945 (attached 30th Infantry Division 14 April 1945 only). The 30th Division attacked in their sector on July 25th, following a terrific air attack on enemy lines at 1100. - Died of Wounds; DSC - Distinguished Service Cross; GCM - Good Conduct Medal; Private 1st Class Leonard L. Coffman of Waukesha, Wisconsin, and Private 1st Class Cofford S. Goza of Avans, Georgia, both of Company M, have been recommended as deserving of the Silver Star for their rescue of an injured soldier of the 219th Field Artillery Battalion who was enveloped in the flames of a burning quarter-ton truck after a direct hit from enemy artillery.

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137th infantry regiment roster